if decisive strike is giving you problems...

EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
edited June 2018 in General Discussions
...you need to change your gamertag to garbo-monster and go play mario go-kart as that is your best hope for enjoying a videogame.  seriously, not that big of a deal.  if they can escape from you with a 3 or 4 second stun, you should be ashamed of yourself.


  • Catbucket
    Catbucket Member Posts: 335

    You do understand that they've already confirmed that its getting changed pretty heavily in the future right?

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    oh, indeed.  they must have been desperate to stifle the wails of bewilderment and discontent.  i am hoping to heap on sufficient shame from this fiasco to bide survivors some time before the game is next malformed to suit the playing ability of baddies.
  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    looping generally makes me park in a corner until the game is over.  preferable over quitting, i suppose.
  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,155

    I surprisingly don't have much trouble with Decisive Strike. Yeah, it's there, but I've only had like 3 out of 7 people with it actually make it. It's part of the game, so I just live with it. So they stun me. I just follow their tracks and find them pretty quickly.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    precisely my experience for the most part.
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    What game are you playing where Survivors are trying to escape with DS? They aren’t trying to escape, they are just going to run to the nearest Pallet in full view of me, then wait there so they can Loop some more. 

    They aren’t trying to escape, they are just stalling. If you use DS to just run to another Loop you might as well just admit you suck at jukes. You just let the game mechanics do all the work stalling the Killer for you, because you’re not good enough to hide or juke a Killer.
  • hMM
    hMM Member Posts: 121

    @EpicFailTryHard said:
    ...you need to change your gamertag to garbo-monster and go play mario go-kart as that is your best hope for enjoying a videogame.  seriously, not that big of a deal.  if they can escape from you with a 3 or 4 second stun, you should be ashamed of yourself.

    I agree with you. only time i had problems with d-strike is when i played against a speed hacker who i could have killed. I don't mind if i don't get the kill because after all it's just a game.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,194

    @Catbucket said:
    You do understand that they've already confirmed that its getting changed pretty heavily in the future right?

    If they keep the 'change' they showed us on their livestream you could call it a buff. Unfortunately.