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Prevelance of campers

I'm sorry, I know I'm going to get harassed and dogpiled on over this, but almost every single game I play now a days ends up with the killer camping in some extent or another. I can not stand it any more. I get enough time to play 3 matches with my friends a day and every single match ends up with a camper.

I know it is a 'viable strategy' but they are boring matches, frustrating matches, and not fun. They are not rewarding, you get no blood points if you get camped.

Me and my two friends brought bloodyparty streamers each, so 3 of them, get camped. Match ends with all of us getting undfer 20k blood points due to it, which yielded less then a match w/o streamers would have yielded.

The devs need to ######### do something about this.

The 'if the killer is nearby the hook they lose points' does not work, it does nothing to mitigate the frustration this style of gameplay causes.

Yeah yeah, I know, I know qq git gud, but its unfun matches that make players not want to play, causes loss of players, and causes the horendous wait times for matchs that we see.

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  • Member Posts: 1,171

    The devs could just get rid of it all pretty easily. I don't think there's a way to keep it in to keep everyone happy.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Camping has always been and people still play.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    So, since camping has no clear definition, you could see a normal patrol as camping. Anywho, camping was always a non bannable strategy that should and will remain. They've mentioned that they want a harsher punishment, but it's still a strategy regardless.

  • Member Posts: 890
    edited March 2021

    I really think they were onto something with Pyramid Head for both camping AND hook suicides, and I wish they'd implement mechanics like that to hooks as well.

    Yes I know "it wouldn't make sense for a hook to teleport/relocate if the killer stayed too close" blah blah blah - not really interested in the immersion argument, I'm interested in game mechanics that improve the experience.

  • Member Posts: 1,171

    They could just have it so that when a killer hooks the survivor, the survivor gets sent to the entity. The other survivors can respawn that survivor by going to one of many respawn points on the map and unhooking the survivor.

  • Member Posts: 67

    I'm truly sorry it's not fun for you.

    It's sad that we know your goal and prevent you from doing it. Maybe there should be some way of making it less predictable? I don't know. Some game mechanics are frustrating for me as a killer. For instance, the 'Ring around the rosey' routine, hatch keys, not being able to prevent survivors from entering the hatch even when they're downed.

  • Member Posts: 199
    edited March 2021

    The game is poorly designed, and if one side or another wants to make the match not fun, that's a thing that can happen, far too easily.

    That's part of why the community of players is in such a sorry state.

    The devs seem to find things like this funny as well, and a lot of the players of the game are in it "for the memes."

    But were you talking to your friends when you all brought those offerings? Because if you're being camped, the best way to counter it is to stay alive as long as possible and get gens done fast. One of you dies, but if two or three of you get out you can laugh at the killer for losing the game. That's usually good for some fun.

    Also, be careful about judging campers too quickly. I've had some that are just as frustrated with the game, and just want one kill to feel better.

  • Member Posts: 399

    As a both killer and survivor main I feel you. Sometimes as a killer I needed camp to due to gens pop up so fast but mostly when I hang the person I left them so that he can be saved. However with a smart play you can save the person from camping. It only takes time but try to get the kilelr a slighly away while the other person save the one with Borrowed Time then escape fast. I am not saying this will always works but in some cases it works.

    There is also a fact that camping also hurts to killer actually. The killer will spent his time with camping one survivor while the others are doing gens and etc... Also by not hang the person 3 times he will get less BP. But the main damage is the killer will become lazy which will affect his chase abilites.

    So while I agree that camping is bad there are ways that you can escape with teammates ( I play solo and even in solo there are times that I saved the person by myself without any help). Also sometimes the killer will camp for the valid reasons so there is nothing you can do for that but respect. But I understand your point and I understand that you talk about the campers that will camp while there are 5 gens left and just looking your face.

  • Member Posts: 175

    I run kindred. You can tell when a killer is patroling or camping the area. I am specifically talking about when a killer is in the Kindred radius and does NOT leave that area for the entire time, if they are not just facecamping.

    There are ways to make the game not miserable for players, I'v brought it up many times but instead of punishing the killer w/ a loss of blood points, reward survivors for the amount of time spent on a hook when the killer is within range significantly more. Not only do you lose the match by being camped, you are unable to actually play the match, and then get barley enough BP for one or two nodes on the web. So someone wanting to actually ruin people's time can just hook them and they just have their time wasted.

