Ranking system should revolve around the chase

Can we all agree that the survivors that are great at keeping the killer busy the whole match should face the killers that are best at ending a chase as fast as possible?
If so why not build the ranking system around chases?
Sure you can still get to rank 1 by doing gens and saving other survivors, as it is now, leave it like that. But once you're in a chase the outcome of that chase should impact the total points you get from all the emblems. You could setup several time thresholds.
Example: You get caught in less than a minute, you lose a lot of points that go towards the pip. You get caught in less than 2 minutes but more than a minute, you still lose points but less. You get caught after 2 minutes, you gain points. You get caught after 3 minutes, you gain even more points. And so on.
Same with killer.
You keep chases short but they gen rush you and you don't get to sacrifice anyone, you still pip.
Or, you can't catch anyone but you have NOED and Blood Warden and sacrifice all 4 survivors at the end, you don't pip.
This will help put players where they belong and lead to more balanced games. I really don't think there is any other way.
@Sinner said:
Can we all agree that the survivors that are great at keeping the killer busy the whole match should face the killers that are best at ending a chase as fast as possible?If so why not build the ranking system around chases?
Sure you can still get to rank 1 by doing gens and saving other survivors, as it is now, leave it like that. But once you're in a chase the outcome of that chase should impact the total points you get from all the emblems. You could setup several time thresholds.
Example: You get caught in less than a minute, you lose a lot of points that go towards the pip. You get caught in less than 2 minutes but more than a minute, you still lose points but less. You get caught after 2 minutes, you gain points. You get caught after 3 minutes, you gain even more points. And so on.Same with killer.
You keep chases short but they gen rush you and you don't get to sacrifice anyone, you still pip.
Or, you can't catch anyone but you have NOED and Blood Warden and sacrifice all 4 survivors at the end, you don't pip.This will help put players where they belong and lead to more balanced games. I really don't think there is any other way.
i hate the chase emblem i always get a ruthless because its silver even with a 4k because i get 3 hooks extremely fast then grab the last survivor and and mori him but unfortuantly games areonly 5 minutes long and the chase emblem screws me over.
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@friendlykillermain said:
@Sinner said:
Can we all agree that the survivors that are great at keeping the killer busy the whole match should face the killers that are best at ending a chase as fast as possible?If so why not build the ranking system around chases?
Sure you can still get to rank 1 by doing gens and saving other survivors, as it is now, leave it like that. But once you're in a chase the outcome of that chase should impact the total points you get from all the emblems. You could setup several time thresholds.
Example: You get caught in less than a minute, you lose a lot of points that go towards the pip. You get caught in less than 2 minutes but more than a minute, you still lose points but less. You get caught after 2 minutes, you gain points. You get caught after 3 minutes, you gain even more points. And so on.Same with killer.
You keep chases short but they gen rush you and you don't get to sacrifice anyone, you still pip.
Or, you can't catch anyone but you have NOED and Blood Warden and sacrifice all 4 survivors at the end, you don't pip.This will help put players where they belong and lead to more balanced games. I really don't think there is any other way.
i hate the chase emblem i always get a ruthless because its silver even with a 4k because i get 3 hooks extremely fast then grab the last survivor and and mori him but unfortuantly games areonly 5 minutes long and the chase emblem screws me over.
So basically you don't double pip and stay for longer with people that are below your skill range and have boring and less challenging matches?
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@Sinner said:
@friendlykillermain said:
@Sinner said:
Can we all agree that the survivors that are great at keeping the killer busy the whole match should face the killers that are best at ending a chase as fast as possible?If so why not build the ranking system around chases?
Sure you can still get to rank 1 by doing gens and saving other survivors, as it is now, leave it like that. But once you're in a chase the outcome of that chase should impact the total points you get from all the emblems. You could setup several time thresholds.
Example: You get caught in less than a minute, you lose a lot of points that go towards the pip. You get caught in less than 2 minutes but more than a minute, you still lose points but less. You get caught after 2 minutes, you gain points. You get caught after 3 minutes, you gain even more points. And so on.Same with killer.
You keep chases short but they gen rush you and you don't get to sacrifice anyone, you still pip.
Or, you can't catch anyone but you have NOED and Blood Warden and sacrifice all 4 survivors at the end, you don't pip.This will help put players where they belong and lead to more balanced games. I really don't think there is any other way.
i hate the chase emblem i always get a ruthless because its silver even with a 4k because i get 3 hooks extremely fast then grab the last survivor and and mori him but unfortuantly games areonly 5 minutes long and the chase emblem screws me over.
So basically you don't double pip and stay for longer with people that are below your skill range and have boring and less challenging matches?
exactly wheres the challenge? if only their was a rank further than 1
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@friendlykillermain said:
@Sinner said:
@friendlykillermain said:
@Sinner said:
Can we all agree that the survivors that are great at keeping the killer busy the whole match should face the killers that are best at ending a chase as fast as possible?If so why not build the ranking system around chases?
