I am so SO tired of camping and tunneling being the killer norm these days.

DBD wasn't like this before. Sure you'd get the occasional salty camper but now it's rare to find a game where the killer actually plays too and doesn't just sit on the first survivor they find hoping the other survivors will perform unsafe hook rescues instead of gen rushing and leaving. Boring boring boring.
They payed for the game, they can play however they want to. I do agree unprovoked face camping is pretty boring.
29 -
Very untrue. Theres always been a camping problem. Ive played since 2016, and its literally always been a thing. It was even worse when a killer could ACTUALLY face camp by just standing in front of the hooker player and no one could even attempt to unhook because you needed to be directly in front of them to even get the prompt. Saying its a new issue is ridiculous. Honestly its only gotten better. Same as killers complaining about how op survivors are now, when compared to 2016 when they had NO window blockers, double pallets everywhere, legitimate infinite loops, double windows on shack, and no way regress gens in any way at all as there was no kicking option and no ruin or other such perks.
Im not saying the game is perfect but anyone who says its terrible now, clearly never played years ago.
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Yeah I got a bit bored of countless face-camping Bubba games.
So now I'm trying a basement Oni build. Taking the game to exciting new places.
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I don't understand how players find that play style fun, I personally can't stand tunneling or camping as either side unless it is reasonable like after gens are done.
You can play however you want but do you honestly have fun ruining other's experiences? That goes for survivors too like play how you want but playing just to kill the fun for the other side in my eyes makes you part of the cancer of this game to put it nicely.
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Unfortunately the devs can’t really do anything about it. It’s really annoying and not fun for anyone but it’s here to stay
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That's the attitude that keeps ruining good games. "I'm entitled to play however I want". True. Everyone is entitled to be a d*ck.
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I think what's happening is the result of a previous match.
Survivors being toxic to killers because the previous match was a try hard and then they piss off this other killer who then goes on to be toxic on another match and creates and endless loop.
The amount of times killers have been a try hard and slug everyone in the first two minutes because they saw serpentines as offering.
It'sike: you also earn points from this so let's try to play normal. I don't want you to not kill me but, come on, slug 4 with 5 gens because of that offering?
Are serpentines considered a bad thing?
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I don't you about your experiences from the past few years of dbd, but from what I have found, nothing has changed. People use to camp and tunnel just as much as they do now from my perspective. If anything, they tunneled off of hook even more given that mending was different for BT and you could dribble DS. Just my experience though, not trying to invalidate you.
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I think there should be a bloodpoint penalty if a killer is close enough to a hooked survivor for them to be in the (normal sized) terror radius if they arent in an active chase. And the hook timer should pause for the survivor. Like lose 2000 bloodpoints every 5 seconds near the hooked person (being an a hole) and the time being accumulative so they cant just walk away two feet and come right back. I think that would definitely change some players strategies, or lack thereof.
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And the killers aura should be shown automatically if camping/ receiving penalty. Regardless of survivor perks.
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I agree with this, but unfortunately a lot of people don't realize that.
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Against decent survivors there just isn't enough time to get 12 hooks before they complete 5 gens. Unless your using a meta killer or the survivors are making mistakes. There's also very broad definitions of camping and tunneling. I won't repeat myself because I've said this a dozen times in other threads but ponder this. Before you scream I was tunneled to death or whatever happens to you during a match. Put yourself in the killer's position. I bet 80% of the time you will say "You know what I would do the same thing"
Yes there are people who do it to be dicks but that's not nearly as many as this forum would have you believe.
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I don't understand how people can find chasing fun unless you're the one being chased
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I'm so sick and tired of working on generators being the survivor norm. They should abandon the most effective method of getting out to do something I want them to. They owe it to me to do everything I want. The sole purpose of the other team is to ensure my enjoyment.
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I love how killers are entitled to be a d*ck by camping and tunneling, but god forbid a survivor butt-dances at the gate. It's like the apocalypse has happened.
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Yes I do. I even run bubba with the monstrous shrine for that faster progression.
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That's the only fun part of the game
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I don't encounter nearly as many campers or tunneling killers as people pretend on here. I feel like if the killer comes back to the hook after an unhook they'll be called a tunneler even if they go for the unhooker.
You could leave someone on the ground because there's survivors running around you like headless chickens and you'll be called a trashbag slugger so... I would take these with a big fat grain of salt.
5 -
Survivors: Tunneling and camping is not fun and is a problem.
