April Fools in March?

Very funny, so where is the new chapter?
Is this the thread where jokes come to die?
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No, it's where the game comes to die. If this is really what the community likes this community is so far removed from the horror genre. Did they really have the audacity to put his portrait next to Michael Myers in the PTB?
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Listen, by the mid chapter the background menu will be gone, and the killer most likely will be played very little unless you're on korean servers.
Plus, the killers cosmetics is still to be revealed, so we could get an actual scary/intimidating killer with some cosmetic combo. I know that if a black trenchcoat comes I'm immediately maining him.
I know it doesn't fit dbd at all, but at least it aint permanent.
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yeah, such a disrespect to the killers like myers, freddy, LF etc...
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I won't be around to see any of it. This game has been going off the rails from the original design for quite awhile now. How anyone would choose to support the game with cosmetic purchases and their time is baffling. With the dev's most flagrant display of staying relevant by any means necessary i.e., losing sight of it's genre, is beyond me. I've been off of this hamster wheel for awhile now and this PTB solidifies it was the right decision. The community isn't even what it once was. When the top discussions are about representation and inclusion instead of what cool horror themes could be added you can see this community has been hijacked. I have no idea who encouraged who and I really don't care anymore.
Enjoy your game best luck in the future 👍️
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Have you seen American Psycho?
I'm assuming no. Your shallow view of the Horror Genre doesn't make you the dictator of what is and isn't horror.
Life is full of horrors from people who look even less likely to be a killer than anyone in the game. To think that you don't understand what fear and terror are yet you act like an expert.
24 -
All the melodramatics are so annoying lol.
Just wait for the next chapter, the game is not catered to only YOUR specific and narrow-minded vision of horror.
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What an ironic choice for an example. Yes I've seen American Psycho as well as read it. If you think Patrick Bateman would be a good fit for the game then you didn't understand it's message either.
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Wait, people still consider this a horror game?
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How dare the Dev's try to branch out? How dare they cater to more types of horror? I only want scary men with masks and knives, thank you very much!
They should be ashamed for trying different things, or catering to another part of their audience!
Jesus Christ. This reminds me of the Smash community whenever they get a character that isn't Western.
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Maybe their goal is for people to stop talking about how bad legion and clown are. Or maybe they are trying to build up their korean playerbase and that's what their kink is.
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I love when people post dramatic whining like this because we didn't get another big scary man in a mask or whatever your limited definition of Horror is. Have you seen Ichi the Killer? Great horror movie, one of the most disturbing grotesque disgusting movies I've ever seen and the killer in that movie is giving the same vibe as the Trickster. What's fun about DBD is their expansion of Horror, including more global definitions of what can be included in a horror game. Not everything in Horror is Michael Myers, Jason, Freddy, Leatherface. We already have so many stereotypical horror tropes in DBD, let them step outside of their design comfort box just once without throwing your hands up and screaming. Like, bright colors oooooo not in my horror game reeeeeee
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I thought this was a horror game, how is this Asian Joker knock-off scary? I'm ok with trying with different kinds of horror, but this? I mean, you might as well put Mathieu Cote in the game and it would be scarier.
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Horror is subjective. I personally don't find it scary either, but that doesn't mean someone else doesn't. I guarantee someone finds it scary.
Just because you or I don't like it, doesn't mean we can say the game is dying, or that they should be ashamed because they didn't put in what you or I would've wanted. That's not how it works.
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I agree. I dislike it when people start having a meltdown or having nonsense arguments when their exceptions aren't met. We needed variety and this was it. Quite refreshing honestly.
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Exactly this Killer is a complete disgrace to every other Killer in the game and licence holders, how are you gonna have a Dollar store Joker next to the likes of the great classics, just out of place he doesn't fit with the horror genre BHVR has collected over time.
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I'm not saying the game is going to die because of this, but come on. There's NO WAY ANY player of this game who thinks a guy in bloody flashy clothes is scary. Might as well be scared of P3 Nea...
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Scary men and *women, Ahem Legion, Spirit and Nurse are in the game as well you know it's not just "men".
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Ji-Woon literally looks like a killer you could read about in real life. He’s a genuine psycho, so I don’t see why people don’t think he fits? When you watch true crime documentaries, they’re terrifying, because they’re real. Reading Ji-Woon’s lore and finding out he would sneak into people’s houses to torture them was so creepy to me and I think he has such a great backstory.
I recently watched a Netflix documentary called Night Stalker about a real life serial killer and Ji-Woon gives me similar vibes. But yeah, we’re the ones who don’t know about horror.
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I guarantee someone does.
Because horror.
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Oh I'm sorry.
I only want scary masked men and women.
No place for anything different though!
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Words cannot express how disappointed I am. All that hype...for this? Really?
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His lore is actually terrifying because it’s realistic. Somebody like Freddy Krueger isn’t scary because you know you’d never encounter anything like him in real life. Ji-Woon is somebody that could murder you or your family members. He’s just a legit psychopath who gets off on torturing people and hearing them scream in pain. That to me, is a lot scarier in itself than anything any of the current killer roster bring to the table.
I love horrors but they don’t scare me. What scares me are the nut jobs walking around in the world that could do something unspeakable to somebody I love. That’s who Ji-Woon represents. Real horror.
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Yup! I agree, 100% with you! :D
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Well said.
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For the amount of flashy, neon, and whatever else outfits there are in this game, I'm surprised that people are still going on about this game being about dark clothing and looking creepy. If something being creepy was all about the look then no true story about killers (after looking at a picture of the killer) would be scary.
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You mean the William Shatner guy? He's hilarious. Are you scared of William Shatner guy?
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I agree his lore is pretty messed up, but its all about the looks. Not everyone reads the lore, so what are they supposed to think when they see your average bloody Joe with a baseball bat running up to them. Same with Doctor, his story is pretty #########, but the thing that makes him scary and fit in is his looks. You should feel intimidated by the killer. You shouldn't feel the urge to dance with them....
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Pfff, wow ok then. What an argument....
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I was going to say something similar but far less aggressive. However the fanboying in this thread is off the charts, so I might as well just be blunt. This killer is just awful, the look in confusing the power is bland/boring and he in no way fits the décor of the game. I like the game but I have seen so many games die as the fan boy community celebrate mediocre design additions that this apologism just strikes me as pathetic.
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Just leaving this here.
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I think he looks more demented than just your average Joe, but I do understand your point. The thing is, that’s exactly how he’s supposed to appear. Almost like a survivor. He’s not some supernatural being, he’s a real guy who snapped.
If Jack Torrance or Norman Bates were added to this game, the majority of people would celebrate even though they both are just average looking men. Nothing scary about them. I honestly think most of the people with an issue can’t see past the KPOP thing which just makes no sense because what he did as a career before he got to the entity isn’t really that relevant.
I’ve seen a lot of comments like “I don’t even like KPOP” and it just seems so immature. I’m not interested in the medical field or architect does that mean I can’t play as Doctor or Felix? 🙊
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Those are clearly photoshopped.
This game is dArK aNd GlOomY!!!!
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Have you seen Dwight Elf, Disco Claudette, Demogorgan newest skin and the survivors when standing 1 ft away from a serial killer?
I don't think this game takes itself seriously, and so what is BHVR wanted a laugh by putting him next to Myers?
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That is an argument. Literally everything is subjective.
You said NO player would find him scary, based solely off the fact that YOU don't find him scary. I've already seen posts about people who find him scary. So I guess you're already proven wrong, right?
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Looking back I wish we had fnaf