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General Discussions

And this is why everything should be hidden in the lobby:

Just copy-pasted this from a comment in a different thread:

"1: If they're all on the same platform, lobby dodge.

2: Keys + Map + Flashlights, or any combination of which, lobby dodge

3: Suspicious amount of flashlights? That's a lobby dodge.

4: Check their profiles if possible. If they have someone in their friends list in the lobby with them, dodge."

The very least they can do is to hide the names.

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  • Member Posts: 8

    I can't really agree since I need to know what I'm up against. I personally have never lobby dodged and I use the information given to formulate a specific plan. If I don't know that someone in bringing in a key it could be a massive problem for me later in the game, resulting in an outcome almost unfair. I get that lobby dodging could be annoying but at least for xbox it isn't that common at all.

  • Member Posts: 994

    And survivors dc or die on first hook.

    Not whataboutism dw imma explain my logic.

    Killer is a stressful role. So survivors bringing certain items can add to more stress. Just like if survivors face certain killers like lets say freddy. Survivors would then either dc or die on first hook. Why couldnt killers decide if they want to sweat there ass off in a lobby or not? I mean once we queue as killers, we are locked in that killer choice. To have added stress of having to go against a key user is ugh. (I pref a whole team of flashlight users. They usually follow me around not doing gens). Does that make sense to you why it shouldnt be a problem? I also want to point out, survivors can make the game miserable for killers. And the signs to that are usually right there in the lobby.

  • Member Posts: 743

    Yeah, it is yours xD

    Idk, i've never dodged a single lobby and that made me improve a lot. Did i have to go through shameful matches? Yes, but who cares about that next day?

  • Member Posts: 445

    I'm not gonna lie, if I've had a few bad games or I'm not in a particularly patient mood I'll do the same. Want to clarify i don't usually but if I'm not in the right frame of mind or annoyed at the game then it's not gonna be a fun game for me or those survivors. Not all SWF are sweaty tryhards but at the lobby i don't know that. There's a lot of chill SWF and I'd hate to ruin the match for them (and yes I'm a killer main and I play in such a way where I want the gane to be fun for all - unless of course in the game I'm pushed in a corner)

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    I've only heard of people dodging because of keys and survivors used. The rest just aren't very common reasons people dodge. Sure some dodge because of that but I doubt it's very common because of people being on the same system, some people have flashlights, or people would bother checking friends lists

  • Member Posts: 16,663
    edited March 2021

    ^ this. There were already people on the Forums who dodge players who use Prestige-Cosmetics.

    The only thing that makes lobby-dodging somewhat acceptable is that the Survivors dont need to queue up again.


    But I agree, at least the names should be hidden. I am fine for items being shown, there are still Killers who dont chicken out when they see a Flashlight (which are the weakest Survivor-Item anyway), so it is fine if they at least want to prepare and maybe equip Lightborn - you know, preparation, the thing why Killers are allowed to see Survivors in the lobby in the first place - to prepare, not to dodge.

    But names should be 100% hidden. There is no purpose for gameplay why names should be shown.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    I don't see any problems with killer dodging a lobby.

    Do any of you remember the time before dedicated servers where you had to search for a new lobby everytime the killer would dodge you?

  • Member Posts: 743

    Franklins is a good counter to many of these "issues", especially to one of the most hated items by the community, keys. Also they are being reworked already.

  • Member Posts: 205

    I can see where you're coming from, though sometimes I just want a chill game without having to worry about 4 Neas teabagging me at pallets and combo blinding me with flashlights and such so I tend to get paranoid with who I go up against XD

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2021

    No, it's not. Franklin's is a trash perk for meme'ing. You wouldn't actually bring Franklin's if your main concern was winning.

    Also, the only thing we know of being reworked out of those lobby issues is keys. That's it.

  • Member Posts: 445

    I for one do remember. Never being in a 3/4 man SWF its not a problem i ever really encountered but I do remember the rage! And I agree, a killer should have the right to dodge a lobby. As i said in my above post if im not in a patient mood and I see 4 flashlights or 4 toolboxes or keys etc I'm really not gonna play nice

  • Member Posts: 743

    As a solo survivor i have to deal with sweaty killer builds too, either because they feel like doing it or because they think they are going against 4 SWF yet i don't DC nor complain about that.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Keys are also the only problem in this list. The rest can be done with preparation or not being scary about SWF:

    Same platform + Profiles-->SWF, most of the time it is whatever, does not even mean that they are good.

