increse the disconnect penalty

DarK_SharK Member Posts: 33

just had a game me and 3 other players, versing the spirit i didnt know it was spirit till endgame

first guy to get downed instant disconnect, second person gets hooked kills self on hook, third person just disconnects when killer was on other side of map

only found out it was spirit when i let her kill me because 1 killer 4 gens left mind u i was only 1 that 1 gen and hatch closed totally not winnable.

can we up the dc penalties instead of them resetting im sick of running into people who just disconnect constantly after they get downed once or just give up hook why play if you just give up may as well throw your newborn baby off a cliff.

instead of 5 and 15 mins how about it increases over a week or 2 weeks everytime it doesnt reset put like csgo's implement keep dcing increase the cooldown could be banned for a week but thats their fault

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Triple the DC Penalty.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112
    edited February 2021

    Issue is with disconnects caused beyond the player's control. Until the Devs find a way to distinguish between intentional and unintentional DC's i dont think it's a good idea to increase penalty

  • At first you should force the change of the color of id, characteristic head skin on a player performing a line limit, a cutting act routinely.

    In addition, the habitual offender will not be reborn when I do not make a decrease in quantity of acquisition of bp, the penalty of the cutting act severe. It is the penal regulation that is more severe than mercy that is necessary for a criminal.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Quote: "just had a game me and 3 console trash players"

    That's where you can tell the thread isn't even worth a read.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    They can increase the dc penalty when I don't get a random dc from the match daily.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    So never? Cuz this is a problem with every single game that has a DC penalty.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Because it's spirit and that still won't stop them killing themselves on a hook

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    This is what we all think at this point I personally can't see why there is a penalty when it can't differentiate a DC from a quitter a quiiter would have to take time to leave where as a crash would be internal and surely a system can detect it was no one's fault if they put proper time and money into it.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827
    edited February 2021

    The newborn off a cliff analogy seems a bit irrational. Don't post while freshly mad at a bad match is my advice. Kinda comes off ridiculous.

    Btw I'm for dc penalties. So my criticism isn't because I disagree.

    P.s. I'm also console so yep... Pretty ridiculous look 🤡

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    Dc penalty helps no one it was good idea however no one cares about dc penalty, iv gone against many survivor just pull the plug as annoying as that is dc penalty hurts game more then helps it.

    People still dcing don't care about penalty sure they cant play for who knows how long but now that person, plus the 100s or 1000s of other players who think the same will do it still increase time for Qs on either side because dc people aren't playing.

    Dc penalty like double edge sword its for good intentions but it also hurts it at same time

  • wojtech
    wojtech Member Posts: 192

    Imagine getting penalty for this

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Yeah the people not caring still dc but think about how many people that do care would use a free pass on dcing. The numbers of dc would go up what feels like exponentially.

    Also to the point of problems with queue times increasing. I wouldn't be so sure about that because.i think the tendency to dc is way higher for survivor than for killer atleast at the straight beginning of the trial. Stupid reasons for instant dc for Killer could be either the map or too many gens popping within the first 2 minutes. While survivor tend to dc at the beginning because of wrong map, unliked killer, being found first, getting hit too fast, noticing an unliked perk being run by the killer and stuff that doesn't come to my mind right now. And those are just from my experience as a killer main playing during the last penalty free times.

    So back to the point of queue times in relation to penalty free DC's. They would probably slightly up to moderately improve for the survivors because, like said above, the tendancy in relation to the amount of stupid reasons for dc seems to me much higher on the survivor side and therefore reducing their queue times.

    But this whole argument is my subjective opinion since I only intentionally dced once in 4 years being run around an old fatshaming spot and not dealing with people exploiting stuff.

  • Increasing the dc penalty will just turn those 2 disconnects and a suicide into 3 hook suicides.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    The second DC penalty within the hour of the first should be 15 minutes.

    Why? Because all players will think twice about that first intentional DC for fear of an actual DC they can't control.

  • DarK_SharK
    DarK_SharK Member Posts: 33

    hmmm yet you still replied so carry on out of here are you implying every console is amazing and doesn't dc

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    It's fine where it is now.

    They need to fix the game disconnecting you and penalizing you bug though. It's a bug introduced in 4.5.0 because I know there have always been people complaining about it but most are just full of it- there is an actual issue since 4.5.0 that still has not been fixed that legit just boots you from the game and gives you a MASSIVE DC penalty.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,369

    The platform you play on doesn't in any way affect what sort of player you are. As a console player myself, I have seen plenty of PC players disconnect, yet I don't think that all PC players are bad, change your attitude.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    only for survivors since it would help shorten the queue lengths lol

  • Celebrimbor
    Celebrimbor Member Posts: 52

    First of all, it was a spirit so Im not saying what they did was right but its understandable.

    Secondly, the game sometimes kicks you off a match and you get punished for that. Happens to me every now and then.

    Lastly, survivors can just kill themselves on the hook if they dont want to play anymore without disconnecting.

    So I have been mentioning something to my friends about the issue. Rewarding someone for playing in a certain way would be more effective than punishing them for doing so. Im not saying the penalty should be removed. It may be doubled. But I think they should reward both survivors and killers with bloodpoints for completing a match without considering they survived or not. Let's say 5k for every completed match. Sure, there may be people who would kill themselves on first hook and farm that. Average match is 6-8 minutes right? So we can say that, for every killer and survivor who stays alive for at least 3 minutes and completes a match without disconnecting, they will be rewarded for 5k points. Im not saying this is 100% the right way to do it and it can be changed from here and there but you get the point. This would never stop the problem completely but I believe it would not happen that much.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    I dont think it should be increased as it increases every time that player disconnects already and if any longer people will just go do something else or stay in the game and throw it away anyways. Cant really get around it.

  • Spacehedgehog
    Spacehedgehog Member Posts: 44

    I don't think that this would be healthy for the game the real answer is removing the reason why survivors want to dc. They shouldn't force everyone to play a cutscene of a spirit winning the game and if people can't dc in one of these games then we will just get people afking until the game is done increasing the dc penalty does not help it just moves the problem somewhere else. The reason why survivors dc is because they feel like they have no control over the outcome of the game and they just know that they will just get sacrificed no matter what. They should fix these types of killers like spirit and not just increase the dc penalty cus that just makes people afk until the game is done which is either worse or just as bad as what we have now.

    If you then go add a AFK penalty or something then again you are just forcing people to play a cutscene of them getting sacrificed and not fixing the initial problem people will just find other ways to skip the game without having to play. If your player base refuses to play something because it is unfair or broken you can't just force them to play the game adding penalty after penalty you should sort out the reason they do not want to play.