What do you guys think of otzs new solo survivor video?

Pretty much what happens with me lol it's hilarious yet sad
Could you link the video?
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I’ve spent almost 1000 hours in solo survivor and it sums up my experience pretty well
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What timing I watched this video today 😅
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Half Solo matches are similar to those which can be extremely frustrating, I really hope the MMR works decently enough to curb those matches, Im not supergood but Im not that bad that I have to be placed with people who blow up a generator enough times to give us an extra gen.
For me the worst part is having a session of those teammates then coming to the forum and seeing Killer mains bawling their eyes out and saying they are miserable, have PSTD and flashbacks because a squad of Neas with ugly cosmetics were mean to them or they didnt get that 4K because the last guy managed to find the Hatch and demanding the most absurd of nerfs.
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It’s a fake video, survivors are OP and are the power role.
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Kind of useless when many of those games dont show ranks, but the ones that did it's not surprising to see the survivors were low.
Anyway my 2 cents is that the issue isn't so much with solo survivor as it is with matchmaking and ranking. With old rank reset you had trash matches but after a week or two of solid grinding you won so many games easily at red ranks because the survivors there were top tier. When they changed rank reset eventually everyone got stuck at red ranks.
Find 4 good survivors and you'll see that the game is doable it's just that the odds of having 4 genuinely good survivors in a game is incredibly low. At this point all the good players either moved to swf or moved onto other games. I myself don't touch solo survivor anymore because of the matchmaking issues, now it's just killer only or swf on the odd occasion.
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Yeah if you get 3 good teammates you’ll usually escape but that’s very rare tbh
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"Why is no one doing gens?!" is the most relatable thing.
I can run a killer for a full minute, and then see the time it takes him to pick me up, and walk to a hook, and then looked up to see we are still at 5 gens. Why?! What are three fully healthy survivors even DOING?
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I feel like the video highlights problems that solo que players encounter in their games sometimes.
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I think it highlights why I keep saying that the best buff to solo queue is good matchmaking. There's only so much good information buffs can do for these survivors. Then there's the buffs to help inexperienced survivors... Clearly these buffs helped them and now they're getting crushed at higher ranks. You can't keep nerfing and buffing things so that they reach higher ranks and then bring down the stats so you need to keep nerfing/buffing.
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I've seen that kind of stuff way too many times, so I closed it after watching for 5 minutes. I don't need to see others suffering as well
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Accurate. Any player with over 1000 hours in this game will know this already.
I just hope for the people who complain about swf that they watch it and understand why all the good players usually join a swf team.