How is it affecting your gameplay if a survivor is LGBTQ?

I don't get it. I don't even read the bios of the characters they put in the game, I play them whenever I want or only for the perks or their specific statistics (like breathing, height). If you had known a character was gay or bisexual, would you have still played them? It doesn't make sense.
Trick Question! It isn't.
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no you dont get it!!!! I have to look at them while in chases and the fact that they aren't straight makes me puke, affecting at my gameplay performance!!!!
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It feels forced not to have confirmed LGBT characters when we already have confirmed heterosexual ones and a tome that's just shoving heterosexuality down our throats.
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Did he ever say it does?
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It isn't if want lgbt it will be put in, I don't think people opposed really care if it put in. Lot of people here just feed on drama.
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It isn't. But you know what affects my gameplay? The new killer. And that means I need to see the new killer, RIGHT NOW!
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There's really no problem with it. People are saying it has no place in a horror game and I can't help but think, why doesn't it? These people exist just like anyone else so I can see them being in a horror situation like anyone else. With the Entity being able to seemingly take absolutely anyone from anywhere I don't see how this doesn't make sense to people.
Most likely these people are just homophobes and all that other ######### stuff.
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Appart from the nurse, and maybe legion, which tome exactly is "shoving" heterosexuality down your throat?
Out of all the characters, I'm pretty sure there's like 5 or 6 confirmed or very probable straight characters.
Nurse, Felix and Oni are confirmed, as they all married someone or/and had a son.
Ace's cosmetics make a lot of references to "The ladies", so yeah...
Then there's... Julie and Frank?
There, that's it. No one else appart from that, since licensed characters don't really count here.
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Legion's tome is just the relationship of Frank and Julie. Read it, and then imagine it's about two same-sex characters. How is that not shoving it down our throats?
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I mean, it's just an obnoxious storyline tbh, heterosexual or not. I'm not a big fan of their relationship, but I'm more into it for the origin of the legion as a group.
If it had been the exact same but with a homosexual relatuinship, my opinion would probably be the same.
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And yet, nobody complained about that tome shoving their heterosexuality down our throats.
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Cause as you very well know heterosexuality is completely fine but homosexuality is a disgusting political agenda that everyone should be ashamed about even thinking of, LGBTQ+ people don't exist outside of politics and should be treated as such, I don't want this abornality forced before me when I can have my perfect straight white couples make real families and everyone can be happy!
[i feel like i need the /s here]
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So after all of what you just said, why does it even matter if they ARE LGBT+ 🤣
Doesn't matter either way surely
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Instead of putting people into boxes and throwing labels left, right and center.. can we just except that sexuality is on a spectrum!?
If the character is cute and has lovely clothes I'm buying them. End of story.
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I still dont understand why this whole situation blew up, theres nothing indicating that this is an LGBTQ character. And I have a feeling its gonna blow up even more when it turns out this is just another straight character. How ever there would be no complaints here if it turned out they were
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^ Good response.
The way I see it, I play killer, I like to slash, hook, kill and if I'm hag.. eat their hearts out. Enjoying these virtual actions is quite disturbing as well as problematic... and who knows what that says about my own and other's psyche. *Spooky music* 😱
An LGBT character being in the game is seriously NOT problematic. Think about it people! Some of you need some self-reflection in your lives.
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This is completely wrong and I'm honestly surprised they allow people like you on the forum.
Hag eats the liver, not the heart. Get it right!
(Yes, the first line was the setup for a joke)
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I am sure Ms. Haggy would eat hearts though if she wasn't busy hooking survivors though! 😎
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Because we all know that horror is a cis heterosexual domain that doesn't involve sexuality at all (please ignore the entire slasher genre that DbD is based on)
Wait, if I kiss my girlfriend do I get killed first or survive til the end? I don't even know how it works. See? This is why we need LGBT+ rep, I don't know where I cannonically get stabbed :(
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*shakes uncontrollably* T....THEY ARENT........STRAIGHT
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It doesn’t affect the gameplay and I haven’t seen anybody claim that it does? It’s pretty simple really. Representation does matter. Many people, myself included, like characters that they can relate with.
Having a survivor who’s part of the LGBT+ community in the game would bring a lot of joy to many people who have been told that they’re invalid for simply being their authentic selves.
Different races, sexualities and body types exist. So what’s the issue with people wanting to see that reflected in the characters they play?
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It doesn't matter if its LGTB. The only think that matters are those 3 useless perks that they are gonna give us.
