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General Discussions

Clown's addons

Member Posts: 129
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

I think the rework was nice, and he is stronger than before, but I wanna talk about 3 of his addons.

Cigar box: why would I want a survivor to see their teammates auras?

VSH porn: I know this is more of a fun addon, or an addon that MAYBE in the beginning of the match could somehow bait a survivor to run into a tonic gas and get slowed down, but I feel like it’s going to confuse me more during the match than them, I feel like this is useless

Pinky finger: why was this not changed/removed but the exhaustion one(old Solvent jug) was?

(edit: b4 I literally wrote a whole ass essay)

Post edited by idektbh on

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  • Member Posts: 1,031

    Cigar Box: If a survivor is downed at a pallet you could just throw an antidote bottle, and if survivors are hanging around you can use your speed to chase them away.

    VHS Porn: If you don't like the add on then that's fine, you don't really need it. But for me this add on is so much fun to use, I even went against a Clown who was using this and he even confused me with the antidote being thrown at me.

    Redhead's Pinky Finger: They could have done something different with this add on, I propose the idea of making Clown undetectable once he enters his gas clouds for a certain amount of time. The only reason to use this add on is with the Fingerless Parade Gloves, which changes your arc to make it easier to hit survivors with the bottle.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    I’m just speculating here, but i‘m fairly certain Antidote Clouds behave the same as Tonic Clouds.

    My meaning being that the timer for when Invigorated starts counting down doesn’t start until AFTER leaving the gas AoE. Thus Spirit of Hartshorn allows the player passing through the cloud to be Invigorated slightly longer because the 5 second countdown doesn’t start till leaving the cloud (this is just theory based on how the Tonic clouds work).

    So, again in theory, Spirit of Hartshorn + Garish Make Up Kit should extend Invigorated quite a lot.

  • Member Posts: 129

    Okay cigar box now makes much more sense, idk how I didn't realized that I could also see the auras jeez, than cigar box is actually awesome

    For VSH, I guess I'll have to try it

    Wow I actually like that idea about pinky finger.

    Almost every killer has an iridescent that looks useless but it's actually fun to use when u have a plan and specific builds combined to take advantage of it. But clown is just, insta down, yey, I can't really bring myself to use it.

    Same for Middle Finger, before the rework, I kinda liked it, but now, why would I use it when I have cigar box?

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    As others said Survivors don't typically get to use the yellow gas unless they want to walk right into clowns arms so this bassicly reads as free aura reading for you. It's very strong actually

    Cigar box: for the giggles. It would have been interresting if it actually switched the gasses along with the color. So that the yellow gas with the 2.5 seconds delay slows and the purple one gives you the speed boost without delay. Would be a interresting other way to play.

    Pinky finger is indeed a shame. but it's not that bad. I'm way more afraid of clowns using their bottles actual effect then the clowns that try to fish for that exposed status.

  • whats wrong with pinky finger? it's like survivors just complain about any killer getting exposed.

    Its hard to aim and only lasts for a few seconds when it does hit, most clowns have to get up close, aim for a few seconds, and perhaps even make multiple throws. It's really no different from having hillbilly or old LF hovering behind you with the chainsaw. People are only freaking out because it radically changes clown. When you look at it in the grand scheme of things it's really not overpowered.

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    Honestly Tattoo's Middle Finger is such a bad add on for an ultra rare, Cigar Box is a purple add on and it does the aura reading even better than Middle Finger. @NotQueen @Peanits can we potentially get a change for Clown's Ultra Rare add ons at some point? Everyone can agree about Tattoo's Middle Finger being pointless, but why did Redhead's Pinky Finger never get changed!?

  • Member Posts: 673

    I really appreciate the name, people crapping on clown is like when people used to crap on Hag (who was also actually very strong before her buffs, but since then only ever gets complained about)

  • Member Posts: 713

    Even if this is true, this effect is too insignificant. I would be much more satisfied with old 10% ether effect.

    Totally agree.

    >but why did Redhead's Pinky Finger never get changed!?

    Maybe because this addon is fine? To wish for a change to one of the best and ultra-rare addons that aren't even OP like iri hatchets - I don't believe you're really a Clown main.