Sure you can still get to rank 1 by doing gens and saving other survivors, as it is now, leave it like that. But once you're in a chase the outcome of that chase should impact the total points you get from all the emblems. You could setup several time thresholds.
Example: You get caught in less than a minute, you lose a lot of points that go towards the pip. You get caught in less than 2 minutes but more than a minute, you still lose points but less. You get caught after 2 minutes, you gain points. You get caught after 3 minutes, you gain even more points. And so on.Same with killer.
You keep chases short but they gen rush you and you don't get to sacrifice anyone, you still pip.
Or, you can't catch anyone but you have NOED and Blood Warden and sacrifice all 4 survivors at the end, you don't pip.This will help put players where they belong and lead to more balanced games. I really don't think there is any other way.
i hate the chase emblem i always get a ruthless because its silver even with a 4k because i get 3 hooks extremely fast then grab the last survivor and and mori him but unfortuantly games areonly 5 minutes long and the chase emblem screws me over.
So basically you don't double pip and stay for longer with people that are below your skill range and have boring and less challenging matches?
exactly wheres the challenge? if only their was a rank further than 1
If only the survivors that are good in chases would be at rank 1, you would have your challenge.
Just proves my point, that ranking should be based on chases.
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@Sinner said:
@friendlykillermain said:
@Sinner said:
@friendlykillermain said:
@Sinner said:
Can we all agree that the survivors that are great at keeping the killer busy the whole match should face the killers that are best at ending a chase as fast as possible?If so why not build the ranking system around chases?
Sure you can still get to rank 1 by doing gens and saving other survivors, as it is now, leave it like that. But once you're in a chase the outcome of that chase should impact the total points you get from all the emblems. You could setup several time thresholds.
Example: You get caught in less than a minute, you lose a lot of points that go towards the pip. You get caught in less than 2 minutes but more than a minute, you still lose points but less. You get caught after 2 minutes, you gain points. You get caught after 3 minutes, you gain even more points. And so on.Same with killer.
You keep chases short but they gen rush you and you don't get to sacrifice anyone, you still pip.
Or, you can't catch anyone but you have NOED and Blood Warden and sacrifice all 4 survivors at the end, you don't pip.This will help put players where they belong and lead to more balanced games. I really don't think there is any other way.
i hate the chase emblem i always get a ruthless because its silver even with a 4k because i get 3 hooks extremely fast then grab the last survivor and and mori him but unfortuantly games areonly 5 minutes long and the chase emblem screws me over.
So basically you don't double pip and stay for longer with people that are below your skill range and have boring and less challenging matches?
exactly wheres the challenge? if only their was a rank further than 1
If only the survivors that are good in chases would be at rank 1, you would have your challenge.
Just proves my point, that ranking should be based on chases.
yeah its too easy to rank up as survivor literally just do ens.
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Yeah, it's really getting ridiculous. I mean rank 1 survivors are acting like rank 20s, can't even hit skill checks.
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Lol no , it's not even that hard to loop.
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It makes no sense whatsoever. Depip the guy who can run the killer for 5 gens so he can keep playing vs noob killers, instead of giving him 2 pips to go against someone that can actually catch him..
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2mins is a long chase dude... give you this it can be the normal at the beginning of the match if you run into the right person.. the average I would say is like 45 seconds to just over a min0
Just had a fellow survivor sitting on the edge of the exit with Blood Warden up, the killer behind pounding his head. He gets killed. Asks in lobby why he couldn't crawl out. I say Blood Warden and he doesn't know what it is. Meanwhile the killer had noed. How can you have noed at rank 1? This exemplifies perfectly the magnitude of the disaster that is the current ranking system.
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Looping a killer for 5 gens doesnt take skill. Ive done it many times without putting as much as just holding down shift+w and occasionally pressing space bar. Getting chased isnt the survivors objective, It is to escape which is why rank is based on the 4 fundmaentals of escaping a trial not just being able to run in circles for a couple of minutes.
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Such a phenomenally bad idea. Chase being the primary decider of rank completely discredits stealth as a legitimate gameplay tactic. I know many like to say it is already discredited, and I partially agree, but that is not the point here. The idea of the game is not to run up and toy with the killer. It is supposed to be to avoid the killer. If I can go an entire map without being seen while doing 2.5 gens, saving 2 people, destroying Ruin, Hope, and 2 other totems, and healing one person without there being anyone that was chased for more than 30 seconds, why should that be less value in ranking up than being chased? Makes zero sense. Especially since stealth is a much harder form of gameplay with all the aura perks. I can run without perks. It is just a matter of knowing the map and where to not go. Try keeping stealth all game with someone loaded for anti-stealth. It is not easy.
Chase is great, but it is only one aspect of the game. Should not have more weight than all others.
