I just remembered why I quit playing for the past four months.

SFW. Specifically, SWF on comms. As someone who enjoys playing Ghostface quite a lot (especially DH Ghostface), SWF ruins the killer experience for me. Survivors know that I'm coming before I've even fully left where I was, and by the time I get where I'm going another gen has gone off behind me.

I can deal with Brand New Parts. I can deal with the occasional multi-survivor hatch escape (as long as it's not all four). But I can't stand SWF players using 3rd party software to gain an advantage in a game that isn't balanced for that.

So, I'll be going back to checking Steam profiles before the start of every game and lobby dodging SWF. And if the queue times get too long, then I'll just quit again.

Because using 3rd party software that provides an in-game benefit over the opposition is the definition of cheating.



  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    No worries, I play Killer on occasion too and it really isn't easy to guess which groups are going to sweat vs ones that are chill. And I've certainly gotten burned being the only solo q in a lobby of SWF.

    Don't know what else to say other than I hope you get ggs and best of luck in the Fog.

  • ThisBetch
    ThisBetch Member Posts: 22

    It seems there is no pleasing you then, annoyed when you lose, annoyed when you win, maybe the problem is you let their words get to you. Try turning off chat in-game. But you seem like you just came here to find people to get angry alongside you over nothing. Nobody is forcing you to stay in endgame chat, just leave or mute it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    The game has been mostly balanced around SWF's over the past while, while also trying to provide solo's more information it's why demogorgon, twins, etc give so much info about what is going on away and perks like Kindred have been added to the game.

    Also, if they ever do something like what scott said: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPukUi7Oz3g, it would make the entire SWF argument moot because that is about all the advantage it gives other than knowing someone is in the call with you isn't trash and will actually go for that unhook lol.

    I do have a problem with object of obsession and it's being nerfed but probably not enough imo; but it would be enough if they did those scott suggested changes as well....

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    If a killer goesnt against a swf group,the killer should have 6 perks at least,period. You cant win under unfair conditions with a handicap so the only way is to buff killers in those circumstances. Devs NEED to look closely at this problem every killer goes against,or this game should be renamed to dead by survivors

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    GF's biggest weakness is SWF unfortunately. Just how it goes. One positive is, the better your opponent, the better your performance. If you do well against said SWF, imagine what you'd do against solos.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    Survivor gameplay completely revolves around information. A large portion of survivor perks revolve around gaining information. If you are working on a gen and a fellow survivor is downed, you have to make the choice to continue working on that gen or saving the downed survivor. If you and another survivor both decide to save that person, you just reduced your team's gen efficiency by 50%. If you were on voice comms, this wouldn't happen.

    By design, voice chat was not intended for this game. That's why you need to use 3rd party software to voice chat. The issue is that the devs lack the ability to balance the game around it, and they know that it's such a large part of the game, if they did nerf it in any way, they would lose tens of thousands of players. I wouldn't call it cheating, but it's certainly a crutch and gives all survivors in voice chat about 8-9 perks instead of 4.

  • SamRF
    SamRF Member Posts: 22

    Solos need to be buffed alongside killers then I would say to remedy this.

    First of all Kindred should be base kit, you get almost that whole perk for free when playing with comms.

    Other than that, there must be an indication every time there is a chase going on with another survivor (along with occasional ping on their location perhaps).

    Then there needs to be a global killer buff, I don't know what exactly but it could be something simple.

    They could also perhaps introduce in-game proximity based comms. It would feel realistic and fun perhaps as well as give an incentive to avoid third party comms.

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    Lmao just because it wasn’t implemented straight doesn’t mean it wasn’t always intended. And regardless of that, when it was added they knew people would talk over voice comms. But you seem to think the devs live under a rock and have no idea how online gaming works despite them actually creating one. Okay then 😂

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    Of course there’s a huge advantage and balancing issues, but that’s the devs problem. To call people cheating when it’s clearly not against the rule is just stupid.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    If you cant handle people on comms, then git gud. Seriously, comms might have its benefits, but that is assuming all information is given fully accurately. When I play with friends, there is a lot of times where a killer with tinkerer catches me off-guard because a friend never said that the killer stopped chasing them. On comms, you are more likely to let your guard down as a survivor. Solo survivors never let their guards down.

    Use that to your advantage. The only people who give 100% accurate information all the time are SWF's who also do tournaments, in which case, it doesnt really matter that they are on comms, because those survivors would easily body anyone who doesnt enter the game with a tournament mindset.

