How to create 2 kills/2survived in the game

Hi all.

It is the "perfect" balance, as developers says. Some of the reason why we don't have it(where 4k or 4 escapes), as i see it:

  • survivors was much more skillful then killer was and manage to escape (or 1-2 surv was to good at looping)
  • Killer kill fast one survivor and 3 remained - just cannot end remaining gens.

For this situation can be mechanic, like hatch right now. Think about it - just opened hatch create opportunity to escape at least one survivor so it wasn't a 4k. But what point to have only this one mechanic?

My point is to create a mechanic, that give players opportunity when it is no chance for them to win. For example:

Why a lot of killers want tunnel and camp first survivor to death? What main point of all this cruelty? As i see it - because this one kill destroy "circle of survivor game":

  • 1 surv - on hook.
  • 2 surv - going to unhook and heal 1 surv
  • 3 surv - looping a killer.
  • 4 surv - doing gen

So in this "circle" game going to end for both sides (eventually or survivors dies, or gens will be powered). But if one of the survivors dies "circle" will be broken and become:

  • 1 surv - on hook.
  • 2 surv - going to unhook and heal 1 surv
  • 3 surv - looping a killer.

As u see - NO gens will be done. Only way they can be done - looping surv will be much more skillful then a killer, but in good rank/MMR system - it just wont happen. That is why for killer need to kill first surv as fast as possible - in common - its an easy win for killer. That understand both side and if it is 3-4 gens - it even meaningless to struggle for survivors.

So i offer to give bonus (like hatch mechanic) for survivors when first survivor dies. Anything that can give some kind of real "circle of survivor game" : opportunity to unhook yourself from struggle phase, ressurect all wasted pallets, auto gen repair. Anything useful, that in theory can replace killed survivor. So killer wont need to camp/tunnel , but need to do all 12 hooks (or at least tunnel 2 survivors equally, and that's x2 time for him)). That destroy main motivation to fast kills for killer and give hope for 3 remaining survivors to play the game.

For killers i don't have such good ideas. But have some:

Mainly check how game goes for killer it is when all gens powered (or last gen is remain). If all survivors are alive - give him some bonus, useful bonus. Like absolute aura vison, or block fast vaulting in windows/pellets or give auto noed or instant kill on hook even if it is first hook for survivor BUT until FIRST one surv downed. Make thing like "entity want at least one of surv to die and will prevent you from escaping'.

AND it is become MUCH harder to escape/kill all 4 survivors. And it will be much more 2 kills/2survived end less 4/0.

This is a big changes, so i dont even think they be in the game, but this changes can help be healthier for the game more then all thing that Otz and True talk about in recent debate.



  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    I dont think it is the right way to give the losing side a buff. From the party game perspective it makes sense, but when you want to win, its annoying. People will search for ways to play around this buff.

    But a mechanic to nerf a playstyle like tunneling is not a bad idea. I think it would be better to reward the killer for splitting hooks then nerfing tunneling, but both could be done, too.

  • Silver9
    Silver9 Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2021

    Think splitting hooks reward is the better option. If you implement "penalties" for tunneling or camping people are gonna get angry about it and complain endlessly while still doing those activities. If you were to instead reward things like hooking a different survivor each hook (bloodpoint multiplier and maybe an achievement if you never hook the same person twice in a row for a whole match and get 4k) and for camping how about a blood point counter that increases with time and distance. If you're near the hook no extra blood points. If your far from the hook extra blood points. If you're far and managed to keep them from pulling the survivor off the hook for a decent amount of time a lot of extra blood points. Or even a haste effect for a few seconds. Something to give the killer a boost for playing the game in a fun way that people who play in a toxic style will literally never see. People will change ther style of play simply for the rewards it brings because its rewarding. Same thing could be applied to survivors problems such as a blood point multiplier for how long the match went without a teammate dying reward not sandbaging teammates. These are all just quickly thought up ideas and would need a lot of polish but its a working start. Reward the behavior you want to see and people tend to do that behavior.