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Rank doesn't matter now because to many complained that ranking was hard. Now we have a system that doesn't sort by skill. Dev's should up the difficulty again and make emblems matter towards rank. Chase is fine for what it is now, but I don't want to be forced into chases just to gain the pip. Forcing people into that for ranking up is a kick in the nuts for anybody that prefers not to incite the killers attention. I like keeping it short and duck out of sight, don't make me run around like a wounded chicken for a rank up.1
@Sinner said:
Can we all agree that the survivors that are great at keeping the killer busy the whole match should face the killers that are best at ending a chase as fast as possible?If so why not build the ranking system around chases?
Sure you can still get to rank 1 by doing gens and saving other survivors, as it is now, leave it like that. But once you're in a chase the outcome of that chase should impact the total points you get from all the emblems. You could setup several time thresholds.
Example: You get caught in less than a minute, you lose a lot of points that go towards the pip. You get caught in less than 2 minutes but more than a minute, you still lose points but less. You get caught after 2 minutes, you gain points. You get caught after 3 minutes, you gain even more points. And so on.Same with killer.
You keep chases short but they gen rush you and you don't get to sacrifice anyone, you still pip.
Or, you can't catch anyone but you have NOED and Blood Warden and sacrifice all 4 survivors at the end, you don't pip.This will help put players where they belong and lead to more balanced games. I really don't think there is any other way.
I dont think you understand what the game is about.
I will give you a hint, they are called "survivors" and "killers", not "looper" and "chaser"
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you know, this is supposed to be a hide and seek game, so why should we build the rank up system around a game of tag?
lets face it: pallets were never ment to be a tool to loop and waste the killers time. they were supposed to break the direct LoS and give you the ability to hide again. same goes for windows.
besides that, the chaser emblem is pretty #########. ike, i end the round with a 4k, but barely get a chaser emblem due to the fact that i played billy and ended my chases twice as fast as a simple w+m1 killer like wraith would. or i trap them all with trapper and get no chaser emblem at all, even though i just made a 4k. or they screwed up really hard, so i downed them all 4 at the same time, hooked them and 4ked, ut got like a bronze chaser emblem, due to the game not being long enough and not having enough chases.
another point why i wouldnt like to see that is, that the survivors, if they do it right, are literally untouchable for you as the killer, as they always get a window / pallet in time to escape your grasp. sometimes, you just have to ignore one player for the whole round and attack the others, just because this one guy has his superloops ready anytime you see him (e.g. coaltower)...
so: i dont like the idea.1 -
This is the most overly confusing and flawed suggestion I’ve read. Still, obvious faults are good because anyone can correct them, this of course makes it easier for the devs.0
@Master said:
@Sinner said:
Can we all agree that the survivors that are great at keeping the killer busy the whole match should face the killers that are best at ending a chase as fast as possible?If so why not build the ranking system around chases?
Sure you can still get to rank 1 by doing gens and saving other survivors, as it is now, leave it like that. But once you're in a chase the outcome of that chase should impact the total points you get from all the emblems. You could setup several time thresholds.
Example: You get caught in less than a minute, you lose a lot of points that go towards the pip. You get caught in less than 2 minutes but more than a minute, you still lose points but less. You get caught after 2 minutes, you gain points. You get caught after 3 minutes, you gain even more points. And so on.Same with killer.
You keep chases short but they gen rush you and you don't get to sacrifice anyone, you still pip.
Or, you can't catch anyone but you have NOED and Blood Warden and sacrifice all 4 survivors at the end, you don't pip.This will help put players where they belong and lead to more balanced games. I really don't think there is any other way.
I dont think you understand what the game is about.
I will give you a hint, they are called "survivors" and "killers", not "looper" and "chaser"
I don't hardly ever agree with you but this hit the nail on the head, the game isn't call Ring around the sac Tree for a reason. If anything chases that max you out in 2 minutes shouldn't be a thing.
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######### are you guys on about?Yes, it's a hide and seek game, although with all the recent aura buffs to killers I am starting to doubt it.Chases are and will be a major part of the game wether you want it or not. Incidently they're also paramount in determining the skill level between the 2 players involved in the chase. The main reason killers used to be upset about, fundamentally, was that they couldn't win chases, cause of looping, pallets, etc. How can you start to address those issues when you don't have a proper ranking system in place to gather the appropiate data?Rank 1 is currently for everyone of all skill levels. You can have good survivors running killers for 3-4 gens, bad survivors dying in 10 seconds, good killers that don't even use ruin which mindgame skillfully every loop and wipe the floor with survivors in 5 minutes and bad killers that are unseen whole match, until all gens pop and you get the noed notification.The goal is not to promote long chases, but to bring killers and survivors into a place of balance. That's what you don't understand. If you take survivors that are good at running the killer around and put them against killers that are ending chases faster, than the chases will get shorter for the survivor and longer for the killer, but balanced.For example: with the current system a good survivor at rank 1 can run the killer for 4 gensWith a system revolved around chases, the same survivor would run the killer for 1-2 gen0