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Sure the game is asymmetric, but who has the advantage?

Just trying to start a war or get some facts

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  • Member Posts: 67
  • Member Posts: 63

    Us survivor folk

  • Member Posts: 632

    No side in the game has a consistent advantage. There's just way to many RNG and matchmaking factors that sway towards one side. For example, lets say a trapper with no addons goes up against an experienced team that gets a good Haddonfield. In that scenario, the game is going to be very survivor sided. Lets say that in another example an experienced nurse goes up against a bunch of newer survivors on Dead dawg saloon. In that scenario the game is going to be very killer sided.

    In short, the game isn't survivor or killer sided, its RNG sided.

  • Member Posts: 67

    I'm honestly surprised you feel that way.

    I don't know that it comes down to map if you have experienced players on both sides.

    To me, it ultimately looks like a battle of attrition every time.

    People get mad over using certain tactics in both cases, but I feel like that atmosphere is there because the steaks are so high. I'm just wondering where the tension is.

  • Member Posts: 918


  • Yo So I finally made an account because of another comment then realized I went on a rant and now I just want to be heard why killers cry so much on the discussion boards. I've been playing since huntress/nurse(can't remember) came out.

    Over the years reading these post its usually people who main killers let me give you a bit of how I spend my time playing DBD.

    I have played a total of 14 matches in solo survivor its the worst couldn't believe how there is zero team work with that said I have been playing 2 man SWF since by buddy got me the game at the beginning and this has always been in our top two games to play everyday. We play serious and try to never be seen untill we see a petty killer or even worse a solo saboteur on the team but don't get me started on the second issue. If you have been playing as long as me then you aren't playing for BP, but only that it's a good game long or short it was just an intense game of cat and mouse and you know everyone is going to get a pip, so why face camp or just act like if you don't get a 4k you lost somehow just keep moving why play defensive when you could just start hitting people.? Like foreal you are gunna just keep tunneling the same person why if you already got someone once it's likely you will get someone again why? Like for real?

    Now since I've always done 2 man SWF I've never been in a 4 party SWF so I'm sure their is grieving buttttt, as the last two months we got two friends to get the game and we now only play 4 man SWF and it's still the same but us two originals just play Jesus roles for the new guys and what's crazy is killer will only go for them. tunnel all the way untill entity calls their name. It's a shame because that's when we will take the killer.

    Now anyone who complains about killer should have this or this I have seen this game from 102% speed to 112% the swinging hit box is so ******* huge that you can't swoopwhooop because he spun so quickly while swinging. But I keep playing.

    Before you say well you don't play killer....false I ONLY play Amanda IMO very few play killer right and especially not her.

    I play to scare people and stress everyone out. if I down you you get a helmet and you go on hook and I will never come back to you on that hook, when you get unhooked and I see you running around I'll down you and leave you everytime your timer pauses. Once you have no more hook time left I just keep downing you and leaving you untill everyone is on the ground. I want everyone to pip in my games.

    My issue with killer is, well as I have spelled out try and not to get a 4k as easily as possible because the game is so one sided. That's why if the devs would just implement an across the board you make it to nine you'll never be a ten again because Jesus why should anyone outside lvl bin and lower ever play green ranks? It's dumb and unfair to the new people.

    The few people that I have messaged with "you are a gifted killer, thanks for the game! I ment it.

  • Member Posts: 1,328
    edited March 2021

    Both sides can have more of an advantage than the other through-out each match. No side truly has an advantage all the time.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Co-ordinated spread-out gen-slamming meta-having SWF deathsquads have the advantage over anything else.

    Otherwise? Depends. It's mostly down to individual trials as to who has the advantage. The trump card mentioned above isn't as common as most people believe.

  • Member Posts: 378

    SWF makes it survivor-dominated.

    Full Solo Team is a dice roll.

  • Member Posts: 1,054

    Full solo it all depends if the team has 2 brain cells or not.

  • Member Posts: 841

    Survivor in 90% of the scenario, with the other 10% being the solo queue experience, but even then.. survivors are the power role.

    Even in randoms, a decent survivor team all with DS/UB/DH/BT, etc are virtually unstoppable unless you're Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Survivors by far. They can easily dominate 95% of the killer cast barring Spirit & Nurse... IF THEY CHOOSE TO.

  • Member Posts: 252

    In theory the game is balance in truth..

    Well, let me explain a made by design imbalanced game called Friday the 13th and how It is for the most part Jason sided to a point where people where to use the in-game chat with limited range (unless you got the walkie-talkie) which added to the depth of the game and made It actually fun to hear people screaming trying to work together vs Jason...Then compare that to when people took over friday the 13th the game and basically just wanted to kill jason for sweat so they all go into a group chat..don't interact with Jason, zerg rush his mom's head and try to summon Tommy Jarvis so they can auto Kill Jason and win. Everyone basically just tries to Kill Jason now so the multiple vs 1 has turned the monster into the prey because people found a way to cheese the rules. And Since Jason has to Kill to win cause of the time limit in the Campers favor they are now basically chasing him with a sweater and a shotgun as Jason is now gotta either Killer Tommy before they get the sweater wearer over there Or kill sweater wearer...Which will be impossible because they are gonna have a army of goons body gaurding them.

    DBD is balanced til you add in the mics then basically most the perks are no longer needed by survivors since they basically always know where the killer is at...On top of that SWF more or less have control of which map your heading and If they want to will do everything in their power to send you where they want..This is not including the fact they have basically the same/offshoot offerings as the Killer..But can spam them in mass..So imaging multiple hook removals going off at once.

    The truth is survivors in DBD have too much control..They control the flow of the chase and where it goes, they control the game speed, they even control the escape..It is so ######### bad in game collapse was made basically as the Entity saying "You win, now get the ######### out or I will kill you"...How ######### bad is the balance when the Killer needs to basically open the door to tell you to ######### off?

    And this is because there is no counter vs Comms...And the Devs fear giving the Killer anyway to counter SWF would be overkill/imbalanced.

    Unless,you can basically ######### with 3rd party software in the game by having a Killer who can mute people's mics or do sneaky things to mess with their heads...You are gonna have a SWF problems

    It is not that one said is stronger then others..It is that People going into groups in any game usually ruin It for everyone else.

  • Member Posts: 526


  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Its simple.


  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited March 2021

    objectively a game with an uneven amount of brains and hands between the sides is impossible to truly balance. You can attempt to compensate, but one side will always have a little edge over the other both in terms of general balance and difference in individual skill levels and whatever rng a game might throw at them. I've realized over time that asymmetrical is a genre that needs to die a quick death if you're concerned about balance.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    1 v 1 - Killer has big advantage

    4 v 1 Survivors have advantage

    3 Survivors can do objectives indefinitely whilst 1 is being chased. Killer can't physically hook more than one at a time.

  • Member Posts: 252

    I would argue It is less about balanced and more like not making one side feel 100% powerless vs the other. Which from playing these games and where the problem starts.

    The contrast to friday the 13th was Dungeon land. That game bomb because It was too heavily in favor of the DM and all anyone wanted to play was DM. They basically just wiped parties on the first stage and be done.

    People slowly lose interest because after sometime they cant beat the "Winning tactic"..So,they give up and leave..It is like people who play Civ and just rush big armies and take most of everyone out before the game starts.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    It's killer sided unless you are versing optimal survivors or a decent SWF.

    And as we all know from solo q teammates, well those survivors are hard to find.

  • Member Posts: 243


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