What's your thought about Noed?

C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

Just a simple question.

What's your thought about Noed? 103 votes

Noed rewards bad Killers for failing their objective.
White_OwlHorsePowerSeiko300BlueberryLeonardo1itaTaigaDetailedDetrimentInsaneCoasterRoboMojoIcewhisperSebaOutbreakRanger_939icegirl75loveMadLordJackoh_salutationsVeckmanDr_EmaraldAzxx93prison_mikeSheepOfGod 46 votes
Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.
AdelooFog_KingBlazelskiEsperiaemusstang62MrPenguinSillierHorizon5AvilgusFerixstarGlamourousLeviathanDBD78[Deleted User]fakeCornHubKnightFall28901Grim_GrimzFFirebranddAwkward_Fiend[Deleted User]bm33 57 votes


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I'm in between for this right now, and my opinion on Noed often goes back and forth, but here's what I think for the most part.

    In games where the gens fly by, the killer only had one or two hooks and they couldn't stop the survivors, that is when the survivors get punished for not doing bones. It does its job by providing the killer a much needed boost when they couldn't do anything.

    In long games, where a survivor dcd/suicided, the killer has a slowdown build or the killer has just put on a lot of pressure, but the survivors managed to make it to the end game by playing well, then I think it's a crutch and overpowered perk as the survivors didn't have time to do bones or they'd risk losing.

    Additionally, in games where the killer just plays bad, such as committing way too long for chases, camping/tunneling when there was no need, or overall just making alot of mistakes, while I can blame the survivors for not doing the totems, it does reward the killer for playing poor

    But that's just my opinion on it, I'm in favour of it being nerfed somewhat, but not to the extent that it becomes useless.

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,081

    Why not an option for both?

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246
    Noed rewards bad Killers for failing their objective.

    I play solo que

    the only times i've seen NOED used is in two builds; the endgame build and the toxic build

    the endgame build I actually really love, because an underpowered killer suddenly has location, instadown, bloodwarden, it's chaotic and tense which is something DBD is not.

    However, I see the toxic build more often, where killers slug and play Freddy and do that little head nod.

    I don't have a high opinion of NOED but that's not because of the perk, more of the people that use it.

    The killer is losing, they used a perk that required no buildup and without warning they suddenly won and act like they just won the ######### superbowl. Being toxic and acting better than everyone else.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    The Noed rewards bad killers to win games when they should not have killed any one, yes it´s true but this way this killers will find more and more difficult survivors after and then they complain about the difficulty of the game.

    The Noed punishes the survivors for not breaking hex is also true but if we analyze a game with a strong killer you as a survivor do not have time to be looking for totem as the killer is finishing with the your team quickly is better to leave it for the end besides the NOED always hides in the exit doors does not have much difficulty to find it if you don´t break that hex before.

  • Funchal
    Funchal Member Posts: 43

    Both are right, but we must consider one thing

    You cannot compel players in PvP games to make decisions based on chance, this totally destroys the ability of good players to make good decisions and be rewarded for their strategies.

    What exactly do Bones currently do? Nothing, give you points

    Within the current 78 killer perks, do you require players to stop everything they are doing (healing, removing traps, saving on hooks, making generators) to start looking for totems that may or may not have Noed? This is completely unfair and counter intuitive

    Do you want survivors to make totems? so give a solid reason for it.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    Noed rewards bad Killers for failing their objective.

    I did choose the option of rewarding bad killers, but only because it goes with my real thoughts on the perk. NOED rewards killers who got stuck in a situation they shouldn't be in. It may not have been avoidable, but as a killer, you shouldn't be in a situation where all gens are done.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    Noed rewards bad Killers for failing their objective.

    It activates if the killer literally goes AFK, and the whole "JuSt Do BoNeS" nonsense is literally stronger than the effect of the perk itself, which is even less fair. That is in no way okay.

    I will never be in love with endgame perks, but it needs to be changed to an earnable powerspike instead of a powerspike that only hardcore SWF teams or extremely lucky solo's can prevent.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,877
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    If the killer's dominating the match, NOED never goes off, so it's a non-issue. If it's a hotly contested match, going back and forth, then NOED's just another element of a game the killer played well. If the survivors are dominating the match, then NOED can stop it from being a total shut-out by helping the killer get someone at the end, which I think is good.

    Because it's an asymmetrical game, it's hard for a match to be a total shut-out for the survivors in the same way it can be for killers. So, in the interests of making sure all five players have a chance to get some points, I think it's a pretty good perk.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Option 3 / C: NOED rewards the killer whether they failed to protect gens or not, so long as survivors fail their SECONDARY objective.

