From Horror to KPOP? What's next.. Fall Guys?

I know people love the killer, but personally I just don't get it. Nothing screams scary about it.
Yeah better not to criticize or say anything otherwise you're gonna be called out as a "homophobe" by anyone as of now.
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Is the killer LGBT? Thought he wasn't?
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Nothing was confirmed to do with his sexuality though????
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You're literally saying this based off nothing. What does K-Pop and Horror have to do with....? Never mind, go sit down.🤣
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Yeah I was going to say I don't remember reading the new killer is gay. How are comments about him homophobic?
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wait are you a homophobe??? reeee mods please ban this white racist man thats also homophobic reeee
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Wait I was pretty sure he was part of a license. I mean how does he go even resemble DbD at all.
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ive literally put his entire lore in like 4 different places at this point there's not a single mention of him being LGBTQ+
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Not sure if anything is confirmed, my guess is that the killer could be gay or trans, I'm not entirely sure. Some people even stated that the survivor could be trans as well, I don't know for sure.
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Some people were saying in live chat neither of them are LGBT. Not sure if they read their entire lore or not.
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If the lore doesn't say they are trans then they are no more trans than any other character in the game whos bio doesn't specifically state their gender. Which is most characters. So this killer is as "trans" at this point as the wraith, trapper, gunslinger, etc.
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I did. Nothing in the lore hints at the sexuality of either character (or that either of them are trans).
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No not everyone loves the killer. This is supposed to be a horror game. Killer doesn’t belong, looks very weird and out of place. Not a fan at all.
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I know that, I've been seeing people call others out for being "homophobic" though. There has been some slurs thrown around but those are the real homophobes, otherwise the people who are just heavily criticizing this chapter as a whole are also being piled on and called homophobes as well. I'm not taking sides here to be fair, I'm only stating that people who say things like "this really doesn't fit DBD" are being called out to be homophobic which can be so silly and ridiculous.
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So many of you have such an ignorant view of horror. If it doesn't look scary, then it's not scary. Sorry, but that's not how horror, fear, and the real-world work.
What about him doesn't fit/work in DBD? The fact that he wears bright clothes?
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He looks like from Cyberpunk world and I dont think he fits into dbd world but anyway
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he's a joker-ripoff with harley quinn's powers, lbr.
best guess is that bhvr is trying (desperately) to attract new players by jumping bandwagons instead of... y'know... FIXING THE GAME
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Imagine the next killer is agent 47 with his silent pistol and the next one is terminator and the next one is Prophet from crysis lmao
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I know that, I've been seeing people call others out for being "homophobic" though. There has been some slurs thrown around but those are the real homophobes, otherwise the people who are just heavily criticizing this chapter as a whole are also being piled on and called homophobes as well. I'm not taking sides here to be fair, I'm only stating that people who say things like "this really doesn't fit DBD" are being called out to be homophobic which can be so silly and ridiculous.
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My vote's on Francis and Claudandus next.
Jokes aside, I'd rather have it they'd stop with adding new characters for a while (outside of licensed stuff maybe) and instead expand on what we have so far
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He looks like a tumblr teen's OC based on Jared Leto's Joker.
His gameplay is "Huntress with knives" with a little bit of "throw faster"
They could have turned him into a pyromaniac and made him stand out in a much better way.
Hopefully the anniversary event is RE or something, because Twins + this are letdowns imo.
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Ignorant? Please explain how a kpop star with a bat is scary or how it compares to any of the horror icons and monsters we have? When you have survivors literally running to him because they want to be killed by it and adore it, you've done something wrong. At this point you've opened the door for literally anyone to be a killer now.
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You're talking like Myers and Ghostface look scary. Myers and Ghostface are scary because of what they do to people. This killer fits that definition of scary perfectly.
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Y’all cannot be mad over this when clown literally has an elephant costume and legion can be giant bunnies
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Fall Guys isn't popular enough, Among Us will be next.
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I agree but I guess we all now they will never do that. They need to farm that sweet sweet money
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Ok I'm not sure why my replies got 2 duplicates, it lagged from my end that one time and it timed me out from the forums for a while so I'm guessing it might just be me or there's alot of traffic going on right now.
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There'd be other stuff they could have... like, (mentioned this before) questline chapters where you'd unlock special offerings that double as activator for stuff on certain maps that let you work your way through lore-related quests, ending with getting e.g. ingame currencies, special charms and several themed cosmetic sets.
