Red rank survivors don't know the basics of the game

I'm going to try to be as polite as possible when I say all of this. Unbind your crouch button, if you're not being chased you should be repairing gens, if the killer is glaring at you hard enough so see the whites of your eyes running is better than hiding, you don't need to unhook somebody 3 seconds into their first hook each phase of the sacrificial process is 60 seconds long, if the killer is camping doing gens is better than immediately trading hooks, stop wasting your DS, stop complaining when the killer does even moderately well, if you're being camped trying to unhook yourself is literally the worst thing to do in that situation, if you get farmed yell at your teammate not the killer, if you're solo queuing use bond or kindred you need to know where your teammates are.
Mere words cannot describe how frustrating it is seeing rank 1 survivors play the game like they just installed it.
Sometimes its fun just to do whatever
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I don't necessarily disagree with any of the things you said. Sometimes it's bad, I know. What I disagree with is the fact that you are trying to control how others play the game. Every player have to understand that they only get to control how they play and that's it.
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What red ranks are you playing with? I want them in my Killer games XD
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Yeah. A lot of players are really bad at the game. Not much you can do. I think the generator inefficiency is the most baffling thing to me. You HAVE to do the gens. It's literally the only objective survivors have, and you get red rank crouch bots who somehow exist in the match for 7-10 minutes and do 2-3 gens between 4 survivors. That's incredible. And kind of boring as a killer when you can autopilot 90% of red rank games and 4k. Free hit because crouching behind tree. Aaaaand they medium vaulted in front of me for the down. Ok
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I'm going to be real with you. I main solo and I see it a lot in Red Ranks but at the same time its swf gen jockeys playing by themselves. I don't mean all swf teams by saying this but a good majority are in a rank they shouldn't be because they ride their friends win streaks while their friends ride the Killer they sit on gens and totems until its time to escape. Then when they want to play and their friends aren't on they play solo and we get this crap shoot.
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My favorite theory in this thread.
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Can't believe no one has said it yet but, if this is such a problem then you should try and make some friends to play with so you don't get stuck with baddies. You're just playing russian roulette with the matchmaking right now and there's no way you're going to force some randoms to play the way you want them to. They could be a boss red rank just wanting to play casually for a night, or maybe they took a break for a while and came back rusty, or they're starting fresh on a new character, etc, etc - whatever their situation or reasons, you can't control or influence their gameplay so, either chill and accept it or make some friends.
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And the amount of red rank survivors that waste and camp or the pallets or just instantly go down in 2 seconds
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Yeah, red ranks tbh doesn't mean anything. It means that they play a lot--but that's it. I've been rank 1 and I'm currently rank 3, nearly rank 2, and I can't run for #########, I make terrible decisions, I'm not good at hiding, I sometimes make brain-dead saves. I don't want to be red rank, but it's impossible to rank down because I at least safety pip every match.
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It’s painful sometimes running aura reading perks. Watching the Meg camp a super safe pallet, get hit, then throw it and run away into a deadzone. 😭 Much as I love Kindred and Bond, sometimes I’d rather live in ignorance.
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I agree with all of this but the first. Hiding instead of being in a chase is the superior option for a solo player simply because you can't be sure if your team are a sack of potatoes.
However, way too many people are subtle when there is no reason to be. Like I remember watching on bond a teammate just crouching around walking in circles in a panic trying to be as hidden as possible when someone went down ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP.
A good rule of thumb is you shouldn't hide unless you have good reason to suspect a stealth killer is near (like you saw them come by), or you KNOW an overt killer is near and peeking around the area. If your not sure, its better to assume your good to do gens than not.
Also, survivors especially DO need 'hook conduct' beaten into their heads. Insta-rescues are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, like its the wrong choice literally no matter what because you didn't even give the killer time to leave so your subjecting the injured player to another immediate chase and letting the killer get free pressure on two survivors with a super quick down in their future.
Nah. Use that info to let you know that you don't need to rush on that rescue, and if it comes down to you and that meg, spend your time looking for hatch.
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What did you expect with current rank reset?
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I totally agree w this statement.