    NOED needs to activate when the last generator is repaired, not when the exits are powered.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649
    Noed rewards bad Killers for failing their objective.

    It's for noob killers.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    Decisive strike rewards survivors for getting hooked and getting downed again. Resilience and Iron Will reward you for taking damage (since no noise is quieter than breathing). Blood warden rewards the killer for only hooking in the endgame and not for the rest of the game. Boil Over rewards the survivor for being carried by the killer. Unbreakable, Flip Flop, and Power struggle all reward you for being downed. Dead Man's Switch, Rancor, Bitter Murmur, and Coup de Grace all reward you for letting gens go.

    So why don't I see complaints about those perks? Almost all of which come into play before the endgame and can't be completely removed?

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743
    Noed rewards bad Killers for failing their objective.

    Noed users will vote for the other option :D

  • Sand
    Sand Member Posts: 179
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    Its a hard question because you can just do your bones but with the nerf of all the other hex perks it probably deserves a nerf. I don't use it personally because I don't want the survivors to get 5 gens done. But it is definitely the strongest hex

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    edited February 2021
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    I disagree with the option I chose, I only picked it because I think NOED is fine.

    I'd like to start off by saying I don't use NOED. This is just my opinion, and I might rethink it.

    NOED is honestly not the best perk. It's an okay perk, but not that great. The best it can do is net a killer at least 1 kill unless they have Blood Warden or something, or if the survivors are too confident to save their teammates. If a killer is running NOED you can go back to a totem you saw at the beginning of the game and see if it lit up and if you're in a SWF then hopefully your other three mates found a totem that they can go back to. If not then oh well, the risk isn't worth it. Just leave. If you die, accept your fate.

    I'm gonna be running NOED with or w/o Blood Warden for a lot of games tonight to see if my opinion changes. Will also do it when the next hotfix releases to see if the desync made it easier for me.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071

    Neither, Noed is a bad perk that punishes Killers by wasting a perk slot for an effect that does nothing for 99% of the match, and then either gets destroyed or doesnt even activate anyways.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    Noed is fine, in my opinion. It has counters and even if it activates, it doesn't mean a survivor doesn't find the hex after and destroy it. It's a gamble, that might or might not work and a last chance for the killer if every survivor is healthy and all gens are done.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 395

    I want to talk about a specific situation where I hate NOED. You load into a match, you or a team mate are found by the killer. The killer commits to the survivor totally leaving gens and just focusing on said survivor. If I am the survivor who is being chased I want gens done as quickly as possible so that the time I have ran the killer means something. If my team mate is running the killer I want to do gens as soon as possible so they can maybe escape. Now you may say "Well just get the survivor off the hook and carry on" but if you have been in the situation as survivor most likely the killer now has a bee in their bonnet and wants that one survivor dead. So with the information I have and guessing the killer actions I am not going to go around the map looking for totems, I am going to do my best to get the objective done so that survivor can escape. Like I said, this is one specific situation but when NOED pops is utterly annoying. This is where I hate the perk because the killer will throw the match for one survivor and even though they made the bad choice I doing so they know they can use NOED as back up. Also I am going to assume you're asking "well just leave or find the totem" sometimes the survivor could be hooked by the lit totem and its over. I also wouldn't want to leave the survivor to die on hook just because they did well and got done over by a crap perk.

    When I myself play killer I don't bring NOED because in my eyes if I didn't have control of the match before gens popped then that's on me. Sometimes gens get popped and that's ok. Either way people will use what perks they want however if you are a killer that uses the best perks (BBQ, NOED, POP, etc) then you should expect it from the other side too.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019
    Noed rewards bad Killers for failing their objective.

    i understand noed at yellow and brown ranks but if you use it pastgreen ranks you deserve to be teabagged at the exit gate. noed is meant to make low rank killers learn the game easier, not guarantee the killer an entire kill

    SOMENINJANAME Member Posts: 294
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    I see it as a bit of both. More so the latter. It sucks if you haven't been hit the entire match and then get one shotted and hooked, but that's also how life is lol.

    SOMENINJANAME Member Posts: 294
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    I agree with your last sentence. And as a Killer, I always expect the best perks to be used against me. There is nothing wrong with everyone bringing the best available Perks.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317
    Noed rewards bad Killers for failing their objective.

