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If you don't want people to camp stop giving them additional kills

Member Posts: 5,923

I lost count how many killers got 3k instead of 1 because people think saving someone from Bubba or instadown in general is a good idea.

Instead of complaining about camping maybe do gens and get out? I understand If someone suicides on the hook the game becomes nearly impossible but if not you have time to do some gens. Stop crouching near the hook forever doing nothing and then come here to complain about camping.

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  • Member Posts: 5,499

    "But I had borrowed time."

  • Member Posts: 342

    Way to put your cheesy way to win by camping off on survivor players LOL. When people like you tunnel then camp it makes the game impossible and there are ALOT more of you then you think. In a 4 hour game play half of them tunneled and face camped,,,really c'mon??

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    If you do Gens, the camping Killer will get at max 2 Kills. The camped guy and most likely a NOED-Kill, because this Perk is so fair and fun /s.

    But if you crouch around the hooked guy, the Killer wins by doing exactly nothing. Really, when I get camped on the Hook, the worst thing I see are some Survivors crouching next to me, waiting for the Killer to go. "He will probably go away after 1 1/2 minutes of camping!"

    Against Campers, doing Gens and getting out is the best thing. If you throw yourself at the Camper, trading every Hook, this just results in the camping Killer getting Kills feeded to them.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Do you people have anything except baseless asumptions? I play survivor mostly now and I am red rank. Maybe become a better survivor instead of crying?

  • Member Posts: 5,923
  • Member Posts: 16,663

    I mean, I can understand them. Camping is never fun, especially not for the guy on the Hook. But there are more than enough situations where you cannot get the Survivor. Endless trading is one of them, at the very least the Killer gets lots of points and most likely at least one person will die anyway.

    Same with some camping Killers, you cannot save against a Leatherface or Freddy or when NOED is active. And I just hate to see that a potential 1K for the Killer turns into a 4K, because some Survivors cannot leave people behind (which is noble in some situations, but often enough dumb).

  • Member Posts: 342

    What about the killers who stand simply by you throwing bottles and slashing you LOL?

  • Member Posts: 342

    Again putting cheesy game play off on bad survivors LOL just dont face camp why is that so hard a concept,,its not a tactic to stand there and wait because you know people are going to try to help? I just dont get it its lazy cheap way to win.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Did you even read my thread? Where did I defend camping? I am just saying that people are rewarding it so there is more of it. If I loved to camp and a killer main would I be telling people to escape instead of giving me 3 or 4k?

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    BMing Killers should not exist, same for BMing Survivors. However, whenever a Killer complains about teabagging, I tell them to grow a thicker Skin, same goes for Survivors who get BMed by getting hit on the Hook.

    I personally count this one as a win, if the Killer gets mad enough to do that while I was not toxic at all, it seems like I did good enough for my team.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    You are not wrong. However, it is hard not to empathize with those that are stuck in this position. I honestly don't mind trading hooks. I know it rewards the camper, and often results in me just dying on first hook. But we are a team and I just hate to see someone's whole game destroyed.

    It is why I will take hits when someone is getting tunneled. Once again even if it results in my death. This is what is missing in solo q. The desire to risk our own health states to prevent someone else from getting tunneled/camped right out of the game.

    But you are correct, it is probably silly. And at end game I won't do it. I won't sacrifice a 3 man escape at that point.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    People are gonna facecamp. It's up to you to deal with it how you wish.

    OP is simply proposing a strategy to make face camping less effective, which if everyone adopted, you'd probably see less face camping.

    But yeah, you go and make assumptions about the OP, see where that gets you.

  • Member Posts: 563

    I know people have mentioned they attempted a pause to the hook timer but it was abused I don't know all the details on how it worked because I didn't play at that time. It's not out of the question they could pause it for a certain duration when certain conditions are met. We could discuss a way that would work.

    Say killer is within a certain range of a survivor coupled with depending on the range a survivor is within the hooked survivor. They could also make it extend hook timer by 15-30 seconds not an infinite amount. Heck the pause could not be activated if the killer is in a chase. It may be a lot of work but I believe it could be done. Camaraderie is already a thing I don't know if they would need to change it and/or work around it.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    While there is a point to be had, camping is something in this game that needs to be dealt with; it completely sucks the interactivity out of it, which is the entire ######### point of playing any videogame.

  • Member Posts: 563

    That's why I mentioned it wouldn't be paused if they were in chase. Do you recall the distance it wasn't paused or was it never specified?

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    The good old camping matches 😐️

    The most boring matches ever one poor soul doesn't get to play while the killer forces everyone else to sit on gens.

    Fun times 😂

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    I know I help the team whenever I can when it is possible but If I have to choose between one death and more I choose 1 even If I am the one sacrificied.

  • Member Posts: 563

    They could reduce the range and give it a timer before the hook pause would activate.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    If the killer wants to camp then they will it's as simple as that , at that point they only care about the one person on the hook so they probably aren't gonna care anyway about the rest until that one kill is secured but my point being they don't care about losing or they wouldn't be standing in front of the hook not pressuring the gens

  • Member Posts: 1,454
    edited February 2021

    God wish I would of recorded this... but I had a match were I got maybe 3 hooks till they did the 5th gen. I didn’t have noed. But I had stbfl at 8 stacks lol so I hooked 1 then another who had bt tried to unhook got hit then hit again cause of how fast I could hit. Grabbed the next and 2 hit the last. Person on hook died. Hooked another nearby then there was no hooks I could reach. So next one wiggled off I chased them down and hooked on other side of map. I closed hatch on the way back. And 4th died on the ground cause they decided to wait out their timer.

  • Member Posts: 56

    They don't mind people camping, it is part of the game and they give perks for it.

    What made you think they don't want ppl to camp?

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Can you read my post? You totally misunderstood it. I am talking about survivors getting killed or wasting time crouching trying to save camped person against an insta down instead of doing gens.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    Yeah ive gotten so much hatemail as "camping" as the killer where its unwarranted. My most 2 recent incidents were

    1. I hooked a survivor and 2 survivors were within 5 meters of the hook and no gens done. Id hit one and switch to the other and eventually downed both. Got messages that I was camper. I explained why would I leave hook when most of the team is at the hook and you guys won't leave. One survivor eventually agreed what I did made sense. It was nice to see

    2. Freddy's map I hooked a survivor in the school basement. As I would walk upstairs id see scratch marks going downstairs. Got 3k because I couldn't even leave the school.

    I agree general camping sucks but a lot of survivors need to understand what camping actually is and know that what they may perceive as camping just isnt the case.

    In short, Yeah camping sucks but don't always assume a killer is actually camping because they got to a hook fast or that they defend a hook against multiple people

  • Member Posts: 342

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