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it's literally me haha
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Oh boy, that reminded me of recent match I had.
Killer used Lery's offering, which should've alerted anyone that's played DBD for at least 15 minutes. Did it alert my Red Rank teamates? Heh 😆 Lo and behold, it was the T1 Myers with wallhacks! Who could've guessed? Not the guy that got hit and one second later got hit again, that's for sure. But hey, good thing my other teammates were right there to help him!
One generator later (that I finished solo), my whole team's slugged. Just how do You even go down to T1 Myers so badly? I went there to help, Myers tried to chase me and failed. He kept at it for a few minutes before finally giving up (no hit on me). Then he went to play with my dear teammates, killed everyone and found the hatch first before me. Chased me through all of the EGC, didn't land a single hit till I finally died to EGC.
And that's a story of how T1 Myers needs to be nerfed. He gets 4k in Red Ranks that easily~
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Jay, how do you expect me to teabag at pallets if I unbind crouch?
I don't think you know how to play this game.
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Fun thing, when I play killer I get decent survivors, not the best not the worst either.
When I play with survivor, they just don't know what to do, I've seen that many that don't know how to not get 3 gen.
Like man, you are rank 1-2 how the heck did you get here without knowing the basics?? I wish the old rank reset was a thing still.
Some last in a chase about 20 seconds.
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Oh no I know its true. Most games I end up dead because I run the Killer. My two games today I had killers attention for almost 4 minutes and three gens where just gone. The Killer left me and downed two of them on my first game in little under a minute. They couldn't run an L wall for ****.
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Yeah, the only time I don't safety pip as Survivor is when I'm tunneled because of a non BT save or when nobody saves me by end of first stage so I don't bother struggling for second stage because kindred is showing my "team" in separate corners of the map self caring while one is chased.
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Some challenges I see (I'm red rank survivor)
- In many games, if someone doesn't run for the hooked person soon after hooked, (a high percentage of time) will just give up.
- I 100% agree someone should always be on gens, and I often try to be that guy, as when I decide to go unhook, the other 2 solo players also decide to do this. I run kindred when I solo queue more to try to avoid this, although I hate wasting a slot on that perk.
Sometimes you will see a lot of people give up simply because
- they don't like map
- they don't like killer
- the killer took a secret (probably Mori)
- they see killer in first 30 seconds
Lets not forget other important reason why people might not do what OP said
- People working challenges and focusing on them
- people just having fun trying out new perk combos
- people that have Thousands of hours and bored just doing whatever
Those last 3 are all valid and part of the game, but can frustrate their teammates because they are not helping in that specific game and another player gets update.
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This image says it all about 90% of "red rank" survivors
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Playing solo can be a pain I'm relatively low rank 14-16. but the teams I get put in are crazy. they spend more time trading hooks and leading the killer to people then anything. they're not organized at all and we get smashed
yet when I play killer all I seem to go against are people who are either piggybacking on lower ranks to get easy games or a killer hit squad, always working well together anyway.
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thats what happens when the ranking system is way too forgiving
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Great post. +1 for recommending Kindred and Bond. Literally a solo Survivor's best friends (except Spine Chill :))
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This game promotes stealth to rank up. I can run the killer for 5 gens and not pip while the claudie crouching in the corner gets to rank up.
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Well said. I feel this is what happens when you lower the standards. Years ago it was actually harder to rank up and there weren't as many tools at your disposal. I really feel the ruin rework literally opened the gates for the newbs to get to red ranks. When ruin forced you to hit great skill checks that at least stopped people from repairing gens unhindered while the killer was busy somewhere else. Now people can rank up without even running into the killer. Before the emblem system, red rank gave a mote of assurance that person has an idea of how to play. Now rank means literally nothing. It's hard to distinguish who is actually skilled when they let everyone in.
