How do you guys feel about 3 original killers in a row?

I thought they are at point where some of the franchises are reaching themselves to BHVR for a possible colaboration right? I thought they were going to do 50/50 with licensed and original ones this year as they stated sometime last year. I can't lie im a little disappointed by this, and i know anniversary will bring some big licence for sure but like... i don't know, just wanted to rant i guess.
All BHVR said was that at most they would do 2 license chapters a year. This was never a promise that they would always do 2 license chapters each year.
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Original Killers are more creative and usually better for the game. The Team has some high creativity, if we look at the last year, everyone of the 3 original Killers was really creative (and, aside from Twins, quite similar to Pyramid Head when it comes to power).
Personally, I prefer Original Chapters.
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Honestly, I prefer licensed stuff, as it creates bigger hype for me, original chapters are pretty "dull" lately.
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I prefer original killers, there's more creativity and freedom. Just a shame that IMHO the last two have been gutter trash.
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Tbh, there aren't a ton of licenses out there left that would both fit very well and be cheap enough. I like licensed killers though.
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I don't think there any licensed left they can either get or honestly would fit the game very well.
I don't think they are done with licensed killers, just I suspect there will be less and less.
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What!? Blight was 2nd to last right? How is he trash?
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He kinda suffers the same problem nurse has, extremely good but has to deal with a plethora of annoying bugs that just seem to increase with every new patch.
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True, it is pretty cool to see what BHVR makes by themselves. Look at Oni and Plague for example.
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While the bugs DO suck, Blight is by no means trash. Hell, I think he's one of the best Killers ever put into the game.
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Agree, I love him, and he's deadly with tinkerer/gen slowdown, I'm on a mini 4k streak with him atm as well, although I'm only at rank 6 atm
What bugs particularly? I've noticed he occasionally doesn't slam onto things, but don't really see it too often. I heard he's pretty bad on the swamp but I haven't played too many games on those maps with him yet, I only remember 1, I lost, but the team was putting amazing pressure, it wasn't because I messed up any slams. When they fix his FOV I honestly would happily main him.
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Original gives them more freedom and you can buy with shards instead of real money. I'm all for original characters.
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I'm guessing we'll get a licensed character for the 5th anniversary. They probably don't want to do back to back licensed characters.
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It's just my opnion, I find him horrendous to play. Stiff turns, bounces off every little bit of debris, and the "pinball" novelty wears off real fast.
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I don't mind. Original killers are just as good as licensed ones.
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I would agree right up until the twins....I hate every aspect of them.
Don't like playing as them, against them, hate how they look, even their power was made to be somehow not satisfying to just use because of how rough they feel.
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It disappoints me on the one hand, but after all, they are "guests coming to a house" in the case of license killers. But the original chapters are more fun with respect to their playability and in the case of licensed chapters it is nothing more than playing your favorite movie or video game character.
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I much prefer original content. They have more creative freedom, they can actually add cosmetics, and they have much more interesting lore.
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Like many of the people on this thread, I prefer original killers. It gives them more creative freedom, both in lore and power.
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For me the licenses are what makes this game special. I mean, Laurie strode and ash vs. The demogorgon? Nothing else like it
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I even dare to say that if it weren't for the licenses, Dead by Daylight would be different and even somewhat boring, they would also not have many people who are already part of the community and their source of income would be somewhat painful.
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Don't like Blight?
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Maybe anniversary will be a big one.
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Alien, predator, evil dead movies, resident evil... the list goes on
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.....uh, they already did Evil Dead, hombre.
There's just no real iconic enemy that works as an enemy * since it's all about the Deadities and dismemberment with the thread being that classic unstoppable demon body-infection that takes us all.
*(If you're thinking Ruby from the show, that's majorly aesthetical boring and also a very paint by numbers choice, trying to 1:1 where its really not feasible and would require a lot of flexing and refitting to do something, so better to not do at all in that case.)
Actually, to be fair, they DID have a shot but they messed it up because timing is everything with this idea: they needed to do a dual release where Ash is both a survivor AND killer choice. Ideally, do evil Ash from Army of Darkness though gotta say Deadite Ash was always cool looking in ED2.
