Dead by Daylight drains me mentally.

Dead by Daylight is addicting. That's the one thing that I want to get out of the way before I go on a depressing tangent about how this game messes me up. Dead by Daylight has some of the most fun and addicting experiences I have had from any online multiplayer game ever. It's fun and addicting, which for the most part is the reason this game makes me so upset.

This game has on several occasions taken me into days-long depressive episodes just because of the fact there are a few bad eggs ruining the experience when I'm looking for a chill, semi-competitive game. Maybe that's just me being mentally weak, but hey, I thought I'd just spill my feelings here. The general Dead by Daylight experience makes me sad at the fact that people take this game so seriously.

I'm a mid-ranked killer main on console and so I don't expect to go far playing killers generally, so I'm happy in my placement in this game. Though the rank system doesn't seem to agree with me. I always get red-rank Nea's and Feng's and they're always so good. I'm not mad at them for being better at the game than me, kudos to them for getting to that level of skill that they can hold their own against any type of killer. I'm mad that even when they see I'm not competent or good at the game, they continue to use that to their advantage.

I'm mad at myself for being so bad at this game. I go in hoping to better myself, but I continue to just get outplayed and outmaneuvered over and over again.

When it comes down to the end of the game, they're sometimes just spamming rude messages in my inbox or just continue to use phrases like; "GGEZ", "Baby killer". And it just makes me upset that I'm not a good enough match for them competitively. And even when they're saying genuinely nice things I can't shake off the feeling that they're being condescending and just making fun of me for not being good, and at the end of the day, I just get super depressed. Where I just want to sit down and cry for hours over random internet strangers that are better at a videogame than me. And that's why I don't. Because it's stupid to be mad over something like that. But I can't stop being so sad.

I am so upset over something that shouldn't impact my life at all. I'm not mad at them, I'm not angry at them. I'm sad because I will never be good enough to give people a good, competitive game. I'm sorry for rambling about this. After spending 30 minutes on this I realised how stupid I sound. I'm sorry.

TLDR; I'm bad at the game and that gives me the excuse to winge about it online when no-one will ever read this.


  • kor
    kor Member Posts: 27

    A game that is not fun for you is not a game, but an entity named Game, so you can take a break if it is not fun.

  • iloveuimcrazyimsorry
    iloveuimcrazyimsorry Member Posts: 17

    Update: Just double pipped and it de-pipped me to rank 7. This game sure does work in mysterious ways.

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    I can feel your feelings. I also have it with this game sometimes.

    First I got really frustrated and wanted to quit forever, but like you said, the game is quite addicting. I can have a really good day and the next day is straight up garbage on both killer and survivor.

    Now I say to myself: I don't care about anyone anymore. I play the game like how I want and other people play it how they want. We both paid for the game. If they want to tunnel, go for it. I just let go of struggle and find another game. Pips don't mean anything anymore to me. And if I want to tunnel and camp an annoying person, I go for it as well.

    I have to say, that mindset helped me a lot. I feel more relaxed when playing. Maybe this advice helps you as well. Just don't give two cents anymore and play for your own fun, you're not entitled to make the game fun for others because a portion of the players don't play for your fun as well.

    And if they go out of their way to send you rude messages, just get it back at them by reporting them to Sony. I found out they are really quick with responding on reports and most of the time they take action on the other person. If they are really rude, they get a point on their reports and after a few points they are banned from PSN. I always do that when people message me with stupid and rude messages. I don't care about that anymore if they get banned or not.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    Don't feel bad because people are talking smack to you when they win.

    These people want to play "baby killers", they play the game to harass people. If you won they'd only accuse you or camping or tunneling. They don't want you to be better, so definitely don't feel bad because you are not "giving them a good game".

    I'd recommend you turn chat off tbh and just play the game.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    i want them to get rid of the safety pip so the game puts me where i need to be instead of safety pipping every game till i get red rank solos and demolish them for a 2 pip....

    Removal of the safety pip would go a long way to fix this game tbh.

    You need to remind yourself that this game is built for survivors to win. Most if not all dbd streamers that win 90% of their matches will agree to this when asked equal skill vs equal skill survivors will hands down win.

    They complete 20% of their objective with each gen while a single hook is 8% of yours... and there is 4 of them to 1.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    This is why I alternate between the two sides. Killer and survivor is frustrating in their own ways

    Also why I play multiple killers. Usually play clown but if I’m playing bad I’ll switch to billy.

    Also just take breaks even a day or two will do you good

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    If you are safety pipping against a red rank team it usually means you still win lots of chases and probably get at least 4 hooks or something, so maybe you are where you need to be? You're probably just a few improvements away from finishing chases quicker which has a large impact on the game outcome.

