make a ping limit for killer

well pretty self explanatory the only thing making this game boring and not fun to play anymore is the fact that killers hit you when you are behind them, to far away, through stuff and sometimes through other players
the fact that this happens almost every game is a joke... its not fun to buy a expensive *** internet cable to get the fastest speed when killer run around with 100ms and you cant even see their ms so if it says 43ms they cna still run around with 200ms just ruining the game for everyone because you cant pallet sutun them, flashlight save someone, loop something because you just dont know where you are for them. I think they should spend some time in fixing this problem once and for all.
BTW anyone else experiencing high ping killers very very often just hitting you on absurd ranges or through whole pallets?
High ping killer? I'm a high ping survivor. Please don't exclude me from the game though. I love this game.
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Its server Desync, not ping.
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You're joking right, not the "hitbox" issues which are desync, what OP describes is literally issues with ping!
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Watch this please
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Actually, it is. But sure if the killer's ping is horrible, adding to that the fact that there is a terrible desync, you'll get sniped hit. However, now it's a desync problem dude.
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I know we have a desync issue but that is not what OP was referencing smh
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Nope. This wouldn’t be fair for players like me when it’s BHVR’s fault. I’ll just copy and paste my comment from another post...
I have great internet connection as you can see and I play with a wired connection but I always have very high pings (130+ms) and it’s all BHVR’s fault. And it’s not just me but everyone in my region (West Asia). For some reason BHVR thought it would be a good idea to have all the servers in Asia be located in the East. Asia is a huge continent, instead of having a server in West Asia and East Asia like the US has US West and US East servers they decided on East Asia only and have 0 servers in West Asia, not even 1 which is really all we need.
That’s why I sometimes get connected to East Asia servers and sometimes Europe, I play with people from Russia, France, Spain, US, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Singapore, Australia, Norway, Sweden. All over the world :)
As you can see the screenshot is when I was playing survivor but I guess it's not any different when I play killer Ping for players in my region will remain bad for as long as BHVR ignores us.
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this doesnt realy affect you if you have a bad ping you can try to fix it and it mainly effects you but when i have good thing an the killer has bad i cant do anythign and it affects me
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ist not densync i mean ping desync also make them have an absurd range but both together is just game breaking having a bad ping should affect you the most
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Sorry Mr good connection, coulda send over some money to improve that? No? Then pass, deal with it. Not everyone can have the highspeed connection you do.
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wdym high speed its 1000mb/s some people get 10x as much for free
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I didn't really understand what you're saying. Also, you're saying I can try fixing my high ping? No I can't, there's really nothing I can do about it. BHVR on the other hand can by installing a server for players in my region. Maybe we'll have to wait 5 more years for that.
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It's not always about how much you spend $$$ sometimes its based on your distance to the servers. If DBD region locked the game so these people from the middle of nowhere couldn't play it would make the game better. It's unfortunate for those people but playing a game with 200ms should be illegal.
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i agree. this would kill vpn killers and i'm okay with that.
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yea i know but that is unfortunate for them. is it worth to ruin a game for 4 players just giving them no chance for you to have fun?
sometimes kilelrs run thourgh pallets and hit u through them then teleport to the other side sometimes huntress axes hit the ground and you still lose an injured state the problem is that they dont haev enough regions i know but just dont play killer then.
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I could barely read your post sorry no offense, maybe English is your second language? I don't know why you are arguing as if I'm defending letting anyone have bad ping. I was explicitly saying that you shouldn't let people play who are far away from the server and have a bad ping.
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Bumping this up because it is a genuine problem playing against people sitting on a wifi connection. Please do something about the wifi players.
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this is my connection speed , and its been 3 days of teleporting in the map and getting kicked out of the game and i cant play at all , and its such a shame that no one cares.
Please fix my game!!
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Your idea is horrible when I play survivor accept the lobby after waiting 10 minutes and I want to play even though I may have the bad ping, remember that there are few killers at some times and maybe u need to play against people from far away, limiting ping of the lobby reduces the chances to find.
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well i have 300mbps and im all good its mainly the killers and u ugys have p2p right or is that xbox?
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there are around 40k players playing this weekly i dont think it would make such a huge difference.
2nd i hate it when killers say EZ GG NOOB GET GOOD and im palelt stunning them but they clip through hitting me then getting teleported back behind the pallet and you cant really do anything this causes me to ALMOST ALWAYS pre drop pallets hard and barely getting any valute anyways
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The latest update patch has broken the game, currently DBD has a dsync problem.
Someone tell u such nonsense "gitgud etc.." is no reason to limit the ping to other players, u should ask for devs fix the dsync.
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its just some spelling mistakes on my side since i was pretty annoyed when i wrote it :)
Sure i agree i mean i understand that everyone can't have top notch internet but sometimes it might not even be their internet. Sometimes you just get queued up with players really far away and about the video you sent im not talking about desync which also is a big problem and that combined with broken hitboxes (and a little lazy work from the devs not making your hitbox follow your character when sprinting for an example.
I mean just take a look at this
these 2 combined with desync makes it impossible to play against huntress a little greedy you have to make some really early turns around corners because sometimes it registers through corners (the hatchet and swings but rarely). This also makes it possible to snipe players behind a generator (i think its possible atleast)
and yes english is my 2nd language but the spelling mistakes was from me typing fast while being really annyoed by this game
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I think they are working on it the hitboxes are currently broken on it and they said that they were working on that too
So thats why i ahve such a huge desync problem now (every single game) which was like once every 8th game before
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Your problems are the same as any player even big streamers, DBD is almost unplayable.
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It's not just you! It's everyone mate
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same is happening for me (130 ms - 150 ms)..however for some reason after 8 million of matches the game puts me on my correct servers(70ms - 95ms)
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I think both should have ping limits, sorry if you play in Africa or with friends over seas. its just not fun for either side.