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    Giving killers that don't have instadown abilities, instadown add ons doesn't make for good balance imo. The add on is so pointless running you'd be better of running Kerosene Can. Also since I don't like Pinky Finger because it has instadowns means I'm not a Clown main, so I guess people who main Huntress that don't like Iridescent Head aren't actual Huntress mains? I'm sorry but that logic is absolutely delusional

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Maybe because this addon is fine? To wish for a change to one of the best and ultra-rare addons that aren't even OP like iri hatchets - I don't believe you're really a Clown main.

    Hmm,a killer with strong anti-loop AND an instadown just isn't balanced.

  • Member Posts: 713

    >I'm sorry but that logic is absolutely delusional

    Only if you forget how these addons differ in strength.

    Have you ever tried to implement this addon in practice? Hit survivor directly with the bottle? If this is not a survivor with 100-300 hours in the game, of course.

    Yes, you need to hit him after being poisoned. After the last patch, effect disappears only after healing.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    It's not that hard,considering you can get up to 6 attempts AND the new survivor movement makes it easier to hit them

  • Member Posts: 129

    This. I mained clown before, and now huntress, and I absolutely despise both insta add-ons, it doesn't make me any less of a main.

    It's not THAT hard, after the first bottle throw, if u miss, they will be slowed down anyway and much easier to hit with the next bottle(s)

  • Member Posts: 273

    Its a real shame Clown's red addons weren't changed. I was really hoping for more creative ones as I find both to be very bland, both aura reading and exposed seem to be the go to effects when the devs can't think if anything else more imaginative. I also believe RHPF to be poorly designed.

    I think it would have been great to have one red addon for his pink gas, and one for his yellow. Hopefully they go back to them though i'm not counting on it.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Ether 10% volume added an additional 0.66 seconds of intoxication to the 2 seconds of intoxication outside of the Tonic gas AoE.

    Clown travelling 4.6m per second, survivor reduced to 3.4m per second for 2.66 seconds = Clown closing an additional 1.596 metres.

    Clown instead Invigorating himself lasts 5 seconds (and, in theory, that timer doesn’t start also till Clown is out of the gas AoE).

    Invigorated Clown travelling 5.06m per second for 5 seconds, survivor travelling 4.0m per second = Clown closing an additional 2.3 metres.

    These might seem like small differences, but remember that Clown can inflict these effects multiple times, and can now make sure he is Invigorated while a survivor is intoxicated at the same time.

    Whether my theory about Antidote gas AoE is correct (I.e. works the same as Tonic gas), Spirit of Hartshorn remains a better add on than Ether 10%.

  • Member Posts: 624

    The problem is you don't have to aim well. All you have to do is get them in the gas period, and when they are hindered you smack them with a bottle directly for the one shot. It is incredibly brainless, no one uses it from a distance, just like with Iri Heads, the danger is significantly worse with proximity.

  • umm no?

    There is some trickery in aiming, I've watch many a multi-thousand hour try-hard streamer struggle to land bottles consistently. The gas also isn't that powerful and pallets are close, by the time clown catches up you'll likely be near a pallet and if he's going to go for the exposed it can slow him down. If he gets you out in the open yeah you're going down.....but then hillbilly and leatherface exist. Their instadowns are even easier to aim lol

  • Member Posts: 3,477

    I played a game yesterday with Clown only using antidote all game with new Solvent Jug and Cigar box and Tinkerer, Pop and I got 3k against red rank survivors. It was pretty good I could see them a lot with Cigar box and get to gens pretty fast with the antidote.

    Pinky finger is not that strong so I guess they looked at statistics and simply kept it.

  • Member Posts: 36

    Cigar box is nutty and idk how the devs made another broken aura reading add-on after how they added and then balance Blights compound 21.

  • Member Posts: 713
    edited February 2021

    "New movement" in beta test now. This will surely change.

    >It's not THAT hard, after the first bottle throw, if u miss, they will be slowed down anyway and much easier to hit with the next bottle(s)

    What prevents from staying near windows and pallets?

    >What game are you playing?

    The one into which you play "rarely".

    >I rarely play Clown

    I'm not surprised. And I played thousands of matches on him. Maybe you shouldn't base your conclusions on baby-survivors, which running in a straight line and not looking back?

