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If you need help with the tome

Let me know. I have all the challenges done on the new tome so far. I can give you some advice if you'd like (and I'm sure others can too).
This is my first rift because last I played was almost 2.5 years ago was before rifts. Currently I'm at about 38 for this rift, so I think I'm doing okay.
While I wait for new challenges I'm going back and doing old tomes as well (which some challenges are obnoxious as hell)
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They really are; as someone who's done every challenge thusfar to date if you need some help, let me know.
Also it's worth noting that some challenges are bugged; if there's a challenge in the older tomes (particularly tome 1) that requires basement hooks, do it on Dead Dawg Saloon
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Interesting. Thanks for the tip.
And I'm glad that I have lots of opportunities for bloodpoints though. I'm trying to get all perks for ash (prestiging doesn't seem worth it to me) and try to do the same for Myers and pyramid head at least (and others hopefully)
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Some are also so dumb that you basically have to plan to lose a game in order to do (like the 10 pallet/gen hits). If I play normally I don't have chases last long enough for more than 2 pallets (plus I wouldn't waste time breaking all of them). A lot of the challenges just don't seem well thought out in all tomes while others are just goofy (scare crows, enter a locker in a chase)
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I have all of the killer challenges done except the Nurse's double blink hit challenge.
Why they decided to make a tome based off the hardest, buggiest killer in the game is beyond me.
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Yeah I wouldn't mind it if her challenges weren't so difficult in themselves honestly.
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I'm doing killer challenges right now. Don't really need help so far I have it figured out I think. For now anyway. Been using slugging builds to get the challenges done.
I get the feeling I'll be skipping the Nurse blink challenge. That is just going to piss me off.
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I keep trying the thorough destruction challenge (damage 10 gens/pallets) and despite keeping tracking and kicking gens plenty of times and keeping count, it’s still not giving me that challenge. I don’t know what to do. I’m a survivor main so I don’t have a huge amount of perks to work with for killers. Any tips? Is this challenge bugged?
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That's strange. I've not had issues myself. I guess my main suggestion would be use someone like hillbilly who has a good gen perk (tinkerer). Focus gen when you get to them and actively prolong chases so more pallets get dropped and break the pallets
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How on earth are you at 38. :') I'm at like... 18, and I've been playing every day. Fml lol.
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Unless you can make me good at Nurse, I don't think you can help much with Chain Combo. Nurse is really tough to use on Console.
For anyone who hasn't done Item of Interest yet, I strongly suggest bringing a Firecracker. They count as a Very Rare or better item. I did not know this, and was disappointing when I found a firecracker instead of a purple item or better. I escaped with it, only to find that it counted.
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Probably because I did all the challenges? I play most days and some days I'll just play a single game while others I play a couple hours.
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You could find survivors who would be willing to let you get it. Just be non aggressive at the beginning and they may let you
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I tend to play like 3-5 games a day, but never have hour long sessions of DbD. It's probably why I'm always miles behind on everyone. 😅
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"Finish healing a dying survivor or recover by yourself while using the perk Empathy, Do this 2 time(s)" How should I do that?
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I did it with the perks Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, Empathy, For The People. I took in a yellow medkit with Butterfly Tape + Bandages and followed someone injured around until they went down. I instantly healed them up with FTP then ran away as the killer promptly downed them again. Took me 2 attempts with this build.
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That's sounds like a really good build but I dont have zarina:(
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I used empathy, unbreakable, botany knowledge, and tenacity.
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Ah damn.
Okay plan B, We're Gonna Live Forever, Botany Knowledge, Empathy, Unbreakable. Bring in a green medkit with Medical Scissors and Gel Dressings, use said medkit when healing a dying survivor. If you take an M1 you can hopefully finish the heal entirely before they can hit you again.
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I'm at 50 I don't know how either.
