######### the doctor

The doctor has to be the most unfair and annoying killer in the game. All the screaming, messed up skill checks and revealing your location to the killer. i mean, are you ######### kidding me. Might as well let go on hook. ######### ridiculous. And its also really ######### ridiculous that his electro shock can cover up more than half of the entire goddamn map.
Let me be the first one to tell you that whoever says "git gud" are doctor mains themselves.
Doctor is like on the low end of mid-tier at best bro, I dunno what to tell you if you honestly think he's "unfair"
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Don't camp pallets. Just drop them. If you see him charging up to shock don't even try to vault; just leave. Holding W is the best way to counter doctor.
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You can counter his static blast by running away or getting in a locker. Besides, if you’re good at looping it doesn’t really matter if he knows where you are. Saying he’s the most unfair killer in the game is pretty ridiculous when there’s Freddy and Spirit.
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Get good yes I play Doctor a lot. One he's standard speed. He has anti stealth sure but he has to be able to utilize finding your location. And his power can't shut down all loops. From what I've seen people have poor knowledge of how Doctor works. Leading to criticizim I'm assuming you don't. His shock therapy has a range of 10 meters. And if you're shocked you can't do anything for 2.5 seconds.
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Doctor is mid-tier at best. There is no reason to complain about him.
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doctor is more annoying than strong.. sure there are really good doc players but they are rare as i see.. ppl tends to panic when they are vs the doctor for some reason.. just chill he isn't that strong..
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Probably an urban player, they are the ones who usually get upset at doctor haha.
He's not annoying, he's just not a killer you can get super immersive against, you'll have to actually play the game and interact with things unfortunately 😅
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Doctor is in my top 5 characters to go against. Really fun mind games in every chase
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Doctor is anti stealth so don't be hiding around. Unless he run distressing with both calm add ons he isn't gonna cover the whole map. I'm not gonna tell you to get good but you ever just run calm Spirit to avoid hearing the scream.
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Ah yes, an account with barely any posts complaining about a mid tier killer. The dbd forum classic.
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I hate to say it, but get good.
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He's one of the most annoying killers in the game but that has nothing to do with his strength. Doctor is midtier.
He used to be much worse IMO. His static was passive and the only way to avoid going up in madness was lockers. Super annoying, especially when he'd walk 50 feet to your left 10 seconds into the trial and you'd scream
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mid-tier is doctor, not the worst but not the best. You also do know that devs aren’t gonna look at this and instantly change him. If you have a problem with doc, just go into custom with a friend and try and practice how to play against doc. Idk dude.
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Doctor can be annoying, but it doesn't mean he is very powerful. And even if you hit madness tier 3, you can go down to tier 1 again, so you aren't always screaming. It just takes some time to learn to play against him.
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I'm going to guess you aren't great at going against Doctor. I personally love playing as and playing against Doctor. (I don't main any killer so don't come at me for saying I love playing as him). You just need to practice against him and not rely on stealth.
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Oh just wait until you face a tier worth talking about
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Literally git gud
~ not a doctor main
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I’m going to assume you just had a bad game against him, because that’s exactly what it sounds like.
Also it looks like my job has already been done. Guess there’s lot more Doctor mains than I thought on this forum.
Dude’s going to smash his screen against Nurse and Spirit lol
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What i tell you i knew one of you tryhards would come sooner or later. Git gud isnt helping it is being an immature dickweed who only spends his entire life in front of a ######### screen (not that i care anyways)
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Played against both spirit and nurse they are more op but less annoying still the doctor presses rb then bam he knows your location which is asswhipes
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He is annoying in many ways that is true, but not a very good killer so why complain?
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Again only no lifers and immature dickweed are using the term "git gud"
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Because it isn't true Doctor is the big mighty unstoppable killer you say he is. You're putting him on the same level as Nurse, Spirt, Hag, Freddy, Huntress, Oni, and Pyramidhead. What is immature is assuming a killer who doesn't fit your playstyle you like is Op change your strategy. Don't camp pallets. Vault early and don't be stealthy it's pointless against a Doctor. Play more before assuming things. And don't assume about someone you don't know very immature.
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People don't even realize that when doctor charges his power it slows him so instead of waiting the pallet just keep running and you make distance, its not easy to get value of his main antiloop power if survivors know how to play around it.