That said.....Angela from Night Of The Demons could do some pretty kick ass demon chaos as a killer and iconic enough to work.
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When Say evil dead I specifically mean the movies, army of darkness evil ash or deadite ash would be cool alongside a young ash cosmetic or new character
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Alien and predator and Resident evil are....possible....however those are game licenses that I have serious doubts about ever happening.
Evil Dead has already been done I doubt they will revisit it at all, if they had the chance they would probably opt for making their own content instead.
There is "things that exist" and actual possible options, and they are very different things. So I still maintain what I said.
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I mean fortnite got alien AND predator recently and resident evil is probably gonna happen for the 5 year anniversary
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Eh. Some of my favorite killers are original (Oni, Blight, Legion, Doctor). I'm not really missing anything by not having more "oh hey here's a killer from a game or show or movie you haven't seen", ya know?
Licensed ######### is cool but original ######### is also cool. I really don't give a ######### as long as the killer is actually fun to play as. You can have all of the colorful licensed stuff you want but that won't matter if the killer plays like dogshit.
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Honestly though I love original killers because their limits are endless, the last two (blight and twins were pretty underwhelming), I mean I love blight as killer, he's really fun, but it's a shame that I barely see twins nor blight, and I don't like twins that much, I guess the point is that original killer are great i concept, but their executions as of late are very poor, and the their pick-rates reflect that.
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Fortnite has a yearly revenue of 1.8 billion dollars. DBD made like 2% of that in total game sales over the period of their entire existence, they are not in the same weight class.
Also other game anniversaries happen all the time without crossovers. That's an incredible optimistic stretch; versus actual incredibly unlikely odds, and you are stating it as almost guaranteed which is ridiculous.
I would relax though, I am not saying we are never getting another licensed chapter, or that they are totally out of options, just that I would expect them to slow down with the licensed chapters gradually over the remaining life span of the game. That's all.
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Medieval ash for the win.
They're really missing out on the big bucks when it comes to evil dead cosmetics--though I verrrrry much dig the handpuppet and S-mart ones. And his christmas sweater is ######### supreme.
Y'know... actually I guess they could also do Mia from the Evil Dead remake as a decent killer.
She sorta works as a Deadite iconic enough (whose not Ash) given she wasn't the normal body invasion thing, and actually this central antagonist of the film in both the original demon possession and ends up the protagonist by the end as this Nu-Ash role as the last one left fighting off her Demons at the end. Literal demon sure, but y'know figurative too, with the battle costing her an arm (that movie is freaking layered yo)
And her add-ons can be syringes, spoons, lighters, so on. Because her power is heroin.
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I like original killers and monster tropes more than licensed. The fact that we may have a KPOP killer is so crazy.
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The killer will just be nerfed in a few weeks anyways. That's pretty much been the recent trend.
Release killer with a few busted addon and maybe one good perk.
Let it ride until the sales boom dies down and the streamers stop pressuring to buy.
Nerf the killer, the perks, the add-ons, and maybe throw in a numbers adjustment to be on the safe side.
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OG killers are free killers. I would never complain. Not like there's very many important licenses remaining without being B-sides or niche.
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I'll always prefer originals over licenses, but preferring one over the other doesn't mean i dislike the other.
If the next one's a license, i'll just say: "Mkay."
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Originals are almost always better
1.can be earned so no pay to have an advantage
2. More creative and easier to change if nessciary
3. The better killers are often originals due to free creativity
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If they were planning on 50/50 I guess they could just do 3 licensed chapters in a row. As far as whether I mind? Nope. As long as the killer and survivor have new stuff that is fun to play, I don't care if they got the inspiration from an established thing or just a nightmare is their head.
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I think they even mentioned that this is not going to be a perfect 50/50, but if we already had 2 licenses that year there would be no more.
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(I kinda used your comment as a springboard to go into my own thoughts in depth here. Didn't mean to intimidate you with idea of this monumental post over couple sentences you posted, hah.)