    I do understand that some times camping is fine, I'v camped before. I played a legion match a few days ago where I caught two survivors playing around near the basement, got them both on hooks in the basement at the same time with 0 gens finished. So I decided it was worth letting them do 2 gens to get 2 kills.

    Thats not the kind of camping I mean. The amount of games of late with wraiths that just sit near the hook staring, waiting is in the double digits since the update.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Why should a Killer leave the hook though? Every whiny Survivor fails to answer this question. You all want more gameplay time, but you think that has to come at the expense of the Killer playing abjectly stupid.

    This goes double if the other Survivors have been giving him a hard time. Do I want to really go after that Ace that looped me for two minutes and hit me in the face with four pallets? Not really. You could GIT GUD me all you want for that reasoning but it doesn't change the fact that the camping in that scenario is an objectively better idea and you'll need a viable alternative to it in order for the Killer player to leave in that scenario, and teabagging ain't it, chief.

  • Member Posts: 175

    I run kindred. You can tell when a killer is patroling or camping the area. I am specifically talking about when a killer is in the Kindred radius and does NOT leave that area for the entire time, if they are not just facecamping.

    There are ways to make the game not miserable for players, I'v brought it up many times but instead of punishing the killer w/ a loss of blood points, reward survivors for the amount of time spent on a hook when the killer is within range significantly more. Not only do you lose the match by being camped, you are unable to actually play the match, and then get barley enough BP for one or two nodes on the web. So someone wanting to actually ruin people's time can just hook them and they just have their time wasted.

    I do understand that some times camping is fine, I'v camped before. I played a legion match a few days ago where I caught two survivors playing around near the basement, got them both on hooks in the basement at the same time with 0 gens finished. So I decided it was worth letting them do 2 gens to get 2 kills.

    Thats not the kind of camping I mean. The amount of games of late with wraiths that just sit near the hook staring, waiting is in the double digits since the update.

  • Member Posts: 175

    The killer should leave the hook because the game incentivizes it. The developers tell you how to play the game by how they reward bloodpoints. you lose points for being near the hook. By camping you do not get into chases, you do not hit survivors, you do not get multiple hooks. Where you could end a match with nearly 100k bloodpoints, a camping killer ends with around 30k.

    From a gameplay perspective, camping a hook is not only boring, but it leaves you open to getting just quickly overrun. If the other survivors just do not care at all about their ally, they can get 3 gens done in the time you hook the one, then you hook a second, and the last 2 gens are done and 2 escape. You are losing on that prospect.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    This argument hinges on the underlying premise that the Killer in your scenario is playing for, or cares about, bloodpoints.

    Any Killer that does not is not subject to this argument.

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited March 2021

    When I play (and I haven't in months) I would be one of those Killers that doesn't care about BP. I have the perk loadouts that I want on the Killers that I enjoy, and no new Killer or Perk in the last few chapters has incentivized me to care about the grind again. Heck, I typically just sit on the BP until it's near the 1 million cap, and then just spend it to spent it.

    If I cared to camp the hook, BHVR penalizing me BP would be a whoop-dee-doo. It certainly would not be a deterrent. Same thing for Pips and rank.

  • Member Posts: 841

    You have to think about it for the other side too, sure they're camping, but why?

    Are they doing it because 2-3 survivors are in that area with other important objectives?

    Are they doing it because you did 4 generators in 2 minutes?

    Ask why, first of all.

  • Member Posts: 149
    edited March 2021

    It is strategy if I see that when hooking a survivor they unhook him within 5 seconds of leaving on several occasions, of course I will end up camping him because I know they are not making generators because as soon as I hook someone, they unhook him.

    There are games that I have lost because I want to please you survivors, but not anymore, I will play as I want, whether it works or not.

  • Member Posts: 175

    I run kindred as a survivor, so I see all kinda. When they are rotating around with 3 people trying to unhook the other, and you are just getting free hits, it is udnerstandable. Its when the match starts, everyone starts gens, and the killer gets someone. Then they stand there staring at the hook while ignoring everything else.

    Again, yes it is a strategy, you can do it to win, but dear god its the most boring and frustrating thing. As a survivor theres just nothing you can do, even the best perks wont get you out of it, and as a killer, you are literally just standing there staring at a hook.

    To the 'I play how I want crowd' how is hooking one survivor then standing there doing nothing while they die any fun at all?

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