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Which killer would you take out for a drink?

Member Posts: 3,302

Light and friendly topic about which killer you'd like to go out for a pint or a cocktail with? Not necessarily a date, more just to look like an absolute baller rocking up to a venue with a killer from dbd.

Gotta be Oni or Trapper, pretty sure the police would make an appearance however.


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  • Member Posts: 332

    Probably either Legion, Ghostface or Blight, they'd probably be interesting in conversation

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited March 2021

    H. H. Holmes. It would feel like opening a loot box. I would be wondering if we would have some interesting conversations, maybe head to his place for some serial killing fun, or if I would become the next victim.

    Edit: I just realized I compared interacting with one of the best and most manipulative serial killers America has ever had to opening a lootbox. Seems fair.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Freddy, of course. I am sure that drinks in the Dream World are the best ones.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Using the adjective "best" on a real life serial murderer is a bit weird imo.

  • Member Posts: 1,319

    The feelings on the matter don't change the facts involved.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Clown would make a great drinking partner. See who gets alcohol poisoning first!

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited March 2021

    nevermind what I said in response before editing ... we need a delete option for posts

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    I don't drink alcohol, but I would love to hear more about the Oni. I want him to tell me everything about the era he lived in, about his feelings, etc.

    I would also love to hear more from Plague's story from herself, but not too near her. I'm kind of hypocondriac.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Which facts?

    You are acting as if there is an objective assessment criterion on who is the best and who is the worst serial killer but what would this criterion be?

    If you are talking about the kill numbers there would have been other adjectives (maybe most murderous or most sucessful) to describe that without sounding like you are glorifying someone who is responsible for the suffering of many people.

    And about the whole facts don't care about your feelings thing: Yes, sometimes there are potentially harmful facts that need to be said, but there is always a way to say them more nicely. Some people just don't want to do that and use "I'm just being honest or I'm just stating facts" as an excuse to be mean.

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    Legion. As i'm more of a listener, it would be really akward to go out with Myers, while i can easily listen and not talk much with the Legion as Frank will likely lead the discussion ^^

  • Member Posts: 2

    Legion for sure, I am horrible at partying, and I'm sure they would be able to make the night a blast.

    I would also love bringing the nurse to get a drink after a long night shift, and just relax

  • Member Posts: 243

    The only real picks for me are Freddy, Pig, deathslinger, or maybe wraith everyone else would be boring to talk to.

  • Member Posts: 628

    I'd probably say Trapper or Twins. Out of the killer's, they were probably the least willing to go into the Fog. Doctor and GF are just crazy. I think Trapper and Twins could have meaningful conversations (as long as Victor stays away lol)

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    I don't really want my corpse being trapped in a hotel so I'll pass

    To answer the original question, I would take Huntress out for a drink.

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited March 2021

    the man was a skilled manipulator, and brilliant in the schemes including fraud for his times. He was brilliant in designing his den, and more brilliant with how very few could have guessed his intent with the den's construction since he kept changing workers and only himself knew of his grand design while he also cheated them out of pay cleverly while letting them go. Only he truly understood the design and full purpose of his den. He was able to survive many tenant's disappearances, and skillfully gaslight people so they didn't even bother looking into them. I believe if he were alive today, he would have become as knowledgeable in modern forensic and psychological studies and investigative procedures and could possibly evade detection longer than most could these days. I also imagine if he studied others' mistakes that he would become a true master of his craft not in spite of but rather with the benefit of modern knowledge freely available.

    There are plenty of things to think about these days, far too many to begin to go through here. But I believe he would have been one of the people able to cope with modern evidence collection and law since he was well versed in his own time and could get away with fraud while relocating easily and comfortably. Most people these days who would have went down that path in life (mainly the past ten to 15 years, and even some who were previously uncaptured but fell prey to dna testing being cheaper and fairly common and public now like the Green River Killer), are caught the first or second time they do something unless it is truly random and they weren't careless. And something like their phone doesn't betray them or their debit at a shop doesn't place them close enough at the right times in an area or catch them in a lie etc. They tend to be careless and take too much for granted. Like I've said, way too many small things people tend to overlook any one of which could do you in, even with something you assumed was random for you. But I believe he could beat much of it far longer than most modern killers, especially the ones driven more by passion or trauma. Someone more calculated but with a great understanding of how others' think and feel as well as the limits and loopholes of the law stands the best chance these days I believe.

    There are lots of little details these days, but I believe he would have a good shot over plenty others in our modern times and that's impressive. That does not condone anything he's done, it just means it's impressive just as it would be impressive for a guy to lift and heave a small refrigerator even if he heaved it at somebody's face. Being impressed by such a feat of strength does not condone chucking it at a face, that is simply admiring the strength and control over their own body required to accomplish the feat. Like I admire Mudgett's creativity, care and ability to so easily play people like a fiddle. Even when he did things on impulse, he was able to clean up afterwards and get away with them. I would be more worried about your politicians and the monopolies they're married with and strengthened heavily last year than a serial killer over a century old, long dead and gone, or someone's opinion of their prowess. Remember that it was you that led us on this tangent, you could have read the original post and moved on as I would have done and am doing after this post.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Julie 100%

  • Member Posts: 155

    I'd say wraith but he'd just talk my ear off about the slaughtering of his people. That's about as big of a mood killer as it gets.

  • Member Posts: 438

    Def Ghostface. He def seems like he'd be a super chill guy to grab a drink with in between murder plots. Think of the photo opportunities! 🖤

  • Member Posts: 504

    Probably Julie, she's kinda thicc and she's about my age, so we may need a Fake Id(dunno about drinking laws in Canada though) We would drink beers and talk about how Susie and anyone that plays her is a massive degenerate:D

  • Member Posts: 38



  • Member Posts: 1,306

    Bubba. He's a sweetheart in comparison to all the other killers, and oddly relatable.

    But not alcohol. I really wouldn't want to see him drunk.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Either any of the Legion members, Ghostface, or Deathslinger. All of them would be very interesting to talk to.

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    Any Killer who wouldn't give me grief about getting a glass of water at a bar.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Spirit for sure

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Billy, he probably needs a friend to talk to after what his parents did to him.

  • Member Posts: 10

    If it was Robert Englund Freddy, he'd be my first pick hands down, but since that's not the case... I'm going with Ghostface or Deathslinger (with the intention of seeing him get into an ol' timey saloon fight).

  • Member Posts: 416

    Deathslinger, as a thank-you for being a hard-working gentleman against corporate corruption and the manipulations of the sociopolitical elite--even if that was only a happy coincidence from his moderately unrelated vendetta.

    Hats off to you, Mr. Quinn.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Spirit or Nurse.

    Not necessarily a date, but i'll make it one. 😉

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Deathslinger. He probably wouldn't kill me, and he's Irish.

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