No killer is a gamer anymore what happened? and balance out the hatch

Just played a game did 2 gens there was 1 gen left and i looped the killer for 5 minutes on meat gideon and the otehr 3 couldnt do a single gen in the mean time they all died i had 0 hooks looped him hard carried the whole match. at the end he camped the hatch i was 1 meter behind hsi back in my opinion if both are on the hatch the survivor should get out because during the animation they stop the hatch (most of them) and then it closes. During the time the hatch is still UNDER the kick you should be able because the hatch is still open and just add back hatch grabbing but make it so you have to stand behind the survivor or atleast sideways because then you are forced to either close the hatch and if the survivor is 1 meter away behind a pillar there should be enough time to escape if the killer closes it.

Lastly the gamer thing. Why is everyone so [BAD WORD] bloodpoints horny i mean if you get outplayed i understand that youa re mad after getting looped ofr about 5 min but when i play killer i give the hatch if i feel bad or if they deserve it and looping 5 min without a hit should be a well deserved hatch :) he was rank 16 and i was 3 but still he had all perks tier 3