    Not either of the choices really. noed is just frustrating

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited February 2021
    Noed rewards bad Killers for failing their objective.

    My main complaint about NOED is that it counters the counter to hard camping, which is doing gens, thus promoting unhealthy gameplay. If it had the condition that only survivors who have been hooked at least once get the exposed status effect it would still be very good in the end game (since during normal gameplay it's very rare to not hook every survivor once), but facecamping Bubbas can't use it to get some easy kills.

  • e_j2007
    e_j2007 Member Posts: 130
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    i think its a good perk for starting out as a killer but when you get better at the game you dont really need it because more than half of the time you wont get to end game. I just wish survivors would stop being babies and stop complaining about it. its fine and it does what its meant to do

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    Its a clutch perk, like Adrenaline.

  • TauNkosi
    TauNkosi Member Posts: 282
    edited February 2021
    Noed rewards bad Killers for failing their objective.

    If NOED awarded killers for playing good and not playing bad, I'd be totally fine with it. I get tired of doing my hardest to survive only to die to NOED. Say what you want, its a clutch perk that rewards you for playing bad. There's no dancing around it. That's why most new/bad killers use it. If you're good, you have no reason to bring it.

  • RK67
    RK67 Member Posts: 101
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    Survivors have so many second chance perks. Killers have only one that is noed which is already weak. It usually rewards 1 kill for the killer. So noed is fine.

  • I can't vote because I agree on both answers. And I speak as a 2000+ hr player! As a Killer I feel relieved I can get those pesky tea-bagging survivors down at the game's end. And also I feel great to punish Survivors for not "cleansing totems"!

    Then they dare call me noob for clubbing them down! Double satisfaction and I am happy the devs have included No One Escapes death! 😝

  • FiveHargreeves
    FiveHargreeves Member Posts: 5
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    NOED is completely fine.

    If you get 4 toxic swf with bad matchmaking then you can kill atleast 1 easily with noed. Also as soon as you get found by an experienced killer anyway your dead, they will most likely commit. The only thing from NOED needing to be changed is the speed but even then, thats not much im just looking from other perspectives.

  • Spacehedgehog
    Spacehedgehog Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2021
    Noed rewards bad Killers for failing their objective.

    Something I won't ever get it is how in Identity V a game Behaviour help make they managed to add no ed in the game through the form of detention although it only lasts for 120 seconds instead of until a separate objective is complete. Survivors expect there to be no ed at the end of the game and deal with it accordingly yes its annoying when the killer manages to grasp a win just because of no ed but instead of blaming the killer I see survivors blame themselves for making mistakes that lead to the killer winning. I should point out that a majority of these games are solo queue so there was little communication between the players . Honestly the community needs to change their attitude to no ed first and then they need to learn how to deal with no ed. It isn't impossible other games and other people have done it.

    I voted for no ed rewarding killer for failing their objective because the way it is done right now is just that. Until the community changes their attitude and learn how to counter it then it will stay like a reward for killers who failed their objective.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    It's a perk I've seen on many killers. Many times, the perk has never been needed, which for me immediately shows that it's not a perk used just by "bad killers". When it activates, I can probably count on 1 hand the amount of times more than 1 survivor was sacrificed, which is more a comment on how bad the survivors were. Sometimes, it never even triggers!

    The latter option fits better because of this. Also, because a survivor's main objective is to do gens to escape. A killer's objective is to sacrifice the survivors before they escape. So the killer hasn't actually failed the objective until the survivors have escaped (& even then everyone has a different standard they adhere to in what they call a "win").

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    I always said NOED needs a buff since it will then force more survivors to do bones which is good since gen speeds is a problem. And longer gen time is too boring for us survivors, so perhaps buff the movement speed even more.

  • Grim_Grimz
    Grim_Grimz Member Posts: 70
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    im selecting this one because i think it rewards killers for putting enough pressure on survivors that they feel like they need to do gens and have no time for totems.

    When a survivor feels like the NOED down is undeserved bc the killer performed poorly that match, then the surv should have had the time to do totems if the killer was that bad.

    at least its not like old perma noed

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    Fools that dont do bones will pick the other option

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited March 2021
    Noed rewards Killer for the risk of playing 3 perks & punish Survivor for not do bones.

    Survivors have plenty of last chance/second chance perks. Makes no sense to remove this one for killers. If things like bt near gates, keys, Ds, unbreakable, etc (the list goes on) exist you shouldn't take away the killers only real counter to it all

    Post edited by IWasLeft2Die on