why does every chapter come out favor survivor and is filled with bugs being negative to killer

this game will never be balanced I dont even remember the last time I played killer, trapper is in some crappy state from when the game was in a diff era and the only changes he got are nerfs lol
I used to think League of legends balance was bad or Rainbowsix but atleast they try
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Trapper was only in a good state when survivors still ran spine chill and premonition (aka when the game was more survivor sided in technicality and more broke). Since the game has evolved his kit has become outdated and needs an update. BHVR shouldn't have nerfed him you're right but the RNG change was ultimately appropriate.
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Bold statement considering the very last big update which heavily favoured killers to the point where it fixed the problems of survivor queue times...
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Chapters usually come with more killer than survivor bugs because a chapter releases with a new killer. Knowing BHVR's... I don't want to call it ineptitude so I'm gonna say rocky coding foundation; knowing BHVR's rocky coding foundation implementing a new killer, especially with very complex game mechanics (case and point: the Twins) usually killers are very buggy.
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Bugs come out for both sides. Survivor's bugs are just fixed right away
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Nonsense. Bugs are fixed when they are ready to be fixed. This can be Killer-Bugs or Survivor-Bugs. You may argue that Killer Bugs are harder to fix, because Killers are different, but thats about it.
Autohaven Bus was fixed in 4.5.1, Map even disabled before. Desync-Issues were only fixed in 4.5.2... So Killer Bug got first avoided and then fixed earlier than the Survivor Issue.
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And sound has been broken for how long?
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It is whatever? I dont have any sound problems, but you can imagine that those Bugs are hard to fix.
Or do you think that BHVR should keep other Bugs in the game up until the point they are able to fix sound issues?
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That's not what I said.
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Then why do you bring the sound issues up? If BHVR would be able to fix them, they would have done it. Its nonsense to think that survivor-bugs get fixed first, especially when there is a recent example against this.
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Didn't we literally just have a midchapter that made survivor so unplayable the que times actually swapped?
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With the exception of survivors being silent on the ground, sound isn't broken. Not that I think making footsteps almost impossible to hear was a good decision, but neither was making half the pallets in the reworks almsot worthless.
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Wow now, that's some radical thinking there. It's proven far more effective to complain about dev bias. That's the kind of feed back that truly makes a difference.
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Tunnel vision
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There are sound issues on both sides though and they already tried to fix the silent slugs and are actively asking for help from the community because they can’t recreate it.
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Is this still the case for some people? Because for me, this was fixed months ago. The only soundbug I had recently was Elodie either being way too loud in screams or not screaming at all.
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There still seem to be people affected by silent slugs yeah. Some are more often affected than others.
And additionally I noticed Iron Will sometimes not working, either for me or a teammate when playing survivor, don’t know if the killer hears it as well. And no, Stridor was not used in those cases.
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I just had that in a trial an hour ago. Got a lot of salt in the endgame chat, too, because the Dwight that bled out thought I was BMing (he was 3 feet away in some bushes when I alt tabbed out).
I felt bad, but what the hell can you do? Advantages can backfire.
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I bring it up because it's a bug that never got fixed. So what survivor bug has been in a game for over 3 years?
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Silent slugs, breathing sounds, footsteps. Should I go on?
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What's wrong with hitboxes?
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But again, what is your point? It is not fixed because BHVR has not found a way to fix it yet. Not because it is a Killer-Bug. If they would know how to fix it, they would have done it.
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Thank you. Like I said, I did not have this Bug for a long time.
Another Soundbug which just came to my mind when reading about Iron Will - sometimes I did not hear myself when the Killer had Stridor (I am running Iron Will), which resulted in me getting downed. I always "fixed" it by crouching once, but I dont know if this Bug is still in the game because I crouch automatically once I get hit by a Spirit.
Should pay attention to that one in a future game.
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because it pleases a larger portion of the playerbase.
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He's right you know, there's nothing wring with hitboxs. Desync is what's causing survivors to get from so far away.
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*looks at the hell that was the Twins release*
*looks at the server desync*
*looks at the QOL buffs that Trapper got this past year, including the ability to reset traps without picking them up*
Sure, bud. Sure.
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Bugs are bad for everyone. Both sides are often negatively affected by bugs. While bugs may give one side or another ez pz wins, it's not fulfilling and does nothing to challenge the player.
It's not about bugs benefitting one side or another. It's about how badly they mess up the health of the game and fair competition. A bad bug is a bad bug for both sides.
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Yes, do you? There was a dev stream 1-2 years ago where they explained and showed survivor hitboxes. Go take look
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This. What a ridiculous thread.
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buddy, this game has some of the worst hit boxes I’ve ever seen. Have you even played against the huntress? I get hit around corners every time I play against her. Ur delusional, lol
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How would you know if they didn't find a fix for it or they've been working on survivor bugs? If engine update would hurt survivor as much as it hurt killer, it would simply not go through. Desync issues have been resolved after one patch, meanwhile killer grabs have been bugged since dedicated servers were added.
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WHAT! Omg...🤣🤣🤣
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You seem to have a hard time grasping the difference between latency and hitboxes
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They explained that in the same stream.
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Hitboxes are fine. The reason why survivor's hibox is not the same as their body is because they use the same model, they don't want people to have an advantage when playing certain survivor and that would be an insane amount of work to remodel every single survivor that comes out
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Never forget to hold BHVR accountable for how badly and bug infested Binding of Kin was
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Nerfing Undying favoured Killers?
Or do you mean that bug that was heavily exagerated and already fixed?
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Doesn’t matter if it is fixed now, it was still favoring killers. Also just because there is one perk that got a (deserved) rework doesn’t mean the complete update was survivor sided.
or if it is: well guess what gets nerfed next chapter!
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Yes I did. You should to if you want to understand why hitboxes the way they are. It is not a bug, it is intended.
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It was a Bug. It was not intentional. You can´t say, that a patch favoured killers, when it was a heavy killer nerf and a bug that was never intended.
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well, did you read the title of the thread?
why should bugs favoring killers not count while bugs negative to killer do?
also when we are only speaking about nerfs/buffs: survivors get nerfs all the time, the DS change next chapter is a direct nerf based on killer-community feedback.
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Most of the bugs that came with 4.5.0 were already fixed. The ones that affected survivors as well as the ones that affected killers.
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I've been playing the game for a year now and I've ran into almost 4-6 bugs throughout my time, either I haven't noticed others, or I'm just lucky
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I come to terms that asymmetrical horror games are near impossible to balance due to community and role bias.
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That great. But doesn’t change the fact that the changes and bugs are not always negative for killers..
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The bugs affected both survivors and killers.
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You are confusing "bugs" with "ridiculous design features".
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I was playing spirit and the chase music kept getting cut in and out when I wasn't phasing. Also I heard a Feng Min moaning in pain even when she wasn't injured.
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very low quality bait
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Trapper definitely wasn't nerfed. He's much better to play as now. Like.. yeah, you can't have a survivor in a trap for 2 minutes. But you also get the tradeoff that survivors are very unlikely to escape on the first attempt. The tradeoff is 100% worth it, because now you have a chance to actually get to the survivor you downed.
And yeah, the last patch made the game extremely rough for survivors.