Tea Bagging at the exit gate

One of the most rage-inducing things in this game for me personally is when survivors tea bag and flashlight click at the exit gate rather than just leaving. Especially if the game was actually fun and fair and then they ruin it by tea bagging at the gate, or just sitting there and waste my time because they need me to come to the gate and see them tea bag or click.


  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    I personally will only t bag and click if the killer was playing dirty eg tunnelling or trying to camp me out of the game if you play dirty I'm gonna be horrible to you at end game otherwise I'll just take my bearings and go also if it upsets you or annoys you that much do what I do don't play to their bait stand in a corner and go get a drink and snack while waiting for them to go and your next match to start, or you could just scare them out of the gate by running halfway in then watching them scatter also what I will do is bing bong them at the gate if they wanna be toxic I'll just hope they are stupid enough to come out of their safety net to run around me as I use noed and it's great when they think you don't have it then bam another kill because of their stupidity.

  • TheVolgun
    TheVolgun Member Posts: 34

    See that makes sense, if I'm toxic then I will deal with the clicking and stuff, but if it is a fair game and I go out of my way to play fair and they still do it, it makes me wonder why I even bother. And yeah If i see them doing it i will usually just chase them out or go around and just break dropped pallets and things like that. Just annoys me that they do it in the first place

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Understandable but sadly being toxic isn't unheard of in this game especially in higher ranks I tend to to avoid getting too high for that reason I'll stay in my comfort zone thank you, I don't care what people say I've had people tell me I was camping when I was breaking a pallet near the hook I've had someone call me toxic for shutting the hatch on them the list goes on eventually you learn to just move on and ignore hate comments while also firing some back often to the point you find out it's a 14yr old kid playing and he thinks he was an amazing player and deserved escape lol.

    What I'm saying is it's just a game and toxicity comes with that. Don't let it ruin your fun and remember as killer your job is to make sure the survivors have fun so if they're toxic in the match camp and tunnel the hell outta them.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    And the devs are hard at work making sure those survivors feel comfortable tbagging by improving the animation. They literally said that.

  • ashes2asses
    ashes2asses Member Posts: 23

    I think I had a survivor bow to my Spirit, and leave their supplies. I was so confused. . . . .

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    Teabagging is extremely rude, UNLESS you play like a douche. I have literally been farming rift challenges or been clearly against baby survivors and let them go, only to get teabagged at the exit gate, but whatever. Survivors hanging out at the exit gate and blinding me I don't mind, they just want to get Bloodpoints from their items and I don't mind that. I actually get annoyed if ive lost and the survivors at the exits don't let me get some free chase/hit bps.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    It's a peace offering. They're hoping by dropping their item, you'll let them go. I'd let a survivor go if it meant leaving their OP key behind.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Deathslinger+NOED+Blood Warden=Tbag regret syndrome.

    Just gotta shoot fast, hit any 1 of the tbaggers, watch the rest scramble (they never leave when a fellow tbagger gets snagged) hook them then down the others as you chase them out (to a blocked gate😈)

  • ashes2asses
    ashes2asses Member Posts: 23

    I kinda figured. Only they weren't injured. Maybe it was for the player left behind. It was better than the remaining players teabagging all together at the gate.