Should Hillbilly's rework be reverted back to his old version?
Why the devs ever thought the overheat mechanic was a good idea is beyond me. Also, get rid of that stupid roar.
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All he needed was an addon rework. He didn't need the overheat mechanic and the annoying roar that plays every time you chainsaw sprint.
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I kinda like that roar tbh, it's goofy af tho I can understand why people don't like it.
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I quite dislike the overheat mechanic, ends up costing me a down most times cause of how slow it goes back down lol. And he should keep his roar, makes me chuckle every time I hear it.
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Get rid of the overheat mechanic and his roar. His add ons are the only thing that needed change.
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Maybe get rid of the roar, but I'm more than fine with the overheat mechanic.
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No one asked for the change. Add on rework would have been fine
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Overheat doesn't do anything, so I honestly don't care. I would like a small addon pass though, just to make some of them (like the gloves) more usable.
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Flying Billy do be funny af
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Yes.Nothing was wrong with old billy besides a few addons. The people saying No don't have more than 5 hours on the game or have never played him
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Nah trust me I thought that before, but you'd be surprised. Overheat has screwed me over a lot, hell it's even cancelled some of my chances to down survivors.
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i was a decent billy player, and as soon as that stupid rework happend, I just could not win. and i still have trouble playing him
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I'd only change some of his add-ons, I don't mind the rest.
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I feel like being able to abuse his chainsaw with mindgames was what made him shine the most. Something that Bubba could not do. I hate the Overheat feature >:(
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Overheat is annoying and I hate it. Going for tough engravings curves is no longer viable. Instead of sick curves, backrevving and playing safe is the optimal Billy strategy now. Overheat needs to go.
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Yes, sorta.
His addons were the only thing needing a rework, other than that, his power was fine.
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The overheat mechanic has little to no bearing on actual gameplay most of the time, so half his add-ons shouldn't be related to it.
I also feel like he should be able to steer better like he used to, because he's essentially worthless on any crowded or indoor map other than maybe Midwitch, and the hard counter to his power is "don't stand still out in the open".
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I kinda like the overheat mechanic. Could be a little less punishing though.
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Make Billy competitive again
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Sort of. I want his overheat mechanic gone, but some addons to stay.
I think the devs nerfed him because he was able to spam his chainsaw, but I believe they overdid it. They also messed with his camera which makes chainsawing survivors incredibly hard and so weird.