    I find that games go from way too easy at green ranks to difficult at purple/red, with very little in between. I think if you weren't safety pipping you'd just be dropping down into baby survivor territory again and absolutely cleaning up games.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    I feel you. I sometimes play with that kind of people that likes to insult others. I am between avg-good killer and survivor and I can say that we all can make mistakes in game and lose it. But the thing is from what I understand this game makes a great impact on you which is not good. I am not a pyschologist but if a game starts to affect you really bad, it's time to give some break. There are many other games that you can play for change and change is good sometimes. I was also quiet pissed to online games sometimes and what I do in most situation is go back to single player games or just do something else other than game.

    My advice: People are rude both in games and in real life so get used to it. They will hurt you and they will harm you and trust me they will enjoy doing it. The problem is by taking this people serious you will only hurt yourself. Dont do that to yourself.

    For the game part a good break or decreasing playing times can be good. Play less matches and give some small breaks between matches. Even a 5 min calming break can make you feel better. If it is not working give a big break to the game. I gave break to DBD like 3-4 months because of same toxicity and when I came back to game I enjoyed even more than before.

    Dont let people,games and events drag you down and keep yourself happy.

  • Honestly i would leave the game and i don't mean that as an insult. I use to play a lot of DBD then i just spent all my time complaining about the game to myself when i was playing it, so i stopped playing and i didn't think i would come back. Recently however i started playing the game again because i was getting bored of overwatch so i did and now i am having more fun than i ever did before. Dont consider it a break that you will return from just drop the game and if you feel like playing it one day in a few months time its not gonna vanish.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I would suggest finding another relaxing game you can play when dbd becomes to frustrating.

    Preferably a chillax game that can help you unwind. Doesn't even need to be long too. 15 minutes playing a relaxing game before jumping back to dbd can do wonders.

    Onefingerdeathpunch is a pretty good game to unwind and is like a dollar on steam right now

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    It's understandable to feel as you do. There are too many insecure people about: people with "little-man syndrome" ready to big themselves up by belittling others because of their own weaknesses.

    Do take a break, but try to remember you're not mentally weak but rather have had life experiences which others have not had, resulting in differing reactions to some others. There are also many people - even some of the harder-nosed types - who do hurt. It's very rare for someone to enjoy being picked on. You're actually probably stronger for admitting it!

    But when you do decide to take a break, when you return perhaps (and you may already do this) just send positive messages. Even if they try to wind you up, make a joke out of it. It doesn't have to be self-depreciating or attacking. One guy sent me some crappy stuff after they lost to my Trapper and I simply replied "Love you too! xxx". In that case he actually warmed to me! Granted, that's rare. But it takes the sting out of it, I find.

    Whatever you choose, remember you can be stronger than you think, and by deciding how you respond or act, inspite of the other person, is way more powerful than they could ever be. Best of luck! :)

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    This isn’t just a problem with DBD, I find it’s just how every multiplayer game is. As soon as you throw other people into the mix, things get complicated because a lot of the time, they’re in charge of whether or not you have a good time.

    Something I started doing which actually really helps is to come up with my own secondary objective. For example, if I’m playing as Ghostface or Spooky Myers, how many gen grabs can I get? Or if I’m using Tenacity / Flip-Flop, how many times can I wiggle free? By doing this, you can find ways to feel satisfied even if you’re with or against people that are being killjoys.

    I actually noticed I started winning more when I cared less about doing so, as I didn’t feel stressed about having to 4K / escape. It’s definitely a mindset that takes practise, but I always just say to myself “it’s just a game” and it really stops me from becoming titled. Killer face camps me at first hook? I just laugh nowadays. Survivors being useless? Again, I just laugh and go on about my business.

  • Hex_Salt
    Hex_Salt Member Posts: 445

    I took a break for a while because of similar to this. Then I realised (may not be the same for you) that part of the problem was that I'm a competitive person. So the question was how to better myself? Well practice obviously but it only takes you so far. Watching DBD streamers was the turning point for me. Its what took me from mid rank to now red rank. I recommend both Truetalent and Otzdarva, both give tips and hints. Otz is great for tutorials etc true is good for psychology tips (mind games etx). You become the best by learning from the best

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    This post basically represents my entire life. I'm honestly mildly creeped out. It looks like something I'd write if I was more outgoing.

    What makes it worse is that I tend to be the one giving advice, and I constantly feel like people think of me as condescending to them.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Yeah, I find myself taking week breaks very often now. I come back for a day and never end my time playing feeling happy.