    Flashlights-->Either face walls or equip Lightborn

    Maps-->If you run Hex-Perks, adjust your build. Someone who brings NOED against a Survivor-Team with a Map (especially when there is a challenge for Totems in the Archives) cannot be helped.

    Keys are the only real problem and those are being nerfed at some point.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    I remember the times where i waited like 20+ or 30+ minutes to get a lobby with my friends just for the killer to dodge it and search again.

    Fun times :')

    Yeah,i see absolutely no problem with killers dodging the lobby now,you only have to wait like a few seconds until a new one joins anyway.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    I remember the times where i waited like 20+ or 30+ minutes to get a lobby with my friends just for the killer to dodge it and search again.

    Fun times :')

    Yeah,i see absolutely no problem with killers dodging the lobby now,you only have to wait like a few seconds until a new one joins

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2021

    The real factor here isn't which specific item they are bringing. That point is that we're taking an already unbalanced game and making it more imbalanced. Whether that's 1% or 40% harder the point remains the same.

    The main factor is not which item but simply whether or not the team is good. IE the dodging is avoiding even a fraction of a percent advantage being given to an already potentially advantaged match.

    In other words, regardless of how big or small the advantage was people probably wouldn't care if they felt that the game was already decently balanced.

    I'm not advocating for or against lobby dodging, I'm simply pointing out that until the game is better balanced the dodging is understandable and I can see why they would. I'd rather fix the problem making them want to dodge than removing their ability to dodge as removing that option hasn't fixed the problem.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    3 or 4 medkits can also be really rough for most killers

  • Member Posts: 243

    Exactly I don't think I've ever had a problem with a killer lobby dodging after they changed that We see the killer line go black and immediately after another killer joins.

  • Member Posts: 336

    I've not played for very long but in the time I have played I dodged a grand total of two lobbies; the first was because there were three flashlights and the Killer I wanted to play didn't have Lightborn and I'd just had a string of seven games in a row with at least two flashlights in each of them so I was just so done with flashlights for the moment and the second there were three Pink haired Neon Nea's all in identical outfits that I just knew were going to be toxic not fun to play against.

    There was also one game where I would have lobby dodged but couldn't because the reason for the doge was literally last second swapping into two more flashlights in addition to the one already shown. I went off to a corner and didn't even bother playing that game because of that last second bs. If they had been honest about the flashlights I wouldn't have even dodged that one because I hadn't had trouble with flashlight so far that night and would be willing to try and play against them.

    What I'm saying here is that if information was hidden in the lobby you'd probably 1) get a lot fewer people even playing Killer in the first place, something already a problem, and 2) get more people who when they find out what the Survivors brought or that everyone has matching names or whatever they just don't even bother to play, standing in a corner.

    Like @Blueberry said, you need to treat the cause of the problem and not the symptom. The Killer is supposed to be the power role in this game, but Survivors have so many tools that if on average their team is even just slightly more skilled than the Killer the Killer stands little to no chance of winning. Knowledge of what the Survivors are bringing into the trial is one of the most important things for the Killer and without that a lot of people might not even try.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Survivors dodge killer lobbies because they readied up faster than them. Some players are scared of weird things and the sense of challenge.

  • Member Posts: 582

    Lobby Issues??? What???

    I don't think anything can really change people dodging because they see certain characters, or because a few buds are playing together unless they made it so you can't check profiles till after match. Same goes for dodging players who are all the same platform.

    Plus... you can see what's coming in pre-game unless there's a last second switch... Flashlights mean that they're either going to be annoying or play like fools. Medkits mean they probably just want to heal, and you can use the window item technique against them. Toolboxes mean they're probably going to try to push gens hard in the beginning or they're going for a sabo daily, and you can still use the window item tech versus them.

    Idk, I think there's plenty of games where the key has been fine when brought. Survivors can make a lot of mistakes and killers can make amazing plays to negate keys even being an issue until something like a hatch stand-off. (And at that point, I feel like we shouldn't be unhappy with 3k with a Hatch Escape. If hatch wasn't there, they'd be taken with eveyone else. End of story.)

  • Member Posts: 445

    As a red rank killer unless against playing 4 solos you pretty much need to play a sweaty build to maintain red rank. Is that right? No. Do I like having to play a sweaty build? No.