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Classic players that have been around longer saying "Back in my day Red ranks meant something B.S" Always need to find a way to make one self seem better then others. Classic
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The large number of red ranks really just watch enough streaming games to memorize God-loops and blendy hiding spots while flexing maximum altruism and hatch hunting- otherwise they play like newbs- I have more fun playing with/ against rank 5-10 survivors
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what about people like myself who are at a lower rank for survivor but paly better games and still get screwed because the teams they're put on play badly. If I play with friends, they're a higher rank then I am so I get matched with killers about 10 ranks higher then myself so I get owned anyway.
and lets not forget the people who openly want to play against low rank killers for easy games. I've heard people say they want to smurf for easy wins.
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Same when it comes to killers tbh. My experience with red ranks killers has been that they all do the exact same thing--running BBQ & chili, sometimes with whispers, sometimes with nurses calling instead of whispers, they always play irri add-ons, its a 50/50% chance they're playing irri add-ons with a mori, and then they slug the last two survivors for the 4k. I'd rather play with rank 5 - 10 survivors, and against ranks 8 - 13 killers.
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Because pipping as survivor is way easier than pipping as killer, thus you find killers who are normally fairly decent at the game but survivors who are boosted idiots. All you really need to do in order to pip is fix a few gens and make sure you survive, that's about it, being able to hide from the killer or keep teammates alive doesn't matter as much as hold M1 and escape.
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*some* red rank survivors don't know the basics of the game.
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I run into the same people a lot. 1 guy is now a rank 1... but he is horrible in chases. He is a stealthy gen jockey.
I love having him in my games, he is always working on gens, doesn't play toxic, and will come for saves and heal (run kindred people)... except he is downed in 2.2 seconds. An asset 90% of the time... a huge liability 10%.
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It also sums up solo queue.
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I feel a bit dirty reviving my own thread, but I've noticed an infestation of boosted survivors in my red rank matches again and I figured venting here would be better than making a new thread.
So, I keep getting survivors that literally don't run away from the killer unless they've just been hit. I'm not talking about tanking a hit at a gen to finish it, I'm talking about survivors hiding in plain sight, getting found, and then committing to their hiding spot anyway. How is this so common at any rank above brown, if your strategy of burying your head in the darkest corner you can find doesn't work stop doing it.
I've also been seeing a lot of survivors hiding in lockers when the killer is very obviously in a chase, which is a classic brown rank move. They're not using red herring or head on, they're seriously hiding from the terror radius. This alone tells me I'm not actually playing with red rank survivors, I'm playing with people that have been boosted by the emblem system.
I honestly think rank reset needs to be reverted back to how it was originally, with how easy survivor gameplay is in general there's no reason to have ranking up, and staying ranked up, be even easier.
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I've been solo queueing the last few days and I go into almost every game feeling that we'd be lucky to get 2 gens done. It's honestly so sad. It's such a miserable experience. It doesn't matter how well I play, at the end of the day I need the 3 other survivors to function. Do gens, don't go down in 2 seconds.
I really hate to do it, but I've basically been forced to use selfish key builds. Appraisal + Plunderers. Sad thing is, even before the game starts I can just tell the survivors will be awful. Default clothing, hidden hours/console. At this point I even equip Left Behind and Self-Care because I know the game is lost before it even begins - a key is my only chance.
It's not the other survivors fault because they should never be playing with me in the first place. It's the developers fault and it's really annoying how long they are taking to introduce another MMR system.
Just so miserable... I'm trying to stay positive but I just can't. I know I've lost before I've even loaded into the game. I should probably take a break.
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It's to bad we don't have a ranking system which accurately reflects skill. Of course that wouldn't help unless we had matchmaking that didn't ignore it for time convenience.
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I've seen red (and purple!!) Survivors kill themselve, thrying to free themselves from the first hook! Worst thing is, they can SEE me running to the rescue!!! I think they do it on puropse!!! 😡
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I mean....I don't care about gens when solo survivor because escape is just....highly unlikely.
I just try and get chased to get better at chases. Also I know if I don't go down in 3 seconds maybe the others might actually do a gen, because most of the time if I go on a gen they get downed IMMEDIATELY and then proceed to all lemming to the hook and just get steam rolled.
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I'm gonna have to disagree completely on this. I pip easier as a killer and even got to rank 3 ( I'm a survivor main) (I only play twins or clown)
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