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funnily enough I am not a doctor main and I actually don't have the dlc either. I am also not a killer main. I have to say yes the doctor is frustrating if you are trying to go immersed and hide and it counters a lot of gameplay styles BUT he is no where near good compare to actual killers since he actually does have a counter. So really if you want to stop getting frustrated by the doctor it is just a case of learning his counters and how to deal with him in and out of chase. Oh and it isn't like survivors have any broken mechanics that can make killers unplayable like I don't know object of obsession. So leave to doctor where he is there are plenty of more pressing issues like spirit.
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How can you possibly say this with a straight face when Freddy exists?
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only an immature person would post something like this and reply to a comment like this
And it doesn't take a person with 1000+ hours to know that all you have to do is hold W
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Please tell me you're trolling.
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To be honest, I don't even use the doctors power solely for putting people into madness, I mainly use shock therapy for preventing a pallet drop or vault. Static blast however I think needs a little tweaking so it can have some kind of weakness other than calm spirit, like maybe distortion can have an effect on things like that.
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Doc has plenty of counterplay and is a middle-of-the-pack killer.
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I really don't think he's unfair.
You mean to tell me out of 4 survivors, not 1 of you has perks for skillchecks or generators?
The shock wave reveals the survivors locations, but not for long. It takes the last stage of madness to get that consistently, and if you're focusing on that, you aren't hooking people in that time.
Survivors can repair all but 1 gen by the time I get every survivor entirely bonkers.
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Are you a blendette OP? They usually seem to be the most anti-doc
Hard counters pallet camping, takes all the fun out of selfcare skillchecks and ruins any chance of spending half the match crouched in a bush. o p a f
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Thousands of people already know well how to play against a Doctor by this point.
I can't teach you anything, idk the guy well enough, but saying he's the most unfair is pretty ignorant.
Can't really deny you on "annoying" though, that's your opinion.
I find Nurse the most annoying, purely because of her screeches.
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Does your mother know you’re using bad words? You sound like kid cussing for the first time, just throwing cuss words you’ve heard into random positions of your message. I would love to be a fly on the wall as you’re going up against the Doc. The string of randomly placed obscenities would make me laugh as hard as the Doctor.
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I won't tell you to get good.
Get mediocre first, see if that doesn't help.
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git gud
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You seem awfully upset for somebody who claims to not care.
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Oh wait, lockers can counter him? Well i guess im gonna hide in some ######### lockers everyone has a reasonable counter i guess
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I hate him too he's a tunneling machine. Everytime you're unhooked and vulnerable he seems to have hsi static blast ready. He reminds me of old Freddy in that you can never really get away from him, everytime you lose him he just holds the CTRL key and finds you when you're usually by that point out of position.
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Honestly I think this post must be satire, it's funny to read. But I do agree that he is annoying. I don't think you should ######### on the hook though. Just suck it up, get through it and move on to the next game is my suggestion.
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Hope the one like that your comment got was worth it though, and as I can tell from the comment you made on my other post, I theorise that was from your second account.
That being said, to think that Doctor isn't an annoying killer to play against (Especially when considering his literal 65% win rate at red ranks) is a bit naive to say the least. I've enjoyed many games as Doctor and love playing as the Doctor, but I will agree with everyone else in saying he's annoying.
Not OP, no nerf required. I think he needs to be balanced more, but he's fine the way he is even when we consider the 65% win rate. But he is annoying, lol.
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I'm an immersive urban evading Claudette and I love facing the Doctor. It's so satisfying when I do gens, totems, rescue and heal and not get caught by him. I also love popping out of nowhere in order to take aggro off of someone on death hook. Its like "Surprise Mother**" here I am!
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I was going to respond in your thread, but this is getting ridiculous. You might want to seek professional help. You are getting ridiculously bent out of shape over an innocent comment.
As for your complaint here, what else am I supposed to tell them OP. He went off the deep end with a rant that was just factually untrue.
He wants to argue Doctor is annoying? Fair enough. I understand where they're coming from. Trying to argue Doctor is op is just flat wrong.
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It's not wrong advice though. If you're getting beaten by something in the game, it's a sign that you need to improve against that something or you're gonna keep getting frustrated and never learn.
Getting found isn't always a bad thing. Doctor's biggest strength is tracking, so as long as you prepare yourself for a non-stealth game his static blast is a joke.
His second biggest strength is denying pallets and windows, which can be dealt with by counter-looping (if he shocks, keep running and run around the other side of the pallet and chain tiles together). If you think he's a little too close or he has range add-ons just pre-drop the pallet.
If the doctor's running discipline add-ons idk what advice to give. Discipline and range together is ######### dumb. But yeah those are the things that work for me. As for skillchecks I think there are skill check simulators on some DbD related websites but they could help if you're really struggling.