Easy fix to prevent camping - add time before death on hook

Just had this thought and I can't seem to find big downsides

So pretty much a killer who just camps a hook in order to fast tunnel down the first survivor he catches - which in all sane eyes of both sides should not be a very fun and interactive strategy - can be easily punished for this if the rest of the team has more time to do objectives. This should let camping as a valid strategy die out in ranks 1-10 (lower games are too random to be representative of anything anyways)

Option A: Just increase the time a survivor has on the hook before dying on it

Option B: Leave current times, but the healthbar will not go down if the Killer remains in the area. For example, if you have terror while on he hook, your death timer pauses.

Option C: After being unhooked, Survs gain Entity Resistance, lasting for sth like 120 seconds. If they get hooked, the remainder of that time is added to their hook time. Bit more complicated, but it punishes killers more softly who go for the just unhooked guy over and over again.

Would love to hear some thoughts and maybe concerns


  • canakavian
    canakavian Member Posts: 25

    Option C can become very annoying in certain situations. What if only 2 remain and you hook someone. Het gets rescued, but the unhooker trades himself. Then the other comes in to unhook and trades himself in. Suddenly he will be not taking any hook damage for 2 minutes while on hook, regardless if he is camped or not. The issue is that it would draw out some of the more draw out so much longer certain situations. The slowdown of some games would be horrendeous.

    Option B could be problematic on some maps, especially 2 level indoor maps. When someone is hooked on level one and you are chasing someone on level 2, you would be often considered close vertically. Also getting hooked close to a generator or jungle gym could be abused by good survivors by doing gens close to hooked survivors and then loop the killer close to him thus buying everyone more time. What if all gens are on the same side of the map and you hook someone close to them, then they would be so often in terror radius just by the situation the game went into.

    Option B would also not address killers that run just far enough so the hooked person is out of terror radius and then runs ins when someone approaches the hook to either tunnel someone or to force trades when unhooking.

    If you really want to hurt campers, attack them where it hurts more. Proximity to hooked survivors is a thing and reduces chance to pip. Just make that loss of points more significant like this:

    After hooking no loss of points for proximity during 5-10 seconds. Afterwards you lose points for proximity but the loss of points is exponential. The longer you stay too close (not terror radius, for some killers that would be too much distance) the more you lose and faster. And it only partially resets with the next survivor hooked. No proximity loss of points during endgame collapse.

    Proximity to hooked survivors loss of points should then apply to chance of getting a pip and incur a loss of BP. That would probably have a bigger impact.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Option B was done before and was abused by survivors by just looping near the hooked survivor so the others could do gens pressure free since the one on hook would never progress.

    Option A would just buff survivors and make hooking give less pressure since now you have more time to do w.e. like sit on gens or heal or anything really. Killers will still camp, they'll just camp for longer.

    Option C is too long, essentially another hook state worth of time, basically same issues as before, free time for survivors and doesn't really matter if the killer camped or not to activate. I don't think this idea could work fundamentally without being too weak or too strong.

    Giving survivors more time on the hook would not fix camping, it'll just make it take longer. There would have to be a fundamental game change to really "solve" the camping issue and it'll have to be on both sides in some way. If we're going to address killer camping we need to address survivors rushing/camping the hooks at the same time so the killer doesn't get screwed by whatever mechanic.

    We're not even getting into the fact that defending hooks is something killers need to do sometimes and that 12 chase/hook games are not viable against any decent team.

    Punishing the killer alone won't really work, we need to give them a reason not to camp objective wise or rework the hook/death system to the point camping is basically worthless, but also not tip things in the survivors favor.

    If you can come up with something that punishes campers and rewards non-campers adequately (not just some piddling buff, something substantial) while also not being abusive by survivors, then that could also work.

    Easier said than done.