    I'm a solo like you. I think a lot of the issues and why killers dodge lobbies is simply SWF is broken. Ok not all SWF are sweaty tryhards but at a lobby you don't know that. If I know its SWF then I don't know of sweaty or not, I have to assume they are. And if I assume they are and want to make a match of it what do I have to do? Bring an optimal build because if I don't there's a high chance I'll be gen rushed to oblivion. And if I'm gen rushed? Desperate times desperate measures, so I'll look to eliminate someone from the match ASAP.

    I play both sides and i feel bad for the solos. As a solo I have to run perks eg kindred that I wouldn't need if I was SWF. I have a lot more respect for the top Solos than SWF - a lot of the time in a 4 man SWF 2 of them are optimal and the other 2 are only higher rank because of the other 2. If those 2 played solo, they'd be trash because its a completely different game

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2021

    Those techs are pretty irrelevant. You can know the timings regardless.

    "I don't think anything can really change people dodging because they see certain characters, or because a few buds are playing together unless they made it so you can't check profiles till after match. Same goes for dodging players who are all the same platform."

    They don't dodge things because it's an advantage. They dodge things because it's an advantage on top of a game already stacked against them. That is fixable with proper balancing.

    "Idk, I think there's plenty of games where the key has been fine when brought. Survivors can make a lot of mistakes and killers can make amazing plays to negate keys even being an issue until something like a hatch stand-off. (And at that point, I feel like we shouldn't be unhappy with 3k with a Hatch Escape. If hatch wasn't there, they'd be taken with eveyone else. End of story.)"

    Let me paint this from another direction.

    You're on survivor and y'all utterly destroy this killer. He got zero hooks, you finished the last gen, and the gates are open. As each of you runs out the exit the entity blocks the exit for the last guy. The killer gets to kill you for free just "because" as a pity reward. This shouldn't bother you right? I mean 3 of you already escaped right? What difference is it giving him one kill if the other 3 already escaped since you know you basically won.

    Sounds stupid right? I agree.

    That's what current hatch is.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Killer can dodge all they want. The lobby is open on the server and not the killer's PC now. You no longer have to search for a new lobby.

    Once the server lobby is open you are in line for the next avaliable killer.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    If you don´t want to get dodged, then just play killer and find out why killers dodge.

    This is already the third thread on lobby dodging i see today. I wonder how long it takes until survivors demand penalties for lobby dodging.

  • Member Posts: 598

    Yes I do remember.

    I also remember being able to dodge a killer with poor connection (if they're not hiding it). I do miss it.

  • Member Posts: 743

    "Why SOME killers dodge", thankfully not all of them dodge and that's what makes them good at what they are doing.

    PS: I didn't buy this game to just play one role, i play both, but thanks anyway.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    They already have. It was a topic on the last Dev Q&A. This thread is just to push the issue more. To make it seem like its a real issue.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Yeah,i have absolutely NO idea why we can't see the killers ping anymore.One of the worser decision BHVR made so far.

  • Member Posts: 743

    I don't mind running Kindred, my build is actually based on aura reading perks (mostly): Kindred, Bond, Better together and Spine chill.

    If i had to play with friends i think i would still run the same build for 2 main reasons, because i just need information to play efficiently and because, even if that information can be provided by friends, there's no way you can get all that precise information in real time.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    You prefer DC?

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Because there are builds that can directly counter a killers power.

    Every Doc match would have 4x calm spirits.

    Ever Hag match 4x flashlights and UE.

  • Member Posts: 1,306

    I can only play this game one to two hours a day.

    If I know a match is gonna suck just from the lobby, I'm not wasting my valuable time on it.

    Of course, I get Haddonfield or Springwood every other match, but I generally don't want to DC and force those survivors to wait another 20 minutes for a match.

  • Member Posts: 474

    Gotta love the double standards of the entitled Killer mains here. If Survivors don't at least get to see the Killers username (not access profile info) why should the Killer get to see everything? The mystery factor helps build a suspenseful game and Killer can just look at all the lobby info and decide whether or not they wanna play that match. If Survivors don't need Killer info, why do Killers need Survivor info? 'KiLLeR iS sO StReSsFul' it's not, Killer is the easiest it's been in the history of this game. Nobody should be able to see anyones info til the endgame screen.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I suppose I am the source. Survivors leave lobbies frequently.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Oh i´m sure nothing bad would happen if killers were forced to play against a sweaty SWF team or face a penalty for dodging.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Franklin's does NOT solve the key problem. The keybearer runs behind the tiny L wall in the corner, tells the entire team in Discord where it is, and then sets it on the ground.

    Your Franklin's is now useless, unless you are camping the hatch.

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