Heroic Curse (Challenge for Developers)

Please rename the challenge to this. Why have the developers put such a lame challenge in the archives? There's a better way to do it, devs. What's the use of empathy if I can't recover myself, I need to waste two perk slots to complete the challenge and that too it's luck depending on the killer if they will slug or not. I spend all day today trying to complete the challenge and failed miserably. If you're a dev and you're reading this I challenge you to complete this challenge and post a video here. Don't cheat. If you can't accept the challenge, please don't make such dumb challenges again. Thanks in advance.
So the killer just left them to slug for you to heal. You got lucky in a rare instance. Now do the challenge again on another account and see if you get lucky second time. Good luck.
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Yes, absolutely ridiculous. Let's see how many devs accept the challenge.
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I have yet to do this challenge, but why is the Empathy perk required? It seems conditional enough with healing 2 people out of dying state.
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Because Devs thought it would be fun to waste perk slot of players, I guess.
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It's annoying the challenge was dependent on the killer slugging, not to mention you had to do it twice in the same match. Would have been much better if it just once.
Doesn't help that the other challenges the devs come up with are just counters to basic tasks you have to do.
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I did it on my first try. Used Empathy as it is required, and as soon as a survivor was hurt I ran over there. Then I used Zarinas perk, "For the People" to pick them up instantly, I had a medkit with me, so I could do it twice. I got downed as soon as I picked up the survivor.
But yes, challenges is not good for the game, it make the team play suboptimal, to say the least, crouching around to Cleanse 15 totems. Thats at least 3 games, and probably more like 5 or 6. I just do my challenges, and let myself die on first hook, unless, there is a good flow in the game. I don't care when I know I have done nothing until i have solved my challenge.
Call me whatever, I just want the challenge out of the way, and I won't make my SWF team suffer under some of the stupid ones.
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I agree.
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Thanks for the suggestions. Will try this out definitely. And yes, I agree a thousand percent with everything you've said. You're absolutely right when you say that, considering the current state of the game with the challenges.