    >it's easier than hitting a Huntress hatchet.

    Don't make me laugh. Only if you are a bad Huntress with a bad aim. Trajectory of bottle is much less stable, in addition, after bottle hit, you need to have time to inflict a weapon hit.

    "In theory". But even so, I don't think that distance traveled in the accelerating gas changes anything significantly. This is too little in practice. In few places it will be convenient for you to change the trajectory of movement so that you pass through a full cloud.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Probably because Antidote can’t be mindlessly spammed, otherwise there’s risk of just giving survivors advantages.

  • Member Posts: 129

    When u r looping something u will eventually have to leave the loop and go to go to another one, and when that happens is when he can instadown u easily. Oh, and it's clown, he doesn't get slowed down for aiming his bottle and he can finish loops much faster, and reduce A LOT the distance u have to get to another loop, which means ur first loop shouldn't even last long and u can't even get to another one (usually) I don't understand how u don't see a problem.

    U compared Billy and Bubba to him. They both have instadown yh, but they take longer to catch u in loops, uk why? Because they can't slow u down, and because whenever they use their chainsaw they are the who get slowed down (while charging it that is) which makes it hard to use in loops bc it let's survivors gain distance, not a whole lot, but is distance enough to let them get to something, let it be a loop or an object they can play with. Also, if you hit something, you get hard penalized and lose a lot of distance. Clown tho? If he misses, survivors get slowed down anyway an has I said b4 easier to hit directly with the bottle.

    I still think it's easy to land hits directly with bottle, idk what streamers u watch but that really isn't an argument, I can tell u that a streamer I watched yesterday landed a bunch of them easily to test something with the antidote bottle, or another streamer that I usually watch, when playing clown, he casually and "accidentally" lands the bottles on them too, even though he's just playing him normally.

  • Member Posts: 713

    Rarely play and have enough experience - sounds funny.

    >because I'm always hitting them on the majority of my games

    As I said, baby survivors don't count.

    >Idk but I find it very hard to believe you played "thousands" of matches on him if you think it's hard to do it.

    Fifth place in the world at the moment on dbd playerstats. Parameter "Survivors downed while Intoxicated".

    >When u r looping something u will eventually have to leave the loop and go to go to another one, and when that happens is when he can instadown u easily

    When that happens, you have time to get to another loop while he breaks the pallet. I can't describe it in more detail, Eng is not my main language, it will take too much time. I didn't say it would be easy, but this is property of the red addon - it must be strong.

    >I still think it's easy to land hits directly with bottle, idk what streamers u watch but that really isn't an argument, I can tell u that a streamer I watched yesterday landed a bunch of them easily to test something with the antidote bottle, or another streamer that I usually watch, when playing clown, he casually and "accidentally" lands the bottles on them too, even though he's just playing him normally.

    I have played many games with this addon and have some experience playing against. In both cases, it was not easy for killer, except when weak survivors were against.

    About the streamer you saw. First. When the rank system was simplified and ruin are nerfed, a lot of weak survivors got into high ranks. It is easy to get into them ANYWHERE. Just because they are weak. But you will very quickly feel difference when you come across normal survivors. Second. An experienced killer usually has good skill in complex action, so this can look easy. But this is the result of his experience. So this result is normal. So if you play a lot of games with this addon, you will see that it is much more difficult than it look like.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Cigar box is just discount compound 21. You're supposed to use it for yourself, but as it's a mobility buff and not a chase buff, it's not a very good one.

    VHS porn is another one of those "screw you" perks, like lo-pro chains getting people through pallets. Always fun to bamboozle some unsuspecting victims.

    Couldn't agree more on the pinkie finger. #CancelRedhead'sPinkieFinger

  • Member Posts: 129

    I get ur points but idk. Having in mind it’s rare to get a team(solo) full of actually good survivors, by ur logic, this addon could and would(and actually does) completely demolish soloq players, otherwise it’s “ok” and hard to use, I don’t think that should really be the way to go imo, but guess we will have to agree to disagree.

    Anyway, apart from all the “strong or not” stuff, I think it’s a kinda of an unhealthy addon for the game, but there’s plenty of unhealthy things already still around so whatever

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