The Trickster... doesn't trick people

Aside from this being the first day of PTB release, I just want to know where the tricking aspect of this killer is. I mean maybe because he tricked the new survivor in his lore? I don't know I feel something along "The performer" or "The Showstoper" (better suited to the name more than the power imo).
The Artist is what I was thinking. It fits on multiple levels.
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I saw someone mention The Idol and I think that fits him quite well.
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Should've called him the mad dog.
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The performer, that's what he is and that's what he does with his knives, i don't know who thought "the trickster" was a good name for this killer, save that for a different killer
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That is way better, especially if they are going for a "Twisted artist" kinda take on music it fits.
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This works even better imo
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Exactly! Not a very deserving name for someone who throws knifes.
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The (Greatest) Showman would have fit better
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When I think there aren't a million better names to call this killer we have a better one right here. What were they thinking.
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He's called "The Trickster" because that's the name he choose for himself after he rebranded. Guess he likes it or something.
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Oh wow, thats.. really lame. But thank you for informing me. Even so, the name still does not fit.
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I don't buy things from BHVR anymore, I use my saved shards to buy Original Chapters. I've been using the same 1000 Auric cells to rebuy the new rift every time lol. I dont give this company my money anymore after their past 2 failed chapters.
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They didn't mean "trick" as in "deceit" they meant "trick" as in "a skill". Am I saying throwing knives is skillful or he's a skilled killer? No. I'm just saying that's closer to where they probably got it from then what you're suggesting.
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He performs a lot of tricks.
A Trickster isn't just someone who pulls the wool over everyone else's eyes, it can also just refer to a showperson. And also I think they want to draw similarities to The Joker, given his flamboyance.
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This name would be really cool on a later killer who could make ilusions to trick the survivors. I mean, something different from the doctor's hallucinations. Maybe someone who could disguise as a survivor, make the survivor see them walking from the opposite direction when they're not and disguise more elements of the map than just pallets. Or... I don't know, there are many possibilities for a power that "tricks" survivors in a game that involves mindgames. There could be a future killer with more of a "trickster" archetipe.
Calling a Knife Thrower a Trickster really wastes the name.
And yeah, I find this really fitting as well.
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Yeah I have to admit the main thing I don't like about him is his name. When I heard his name was "The Trickster" I was definitely not picturing rapid fire knife thrower.
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Now THAT’S a licensed killer I’d LOVE to see in this game!!!
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He tricks dumb asses to buy the dlc
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Reminds me of the cheesy 80s hair band, Trixter.
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Maybe it used to be his nickname before getting kicked out of Legions gang for being too slow and taking to long to down a survivor.
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Well, I can think of one Joker that The Trickster is almost a straight rip from, but it's probably not the one you're wanting...
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He's called the Trickster because he tricked you into buying him.
Even if you think you can't even buy him yet, he's made it so you will end up doing so on release day.
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Na fam. Wraith main who's so unbelievably excited for the wraith changes. I wipe my ass with trickster
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Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't idols a japanese thing?
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I mean, it's his stage name so they just carried it over as his killer title.
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OP and a majority of the comments here imply no one read his lore carefully or the survivor's.
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Or maybe it's because he does tricks with his knives.
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It isn't that bad, "The Ghostface" doesn't ghostface people, "The Demogorgon" doesn't demogorgon people, "The Hag" doesn't hag people, etc.
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Clown barely does Clown things. No balloons, water flower, juggling, or anything. He throws fart clouds. The Gas Passer!
Hag isn't even old. She is some youngster. She draws triangles in the mud. Mud Drawer!
Nurse doesn't even heal people. She sucks at her job. The Teleporter.
Cannibal isn't snacking on Dwight. He's The Gardener!
Spirit doesn't even float or go through stuff. Heck she is fully visible to. The Nurse is better at being The Spirit than she is. Let's call her The Smurfette.
He actually fits the title better than most when you realize Trickster is him performing tricks.. not him tricking you into smacking Nea with your toolbox. Gunslinger is pretty spot on though.