It's the aim of the game...

Okaythenn Member Posts: 47
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

Can anyone tell me why killer mains complain about survivors doing gens and hiding?

I just had a solo surv game 2 of us escaped and 2 died on hook the end of game chat the killer put

ez gen rushing and hiding all game = trash ez

doing gens is the only objective of survivors i don't get what you want? survivor to do one gen and then wait five mins to start the next one and in my opinion you can only gen rush as a SWF as you can all communicate on what gens you are on and what to do as solo you have no clue what gens people are on.

What makes it even better is them complaining of survivors hiding, if we can hide we will its not the aim to get hit or hooked ( plus this game there was chases, including with me not our fault if you cant keep up sometimes)

I just don't get why some killers complain about people doing gens especially when its all solo survivors. IT IS THE AIM OF THE GAME !


  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    That's dbd baby!

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    The same way survivor mains can complain when killers kill them. My only objective is to kill as a killer but when I do it very efficiently I get told that I'm the scum of the earth.

  • Okaythenn
    Okaythenn Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2021

    But there was chases and enough, it was a small map and it was spirit, if i can get out of a chase and hide especially injured i will.

    I dont want to extend my chase with them any longer then it needs to be.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Were there? If the killer was mad enough to complain about stealth, and you went out of your way to justify stealth, then it seems like maybe there weren't a lot of chases to be had.

  • Okaythenn
    Okaythenn Member Posts: 47

    The fact that they managed to get 2 kills with 3 hooks with both suggest there was enough chases.

    There are just some salty people that complain about anything in the game.

    They also stayed pretty closed to whoever was hooked so there definitely a chase plus us 2 that escaped got hooked at least once aswell.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    Well it does get to the point where its three prove thyselfs, a toolbox build and gens before friends

    I had three of these lobbies in five killer games today, only two of those matches were the same SWF. The other than was all randoms. I kid you not toolbox build and the three prove thyselfs and all.

    Now I'm not complaining but I kid you not 4 gens were done in three minutes, and as Wraith that's hard asf to cope with.

  • scottyj555
    scottyj555 Member Posts: 24

    Someone's having a bad day if you can't find people with Spirit. I respect good hiding abilities from Srv....but damn...

    Maybe dude (killer) needs to slow down a bit, have a coke and a smile, and stop zipping all over like the spirit usually does lol.

  • Abbatoir_Blues
    Abbatoir_Blues Member Posts: 47

    When I play killer, I don't care if I don't get a single kill, as long as I played and scored well, esp against a good swf. When I play survivor, I don't care if I don't escape, as long as I played and scored well, esp as a solo. Too many killers try to get a 4k asap, resulting in a boring, low-scoring game for everyone, and too many survivors try to slam 5 gens and peace out asap, resulting in a boring, low-scoring game for everyone. That there are so many players who are rabid about playing either role exclusively and who are blindly passionate about demonizing the opposing role is the biggest, voluntary absurdity of dbd and is the result of players, not game issues, not updates, not perks, nothing else. This game could be used as a diagnostic tool for personality disorders, the way a large portion of people play and behave in it. Don't pay attention to the sour grapes of the perpetual whiners on either side. They are the unfortunately present Karens and Kens of dbd, and they are inescapable in every facet of life.

  • floofysnake
    floofysnake Member Posts: 7

    Generally complaints about gen rushing as killer come from when the killer is at fault and didn't apply enough pressure. Sometimes this is the map/ games fault but usually the killer can do something to get survivors off gens. It can be pretty frustrating to lose all your gens without even seeing someone so when I play survivor I make a point to have a balance of hiding and starting chases.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    This is the argument within DBD when some want the game to be more hide and seek and have killer more of a power role.

    When they then meet a group of players who are stealthy and immersed they complain its not fun. The blendette comments have always been a prime example.

    The fun in DBD for the most part is in the chase and it's why stealth isn't rewarded as much as putting yourself in harms way. The devs do want interaction between the players but it's not something they force as they want the players to play how they wish too.

    So there is nothing wrong with a stealthy playstyle as just like camping it is part of the game, play how you wish and don't dwell on these type of comments.

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    Ngl I've seen that before playing solo and see 3 gens pop almost instantly. I automatically start running looking for the killer to make sure they're not being abused or anything and they get a hook and alway, always I either get unhooked in front of the killer (not a camping one, one that has left and chased another surv) or die on that first hook.

    Not complaining, just an observation on a "tactic" I've seen a lot.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    Doesn’t matter how you play on either side. If your opponents didn’t like you they’ll complain about literally anything.

  • Icebearbaby20
    Icebearbaby20 Member Posts: 1

    The same killers who complain about this, are the same killers that camp and tunnel 2 survivors the entire game

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    The fact you took the time to make this post means he got to you. Just ignore it. The important thing is having fun. They are just trying to bring you down beings they didn't get a 4k game.