New Survivor: Female or Male?

With a new chapter for DBD coming and with hints at LGBT being the theme, would you want the new survivor to be a female or a male?
The picture was straight up female
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I mean, she could be a killer...
and Twitter DP looks pretty androgynous and looks quite different from the screen shot of the blue attire.
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The picture isn't the Survivor.
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Probably female, but born “male”.
im not sure the correct wording, not trying to offend
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Haha, you don't have to be so cautious.
I'm talking about sexes here, not gender. So you're safe.
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The character looks like a woman.
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I am down for whatever tbh.
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i think it´s a women too, even do the lgbt discussion here are good and importent, there is no clue or something that indikates that the new surv or killer is.
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Why you gotta put labels on people man
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Why you gotta put labels on people...
Haha, jokes aside.
Nothing hostile or prejudice.
It's the same old "will it be a girl? or a boy?" question.
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i see what you did there T_T
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Why not both?
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I’m guessing female but it could be male or event neither who knows
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"LGBT+ being a theme"
Mmm what?
'No you know what I am gonna leave'
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What's wrong with that?
Pride Month is LGBTQ themed.
Why can't the next chapter be also?
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Does anybody smell fire?
Hurry get the extinguisher put it out!!
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Maybe it'd be interesting to see a good clap trap this time around
if you're that impatient you could also ask behavior for an ultrasound
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The real question is: Why does it matter if they're male or female?
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Is it confirmed somewhere on the official social medias of DBD?
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Because a character may be LGBT+ but people saying the next chapter is themed to the LGBT+ is silly
It may be part of both characters lore, but again it's not LGBT+ themed it's clearly music or sound themed.
If you're gonna act like I'm homophobic then I cant help but laugh
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I mean sure but my comment wasn't being provocative.
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Having an LGBT themed chapter goes against what all us LGBT members want: A character who's sexuality is the spotlight and one of their only defining features. We want an LGBT character who's lore is just as subtle as the straight characters lore.
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I know but Its just annoying seeing every thread turn into a debate over if this fits in the game or if it will be forced it gets tiring you know?
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Irdk why you're trying to explain this to me...?
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I didn't say either of those things, funnily enough
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I know you didn't I was giving an example its the same type of debate though whether or not that theme or whatever should be in this game its everywhere and its getting annoying.
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Because I'm bored 🤷♂️
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I dunno.
The whole title "LGBT" AKA "Lesbians, Gays, Bis, Trans" screams recognition to me. Why else would you name a movement?
You don't see something like "SHMF" AKA "Straight, Hetero, Male, Female" anywhere.
(I know this is not real, but for argument sake.)It's clear that LGBT movement or pride month celebrates the theme of being openly gay.
Why are people so sensitive about calling a specific chapter in a game that focuses on someone being gay?
Is that illegal or smth?
Or must we pretend being gay is a norm while LGBT and gay rights have been the hot issue for the past century now?
I mean, you can't have the cake and eat it too.
Either openly celebrate it and recognize it or don't discuss about it since it's the norm.
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There's a slight indication that the face has a mustache, so straight up seems wide of the mark tbh
Imo, they want us to think its female, yet it could be a guy. We'll find out tomorrow.
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I couldn't care less what gender the new survivor is - I play survivors for their perks and somewhat for their costumes.
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female of course ^^
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Because that becomes the chapters sole personality trait...
The characters have no dimension if that is their main trait.
No one wants some 2D character who's like, I'm gay, and everyone is expected to be wowed by BHVR's progressive attitude.
Additionally, the LGBT+ is a movement because we've been oppressed from as far back as the semi civilised human until now and it's still ongoing. I don't see anyone being assaulted, hate crimed, murdered or given lesser rights because they are straight or identify with their assigned sex at birth. Additionally the whole LGBT+ movement is named as such as its main goal is to bring recognition and awareness and it would clearly be less effective without a different name.
Please check yourself before trying to argue with me.
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You mentioned that you were homophobic, no one else didn't, so good job exposing yourself my dude
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Sorry what?
That's ######### hilarious my dude, I'm a gay trans man who's spent my life being ridiculed for who I am, suddenly because I think the idea of an LGBT+ theme over it being a point of character development or backstory is silly I'm homophobic? I only mentioned it because first reply was acting like I was and had the tone of 'you're stupid so I'll try and ridicule you'.
Honestly, the absolute gall of some people on this website.
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Probably female survivor, male killer?