Afterpiece Antidote is so useless

bgbomb Member Posts: 434
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So yes i try the new ability for clown.

And i have to say it is so useless.

I am not complaing about it is too weak or it will buff survivor or etc etc.

In fact I don't even have a chance to see how strong or weak it is.

Because of the ######### stupid delay time for the gas to expand.

Do not say that you can't use it to speed up in chase or use it to "tactical guidance" or something else to gain advantage, you can't even speed up survivor even you throw right on their face.

This new ability is just so pointless and useless.



Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • N851
    N851 Member Posts: 27

    You wanna throw it as far as you can so you can get the best use out of it, bc you threw it so far by the time it forms you are about to pass right through it. I also find using it when in chase with a a survivor and they are too far ahead like they used sprint burst or something is really good bc it helps you close that distance and can help secure a hit. Try pairing with with tonic before or after the hit is also really good.

  • CriticalWeasel
    CriticalWeasel Member Posts: 378

    Often times afterpiece alone does not do enough to close the gap, however, when combined with antidote it can make impossible gap closers possible on most loops! It's actually really effective, sadly it seems most clowns don't know how to combo it.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited February 2021

    At long loops, throw the yellow bottle on 1 side of the loop, and the purple bottle on the other side. Start moving around through the yellow and you'll get sped up at the same time the survivor gets slowed down, making the speed difference actually kind of useful in catching survivors. There's nothing difficult or complex about it, it's that simple. It does help in a few areas but apart from that it's better to only use the purple stuff for loops that you don't need that extra distance on.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032
    edited February 2021

    I did manage a pretty sick play with clown where I used both bottles in tandem that secured me a down I wouldnt have gotten otherwise.

    was on a variation of badlam preschool, 3 of 4 survivors dead. both me and final survivor knew hatch was on the backside of killer shack where there's no door or window we both start running for it, he ahead of me after hitting him once. we are both running to the side of the shack with the window open. I throw a yellow bottle on the side of the window wall that doesn't turn into the killer shack pallet, then switch and throw a purple bottle through the window as he vaults. he gets slowed, I get hit with the yellow then because of the cigar box can see what hes doing but he cant see me cause hes intoxicated. I moonwalk with him to the pallet opening and curve around the door hitting him with a lunge before he can react since I was faster than normal. If I missed he would have stunned me and gotten hatch.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    I think every body was because it's the best video since he does a side by side showing you the bottles can get you hits you won't get with just purple; which means it's 100% clear they ARE useful sometimes if used correctly.

    What they need to do is let you change the tonics easier; almost every single thing in the game causes a "lock" on it which is aggravating. IT would reward quick thinking and good gameplay if you could just change them whenever you are not directly in an action.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Exactly, since sometimes using the tonic just won't work. But if used with the antidote then that is a free hit. And people seem to forget that increasing your movement speed especially by 10% also increases your lunge. He is still a trash killer though lol.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Don’t throw it at your feet!!!


    Throw it WAY ahead of you when you spot a survivor you intend to chase. It will be active by the time you pass through.

    Also, you CAN throw it at your feet at loops, then USE the 2.5 second delay to set up a tonic at a DIFFERENT part of the loop, then run through the Antidote and force the survivor through the Tonic.

  • Yeah it's useful and he was absolutely buffed, but I mean....he's still not a great killer haha.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    I disagree, ran in to a God tier clown yesterday, he was using both tonics to great effect, there was no escaping him

  • panernaners
    panernaners Member Posts: 243

    The problem is not the delay time its that you don't have anymore bottles to actually use the antidote ,but its not even a very big one because you can just get the extra bottle addons or the reload speed addon and now clown is a very solid killer.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    I don't think it's useless. I just think the applications where it shines are just very limited in scope.

    I think the main problem is that the yellow bottles do require skill to use usefully, but the reward for being successful with them is not that high which puts them in an awkward spot.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    I think that just changing the 2.5 second gray to yellow time lag to 1.5~2.0 seconds would be much better.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    It's a lot of extra work. It's like double blinking to hit a survivor when you can single blink and hit them.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    The main way I use it as either when I see a survivor that I intend on chasing but they're too far for my tonic, or when I'm breaking a pallet in a chase so I can get an extra boost once its destroyed.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,337
    edited February 2021

    I mean the first badham pallet is unsafe with every killer. T-L wall is also unsafe. It already has mindgame at one of the window. The other stuff he doesn't show or say is that you can throw 2 purple tonics and still get the same hit. for example fracture cowshed loop, you can throw 1 on each side, push the survivor into first cloud, than push the survivor into second cloud and they'll be hindered for entire duration. Also can apply to T-L wall in some instances. At the shack, you can medium vault the window on like 2/3 of the wall but he can also double back so you need to pay attention to red glow but I think most clowns will just walk forward in most cases.

    its big telltale that people need make videos to showcase that clown's power is useful. Look at freddy rework, it was immediately obvious that he was stronger killer after his change. I think clown's change was not made to make him stronger, it was made to LOWER his skill-floor and make him easier to play. what signs point to this? Reload buff making his bottles more spammable needing less precision and less punishment for missing i.e more newbie friendly and the fact that yellow bottle is conveniently only useful when the survivor is 15+ meters away meaning that new clown never needs to land long-range purple bottles ever. he can just throw yellow bottles for guaranteed speed-ups for same gap-close distance i.e more newbie friendly.

    Clown's problem was never that he was too hard. Clown's problem was that his ability had NO reward and that it encouraged survivors to play in such a way that is detrimental to the killer(Play safe). In reality, killers profit from survivors greeding loops because it allows them to mindgame in certain instances to get hits, e.g survivors looping a filler pallet one too many times resulting in a hit+pallet drop. If everyone just drops every safe pallet, than you do not get opportunity to mindgame the vast majority of loops hence you get no downs and no kill pressure along with bad early games i.e 3-4 gens in 1 hook.

    Here's the big kicker, most of the killers that people think are strong or were considered strong ALL punished early pallet droping

    Nurse (Does not care)

    Old billy(He had instantsaw and droping every pallet resulted in instant pallet breaks, else you get to face his curving)

    Spirit(Drop pallets are still unsafe because phase walk mindgames)

    Huntress(Recklessly dropping pallets will just result in axes during the pallet drop animation)

    Current leatherface(Instantly breaks pallets+punishes greeding looping)

    The other killers that get played a lot are meta driven(Freddy -Gen defense perks) or partially counter early pallet droping(Deathslinger,Oni,Doctor,)

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    That’s on you to figure out on the fly: the correct strategy to use in the moment. Because that’s what Clown is: a strategic killer.

    Just like sometimes it’s NECESSARY for Nurse to blink twice, it’s sometimes necessary for Clown to use 2 bottles, except now he can achieve a more effective result than simply using 2 tonics.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793