Devs: Lets nerf DS to discourage its use.
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It goes in spurts. Today has been pretty miserable for tunneling and camping, at least for me.
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Such a shame they nerfed a perk that encouraged killers to leave the hook and push survivors off generators.. oh well.
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Now I can agree that face camping right away is boring, and it is even worse when your teammates don't rush gens and just give the camper more kills, but face camping, at least for me, only really happened in like rank 12+. Once you get closer to red ranks, less killers face camp because face camping at red and purple ranks will depip the killer most of the time.
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Well this game is currently bleeding killers (The Devs confirmed this in the last Q&A).
I don't think the killers that are leaving are the bad ones.
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I don't know how long you have been playing but in my experience there is no difference today from when I started playing. I don't see any statistical difference in Killers who camp or tunnel. And to be crystal clear, I track every match I play (record them too) and jot down what tactics the Killer or Survivors used. There is always variation from week to week but none of it is statistically relevant. Overall, most Killers don't tunnel and camp as a planned tactic. Even when it happens this is what I find led to it:
- Other Survivors stayed in the area, obviously and ran around so the Killer never left; why would he?
- The Unhooker didn't do a safe rescue, and didn't take a protection hit.
- The Unhooker vanished immediately, leaving the wounded, unhooked Survivor as the only viable target.
- The unhooked didn't leave the area, either working Generators or getting healed/self-cared under the hook.
- The Killer hit several other people and simply ended up downing the same person for the hook again after.
I could go on. Actual camping and tunneling is in the minority when I break down matches. Most of the time it is the Survivors themselves that cause the situation. Squatting (what I call Face Camping) happens far more often in the Potato Ranks because said Killers don't know really know much and are desperate to hold on to that one kill. Pretty soon they figure out the behavior is counterproductive and move on from it. Survivors love to scream CAMPER all the time but never own up to their own input to the situation.
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I don't understand how players find that play style fun. I personally can't stand gen rush. Is not fun when I down a survivor and the other 3 guys are spread the far way generators so they make me chose between go for them loose a lot of value time or pressure them with his friend hooked. It's simply not fun for the killer. Survivors can play however they want but do you honestly have fun ruining killers experiences?
gen rush, body block, save survivors as soon as killer leave the area = camp hooks, tunneling, slugging
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Now I can agree that body blocking right away is boring, and it is even worse when survivors gen rush. They don't try to cleanse totems. open chests. they don't let the killer have fun and want to end the game as soon as possible. so the killer feels pressured to face camp to pressure survivors to stop making the generators so fast.
Just as for you it is not fun to be tunneled or face camp for me neither is the gen rush, the body block, SWF, infinite loop.
why I have to stop face camp?, do you think it is fun for the killer to be looped infinitely?
Do you think is fun that after I had a hard time getting the third hook, you guys come to block my way?
if I stop tunneling even if it's the best strategy will you stop looping ?
Will you stop making generators so that I too can have fun?
Of course not.
You will do what you think is better to win and sometimes the killer will also do things that you will not like because it is what it's must do to win, why should it give you opportunities?
Why should I play how the survivors want?
They are not going to play as I would like?
stop crying and everyone plays as they want
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These are all valid reasons. Unfortunately, at least in my case, the I'm going to camp just because I can killers are much more in the majority.
If the reasons you listed are why they're camping I'm mad at my idiot team. If not I'm made at the killer for wasting my time.
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Lmao who is crying? Did you have a bad game, so you feel like you have to take your frustration out on others? All I told the person was to get closer to red ranks and a lot of the face camping stops. You might need a break from the game if my post triggered something.
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Playing both killer, & survivor it is frustrating to be Gen rushed/face camped, but it really doesn’t happen every game. My win/loss ration with both survivor, & killer is surprisingly very balanced. Sure, I’ll run into a Twins killer that is dead set on hooking my ass into extinction, just like I’ll run into a SWF that’ll click those flashlights as if they’re afraid the batteries will die if they don’t perform constant operational checks, but that’s not every game. I have the games where I completely pound the survivors into the ground, or run circles around the killer. You win some you lose some. I find that if you start going on tilt, just play the other role for a bit, it works wonders for keeping the game fresh, & fun.
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I didn't triggered nothing, it is a message for anyone who wants to read it, you were lucky enough to be mentioned.
I'm not even crying. the message I'm trying to get across is that the same goes for both ways. but apparently not everyone understands it.