I don't really like the "look" exactly either, but whether you think Twins actually ended up fun/balanced killers to play as or against isn't very relevant a point when it comes to the question of Iconic vs Original. That could swing either direction whether doing a licensed character or
another rip-off a horror icon instead...uh, I mean another "original" design. The (arguable) failed implementation of a brilliant take doesn't make the idea any less brilliant.Design-wise, it's obviously a ripoff of Basket Case (and that idea to differentiate by making Victor a baby instead of a blob like Beliel sure bit them in the butt, lol) but I still don't know how anyone could call the concept and idea anything less than truly inspired. They're totally different than what we've had before, and go down a very bold path that's extremely refreshing and just cool as hell by finally trying out some switching mechanic and a unconventional killer size (plus a mechanic that somewhat lets survivors "fight back" while giving new threats to the existing loop game and such). It's refreshing.
Conceptually, the TWINS are simply ######### gold. I don't understand how anyone could argue against that sort of creativity in favor of, say, "lets add Twisty from AHS!" when--like most recognizable icons to chose from--their implementation requires yet another base M1 design while stretching hard to come up with any sort of gimmick that hopefully might set them apart.
Another example with 2 of the most iconic representations left out there: people want Alien or Predator. And--these incredibly cool concepts in their own media--are overwhelmingly bleh conceptual translations to this game where it's basically another M1 with Alien (or Demo lunge anyhow) while Predator means yet another projectile killer. Thematically, both are terrible ######### choices too. Aliens are more insectoid, and--while very intellegent and good at strategy/trapping--they are purpose driven rather than emotional or cruel in drawing out suffering for pleasure as with the killers we require. Meanwhile ######### is a Predator doing in this game anyhow hunting down a bunch of unarmed weaklings. That's not hunt.
Fact is, the "original" characters provide waaaay more room for interesting design. Even though I harp on them for ripping off Basketcase (mostly for never once acknowledging it) their "inspired by" design for the Twins rather than Duane/Beliel provides the wiggle room to do more. It's a far better fit thematically and integrated better where their "Duane" is a killer too providing the m1 attack and lifting stuff, while meaning they could do the "Beliel" part as something unique without having to reshape every base mechanic around a killer that's 1 foot tall.
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I like original just as much as a licenced one, unfortunately for me I never see the last 2 original Killers in any of my matches. I maybe go against the Blight 2x a mth. I haven't even seen the twins since Dec/January. I like the Twins. It's sad 😢
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Most of the good killers in the game are non-licensed. So I'm happy we keep getting original killers. The devs haven't released a bad original killer for a while now.
Post edited by Mister_Holdout on0 -
I am thankful for whatever content in the form of new characters they bring out. One of the main reasons I come back to this game is the new content and how it is sold.
I pay for the licensed killers I like and I use shards for the original killers because it is less grind to get the currency in this game than rainbow six.
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I don't care. When we get an original one, cool. When we get a licensed one, cool. As long as they're new and interesting I'm happy.
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they release 4 chapters/year.. that's a killer for every quarter.. i think it would be logical to release 3 original and 1 licensed/year (around halloween).. maybe 2/2
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The Silent Hill chapter got me really happy when it released, so if that were the last licensed chapter I honestly wouldn't complain, but they're continuing with the licensed chapters so that's awesome. Demogorgon and Pyramid Head, two killers people didn't think would work in DBD has already proved almost anything's possible at this point.
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Yeah I agree although I feel like the stranger things chapter just donest fit very well. Its hard to put my finger on why exactly. I hope they add more characters that make them fit in more
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I prefer the original for 2 reasons
1. Other than GF, Myers, Freddie, there aren't too many big names/exciting ones missing. The best have been done. Obviously Jason is absent but he is kinda portrayed as the trapper. The regular suggestions of pennywise, chucky, slenderman and candyman just don't do it for me
2. Original designs, have the world as there oyster in regards to creativity and uniqueness. I'm way more excited for potential horror gems like Oni and Spirit, they're incredible creations tbh, Oni especially. We know who the licenced killers of yesteryear are, I just like new creations a bit more
I will counter my argument with the last 2 original characters have been meh to say the least, so maybe an Alien or another licensed beastie would be good.
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Original over licensed any time.
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Keep ‘em coming! Original chapters are almost always better, and their content available for shards instead of cash.