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Yeah it’s ridiculous that a KPop idol was added as a killer. The fact that he was a sadistic serial killer had probably nothing to with that.
and this theme in a horror game? Outrageous. After the best horror tropes of a Western themed killer (Deathslinger is literally a Cowboy) or the Wraith (someone who worked at a scrapyard). THOSE are the scary themes we want!
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I know, he's not as scary looking as a woman with a bunny mask, or a teenager in a hoodie, but come on. He's a serial killer who gets off on torturing his victims.
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It's different and it's bold, I respect their decision.
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To be fair people tried to accuse me of calling others homophobes while I haven’t done such a thing at all.
it seems to be really trendy to be anti-LGBTQ+ inclusion and calling others out just for being on the pro inclusion side. (Not saying they are actually anti-LGBTQ+ but that they are just going with the crowd that is against the „inclusion everywhere“)
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Yeah this killer is just going to be comedy for me, when I vs him I probably won't even run I'll just give him the hook
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THis is exactly what they’re doing. K-Pop is huge right now and they want that fan base. They’re very transparent and not at all subtle.
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I'm hoping for a five nights of sesame street next with a killer Elmo. Imagine the lore? Tired of being a puppet on the end of a human arm, Elmo makes puppets out of his prey and puts them on a cold steel hook. Seriously though i agree with you 100%, nothing scary at all about this. I guess Kpop fans will love it and maybe even start playing the game because of it.
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You know what would have been scary as hell? Literally anything other than this. Oh and the only person that should have a bat in this game should be named NEGAN! Imagine his kill would have been gruesome. Darn it.
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Its def a marketing wised killer seeing dbd is huuge in asia at this moment. Its bigger then anywhere else according to google trends and a company like BHVR are very good in marketing on that point of view. Does it fit in the dbd universe, ah i dont think so but the kilelr sure has good perks, so im happy for that
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Bright colors automatically means not scary, I guess. And him being related to KPop is pretty irrelevant IMO. What I’ve always appreciated about DBD is that it tries to include global definitions and genres of horror. This means not every killer will be rawr big scary man in mask with weapon. There’s plenty of stylish horror movies where this killer could easily fit in, and he will absolutely have some cosmetics that will give him a darker feel. To say he doesn’t “fit” in DBD is silly, as DBD itself has always tried to avoid defining what horror is by constantly expanding its own definition (like an ancient Babylonian Priestess that throws up on you) — just open your mind a bit and if the killer is fun who really cares what they look like? If the killer isn’t fun, let’s talk about that instead. Arguing about what fits is pointless, as there’s plenty of things here and there in the game that don’t “fit” horror.
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This feels like a chapter that would’ve released on Identity V.
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If you are dissatisfied (Which I imagine many people are) then do not purchase the chapter. It's as simple as that
I hope I'm not alone in saying the past three chapters have been underwhelming and disappointing. Blight only just reached the state he should've been in on release and the Twins were quite literally released unfinished. They still need work, if you ask me.
Couple that with the fact that we've now gone three chapters with no new maps is quite shocking. The reworks are great, I love the majority of them and I'm glad to see them but we haven't gotten a new actual map (or hell a map IN an established realm) since Pyramid head.
As for me, I think the theme of the chapter is very 'unfitting' and I don't mean that because it's not traditional horror as I feel like virtually anything can be horror if it's done right. The voice actor for the new killer has done a good job from what I've heard so far, so props.
The perks are nice and the killer's power seems 'meh'. I don't want to come across as cynical, this is just my honest thoughts.
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Yeah I feel you. Considerable amount of people have been mentioning stuff they can do but no. They have to release those 4 killers in a year and do nothing else. Quantity over quality
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As a gay person, let me be the first to tell you that you are NOT homophobic if you don't like this character lol. Don't worry about shite like that
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I personally think the theme and the killer is interesting and a great addition, as long as not every chapter now is this "funny" or "ironic"-themed (those are at least the vibes i'm getting from it). I'm totally fine with it and i think the new power and all perks are interesting. Not every killer has to be an ugly monster with deformations and gore all over it.
At least this killer is going to be played by all the weebs in my region, which i can't say about the Twins or Blight (which i see both in maybe 1/50 matches).
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Daaaamn dude o_O I would maybe change my nickname into I'm Negan so he would not kill me lol
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I mean I said it elsewhere, but damn, they should just give new perks to old characters... the formula they are insisting on doesn't pan out anymore
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Meh, you gotta do more than steal Mick Foley's gimmick to be scary. The girl who wore zombie parts was better.
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It is kind of implied that his father was at least somewhat at fault i think, That he wanted that his son would get what he never got.
maybe I am understanding it wrong though.
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She was pretty cool and ruthless as hell.