    So comms arent equal to cheating. It's just you being unable to deal with comms.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    You do realize survive with friends has been an option in the main menu for a long time, right? It wasnt in the game because it was disabled. No one requested it at the time, it was because it was added to the main menu that people started dodging lobbies to play with friends. Just as a means to already play with friends before they implemented it.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Quickly shoves No Mither / Mettle of Man back in the closet

    Hmm, yes, um, all SWF is sweaty SWF, hmm-mmghm, yes, quite. Grrrr.

    Seriously though, solo que is not balanced. Even a team of 4 amazing solo players can get absolutely shat on by a Pig, a Clown, a Trapper, a Wraith... It's not pretty. Solo que is extremely underpowered. The balance of the game lies somewhere between solo que and deathsquads.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    A global killer buff requires the nerfing of half the killers tho or a survivor buff, making Kindred basekit isnt going to be enough to handle a global killer buff. Its better to buff individual killers to utalize their abilities in a better way, rather than making them overall stronger.

    Most killers are fine as is, a lot of killers that are broken have a lot of map advantage, where killers who are super weak tend to have very little map advantage. If they truly want to fix this game, they need to remove all god pallets and windows, nerf freddy, spirit, nurse, huntress, deathslinger, bubba and hag, make smaller maps slightly bigger and bigger maps smaller while also giving survivors something to do while slugged. That way genspeeds wont matter because any killer can patrol gens effectively, no killer would be underpowered and you would lose or win depending on skill.

    It would also remove a lot of fun that you could have in a match, since the end result is pretty much predetermined regardless of your own input.

  • smart212
    smart212 Member Posts: 136

    in the future why BHVR not intended to make a killer is AI. Since they only focusing on survivor, why though so hard to thinking to community of killer main gameplay. I recently Disconnect 5 times in a game. since i only green rank killer but from all games get a red rank swf consecutively. not healthy for me and my brain.

    i thinking to quit this game and not buying any skin they offer. If you want to buy only use iridescent shard.

  • Just take the L and move on. You won't win all your games. If one build fails often then switch it up.

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369

    ah this is true but usually at least 1-2 dead and i talk back on their dead friend, if they're too annoying i just left the lobby.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Jack you've just given me flashbacks to your Mettle Of Mither plays please I can't do this anymore

  • Abbatoir_Blues
    Abbatoir_Blues Member Posts: 47

    When I play survivor, it is 99% of the time solo, and I consider myself lucky if I'm not teamed up with people who hide in lockers, play statue, or crouch around the outside of the map the entire trial. My entire build is based on the concept that I will be trying to do a little bit of everything entirely on my own, expecting to be killed eventually, but being satisfied if I play well at least. Most of the people with whom I'm teamed up do not seem to be even a 2-person swf, much less 3, so maybe the situation is worse on Steam. As killer, if I can tell that I'm dealing with a swf--matching outfits, similar tags, etc. I just leave the lobby and wait for another one.

  • ricenorim
    ricenorim Member Posts: 31

    Next Time you get called a baby, remember this thread, because you’re coming across as a giant baby.

  • ricenorim
    ricenorim Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2021

    “That’s exactly why killers vs swf should have 8-9 perks instead of 4. Thats how you balance the game vs the biggest problem”

    WHAT . Now they’re saying killers should have double the perks. Lmfao!!!! Oh lord. Balancing the game by giving killers 8-10 perks. Ok there, Jesus. Delusions of grandeur.

  • Kills_For_Odin
    Kills_For_Odin Member Posts: 8

    It's why I don't tilt 😊half the time I catch the most prominent teabagger and hook them, it's satisfying 🤣

  • fray1919
    fray1919 Member Posts: 199

    "Having friends is toxic...having friends is toxic...having friends is toxic..."

  • dummer33344
    dummer33344 Member Posts: 131
  • dummer33344
    dummer33344 Member Posts: 131

    Yeah, cause me and my friends win SOOO many games and don't get facecamping ######### every other game, it's soooo cheating

  • DTJObe
    DTJObe Member Posts: 170

    But no mention of comms, especially 3rd party programs. Playing with friends is one thing; gaining a competitive advantage through the use of 3rd party software is completely different.

  • dummer33344
    dummer33344 Member Posts: 131

    Perk synergy!? HA, the only 4 perks I ever see on survivors are DS UB DH and like kindred or some #########

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    Whatchu talking about? Those were great times, good times, good laughs 😆

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    *rocking back and forth in a corner* yeah. yeah... good- good times times...

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited February 2021

    If You go to the official DBD discord where they made a lobby you can join to meet others and create an swf to play with. You can also create a room there and play the game using comms.

    It has been stated many times comms is not cheating as this myth has been going on since 2016.