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I'll answer this one....
Chases are the most fun part of the game, by far.
It's not that I'm camping to ruin that guy's experience... I've camped because everyone else hides in a corner with Spine Chill.
Those games are boring AF, and if you think that stealth is a valid way to play as survivor, then camping and tunneling is a valid way to play as killer. You're literally ruining my killer experience by not coming out and playing the game.
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I understand that killer deals with dumb things, but you can't really compare "gens rushing" with a killer that literally downs you at 5 gens and just stands in your face. The survivors have to do the gens to escape without 3 of the 4 dying first. The killer doesn't have to face camp at 5 gens. They could just hook the person and go find another survivor.
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Mi point is very simple, I am not against the survivor or the killer, it doesn't matter what argument you give me if I start to analyze I will find other unjustified things about the survivors so this conversation doesn't even make sense.
If you thought I was crying, I wasn't
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I'd like to add a suggestion. I just got face camped and tunneled from the start of the match by a huntress. What bothered me was that all three of my teammates stopped doing gens from across the map to save me and i still got tunneled and rehooked and no gens git done. How about if for every gen that's completed start to finish while the killer is within 25 meters of the hook, 20% more time gets added to the hook and the killer gets a -20% speed penalty for say 90 seconds.
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And you think killers aren’t tired of the norm with survivors? It was only until dedicating more time to killer that I’ve seen what crap survivors do. Both sides can play how they want, so it’s a case of if one not liking it then play the other side or play something else.
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This is the way - from the killer's perspective - the mechanics work. If you have 4 survivors alive - doesn't matter how many hooks - they can do gens. You can only chase one survivor at a time, which means there are potentially 3 on gens, which means that in around 90 seconds, you could lose three gens.
If you get a hook, that means one person is off a gen, but you still have two others who are potentially pushing gens.
If you play the round-robin game of hooking survivors sequentially, etc, you're only prolonging the inevitable conclusion that the gens are going to be done because there's at least 1 doing a gen (one hooked, one being healed, and one healing). In short, round-robin keeps the survivors in a situation where gens are being pushed.
But... if you can take one survivor out early enough, you severely bring the balance of the game back into your favour. And that can start to roll into a successful outcome (however you measure success).
At the end of the day, survivor mains need to realise that killers play for their own amusement, they want to have fun too. They're not playing for the survivor's amusement. So they'll play in a way that they feel successful... especially if they've had a series of back-to-back games with SWF depip squads, etc.
Survivors need to get out of this mentality that killers need to be fair to them, etc. That's not their role or objective. That's something survivors made up for their own amusement. I've yet to see survivors come up with a ruleset, etc, that focuses on the killer's amusement and enjoyment.
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Yesterday I played about 10 games as survivor. Every single killer was red rank and every single one facecamped. Two or one person usually escaped because they did that. I went from a rank five (3 pips) to rank 6 almost 7. I do gens, cleanse totems, open chests, save when safe to do so. How is it fair to me to lose like that because someone else was a jerk as a survivor? I dont use flashlights, incapable of it. In my experience the higher ranks are the dumbest matches. No fun at all and frustrating when I die on first hook and lose a pip because the killer is a jerk who takes advantage of the game. I think toxic swfs need to stop and toxic killers both. I solo queue and Ive also had teammates that body block me so I get downed, refuse to save off hook for no good reason, unhook when killer is feet away so I get instant downed again, and hide in lockers most of the game. It is both sides with an issue. I mainly play survivor so the camping/ tunneling killers are the biggest problem I encounter.
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I'm sure most killers are tired of survivors tunneling/camping gens as well.
Its just both sides doing their objectives. Survivors need to realize that the way the game is designed it is in the killers best interest to get someone out the game ASAP the same way its in the survivors best interest to get a gen done ASAP. If its going to change a fundamental rework of the hook/death system needs to happen, and its most likely not.
Going for the 12 hook is the equivalent of survivors not finishing a gen till all the gens have 33% progress, I've never seen that happen. Its not smart for either side to spread out completion of their objective.
Killers also don't have the time to 12 hook unless the survivor team is bad (in most cases)and/or they're playing someone from the strong killers club (Nurse, Spirit, Freddy). So alternative to reworking hooks is to fix the gen speed issue while simultaneously implementing a good incentive for a killer NOT to get the 4v1 down to a 3v1. I'd have to be a very strong incentive.