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Ok thanks for the build I'll try it tomorrow with my friends
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Just throwing it out there but for buried underground i was able to get them on ormond and macmillan so that glitch may be fixed
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Its definitely still bugged somewhat as it doesn't work on Lery's, although glad to see it works on more maps other than Dead Dawg
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If they have Cheryl unlocked try to convince them to play with Soul Guard so you're not throwing the game as hard lmao
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I can use tips on how to get the Nurse Challenge on the 2nd page done as a console player. I got through the first one by the skin of my teeth, but I can't get through the new one. Other than practice, are there any tips for the Nurse on console? I'm grateful for any help. <3
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Plaid Flannel and Wooden Horse are absolute god-sends. Plaid Flannel will help you see where you're blinking too and Wooden Horse will help you if you keep missing swings.
Honestly I can't think of much except don't use Torn Bookmark and definitely don't use Matchbox.
If you're getting desperate I'd suggest combining both recharge add-ons - Dark Cinctature and Fragile Wheeze. Don't try and learn her using these two add-ons because they'll ######### with your muscle memory of when you can blink again but for trying to get a challenge they can be incredibly useful.
Also farming is always an option but that's a last-resort.
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level 38 ? you are doing great yup. In order to finish the Rift on time you need to be :
- level 18 by the time part 2 unlock
- level 36 by the time part 3 unlock
- level 54 by the time part 4 unlock
i'm playing 15+ hours per week and i'm level 32 (still 2 x3 killer challenge remaining ^^)
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Y u do dis to mi XD
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Finally got the Chain Combo challenge completed.
Now I just need the late sacrifice thing done...
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Yeah one of them mains cheryl so I'll ask him to run it
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Oh man, the Any Means Necessary one is really hard, haven't gotten that one yet nor have I gotten the opportunity to get it done. I could really use some tips on that one...
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Hers were hard for me since I haven't even attempted to play er prior to the challenge while most others just required the right perks to be done.
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Plaid Flannel I always use on it, because otherwise I can not estimate at all where I blink. I know that it needs a lot of practice especially on the console to become at least acceptable with it. The task on the first page wasn't that hard either, but the double blink is really hard for me.
Thanks for the tips, I'll keep trying - maybe I'll get lucky someday and it's done.
Good luck in the fog. <3
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Drop a relatively weaker pallet near the start of the game and then begin to start to pick it up. Usually in those 4 seconds you'll know if the killer is coming over. If they aren't pick it up, if they are are then keep channeling to the 2s mark and then when they're close enough pick it up. Took my friends 4 games using this method (I did it differently bit that differently also involved a rank 15 so I'm not sure it quite counts)
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It’s a bug you need to deactivate then reactivate it
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Console has a advantage over pc with doing hard challenges we can message players on the same system in the lobby and just ask them for help getting it and as good manners we leave them slugged and get healed before going at them
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Message same console player and ask them for the hits then let them heal and play normally
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I got that done in one, and had used Tinkerer to let me know when gens were being used. Whatever you do don’t make the mistake of using Ruin. You won’t get the prompt to kick the gen as long as the totem is up. I used Tinkerer, Nurses Calling, all ears, and Whispers on Ghostface, which a primary focus on keeping people wounded so they’d be more concerned about healing than gen rushing. But if they tried to gen rush instead of healing I’d still get the alerts. The longer you can drag out the round the easier the challenge becomes.
And don’t be stingy by denying pallet stuns to survivors. Just take your lumps and break those pallets asap.
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Tysm, gonna try that tomorrow!
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best of luck ^^
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tips on both the chain combo nurse challenge and the empathy one would be appreciated. i was curious if For The People works with that challenge?
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Woo! Finally got the hits as Nurse. Got put against a bunch of newbies. It was a struggle, but I managed to get more than 2 hits on chain blinks. (Though I keep blinking when I only have one charge, which screwed me up a lot)
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Hey congrats!
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For The People does indeed work for the empathy challenge; I suggest using Empathy, DS, Unbreakable, and For The People. I know, I know, DS/UB but it does specify picking yourself up to.
In terms of the Nurse challenge, I'd say just keep trying. Use Plaid Flanne and Wooden Horse and just try to learn her until you can get it. There's not really any other advice except for farm for it.