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Correction: It doesn't matter to you if it's LGBTQ+
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I will gladly welcome 1,000 LGBT characters into this game if it prevents even one more dumbass costume like Dwight In A Box.
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two things:
1) representation in media is incredibly important to normalising LGBTQ+ people in a lot of places. it's not that we wanna shag.
2) let me just ask covid nicely if it could stop for a couple weeks to let me have a shag or three then allow it to continue im sure that's a viable option in the middle of a ######### pandemic jfc i just can not with you all rn
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on2 -
I’m Asexual and don’t plan on having sex with anybody, fictional or not. But good job on completely missing the point on why people want representation in the game. 🤡
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on3 -
Because the LGBT character might touch my character and make them LGBT and then that'll make ME LGBT. 😭
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The gay rainbow conversion beams are gonna track you down and make you a...
a home of sexual!!
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It could actually help if you're playing plague 🤔
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It's about representation not the possibility of being able to hook up with them.
Like movie characters, whether they are played by actors or just cartoons.
Many have grown seeing themselves portrayed on TV, video games, etc and others haven't.
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Well you can play 99% of games without reading anything or caring about the lore at all, even RPGs. But some people do and apparently they want a LGBT story text on their screen when they open DBD
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Oh noooooooo! Not the rainbow beams! I've heard they shoot glitter on you first to track you because it never washes off, all they need is one sparkle. 😬
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no honey we want to both hold the developer's to things theyve said in the past and this small little thing called "equality", not sure if you've heard of it apparently it's a foreign concept to half of these forums xo
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It's not that I have an issue, its just apart of me absolutely despises the idea while the other just doesn't care. I try to avoid anything Lgbt period for many reasons, but I can live with it if it happens once
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no offence but this sounds like you just said "it's not that i have an issue, it's just that i have an issue".
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It will happen eventually. And you will be not affected by it because it will only be in the lore.
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Is this Schrödingers LGBT+ hate ?
You don't care about it and don't have an issue with it but despise it at the same time?
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“I don’t have an issue”
“I avoid anything LGBT”
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The mental gymnasitcs needed to reach this conclusion be like:
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Not Schrödingers! #########, I am floored! 🤣
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I can’t even be mad at what they said. It’s just so stupid I actually cackled whilst reading it. 😂
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makes as much sense as me saying that a woman's really hot tbf, or that LGBTQ+ characters wouldn't fit in dbd.
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I probably should've tried to reword it a little better, the reason why I'm slightly against it is that something happened between me and someone else who was gay. I don't want to talk about it tho, let's just say I was scarred ok, let's leave it at that
Edit: spelling error
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You know what affects me and get into my nerves? Diversity for the sake of being diverse... I am gay but I am tired of the people being diverse just for the sake of being diverse and then they fall into stereotypes or people who are there just because they are gay/lesbian... not lore wise. I mean, let's suppose Felix or any character in-game. Let's supose they belong to the LGBT+ group. Does it bother? No, because they have already a lore assigned to it. And the chapter was not "we are including a gay character" but "we are including a handsome german man who is also gay", I mean the main focus is not their sexuality but this upcoming chaapter is just focused ON IT.
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I am sorry that something happened to you that was that scary.
but you have to differentiate between that one gay person and literally everyone else that is LGBTQ+. And yeah there are still others in that community that are unpleasant. Or worse. But that is not that way because they are LGBTQ+.
there are enough straight people as bad or worse.
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pretty much it alway the dumb heterosexual getting killed.
how many thread are there going to be about this?
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It's unfair to project your hate and fear on all the other members of the LGBT+ community.
They are not at fault for whatever this person did to you.
You should rather look for a therapist to talk about this issue.
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How do you know the next chapter is focused on it?
the only official info we have doesn’t even say if anything LGBTQ+ will be added. The focus they are giving now is KPop/music, neon lights and a char who wears extravagant clothes, is involved in some kind of entertainment business and likes to drink coffee.
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I try dude, I really do, but that's not something you forget, I try to act like I am okay about talking with people who are gay or lesbian, but I keep remembering what that sicko tried to do to me, he literally tried to force me to be gay. This is not a joke he literally harassed me into expecting it. On top of which he would've assaulted me in my own school! I just can't fully forgive, I just can't, I do have friends who are gay or lesbian but I don't ever want to talk about the subject of the matter ever. I'm sorry f it sounds pitiful, but I was just a middle schooler, I didn't ask for any of it,
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i am getting help, I did receive help after said incident, and still coping with it. Sadly he didn't get arrested or sent to Juvy and still attends my high school, but I got a restraining order on him so it did help. I am getting better I just wished not to talk about it.