Afk killer no more chase points, why?

Why got it changed? In the past when a killer was afk you could go around him and at least got chase points. Now the survivor gets nothing except gen points and escape. That's max 13k and is extremely boring.
Please change it back or give killers a ban for being afk and ruining the game for 4 players.
You are free to report players who are AFK, I am sure if it's a constant thing they will be looked into.
As for not getting chase points, I don't have a definite answer as to why (if) this was changed but if it was, it's probably to avoid and discourage farming points as much as possible.
If a killer is AFK in a match I'm in, I will just do the gens and leave asap.
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Chase points shouldnt be give to afk killers when exit gates are already open tho
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you could sit in the basement for boldness points
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Except doing gens and leaving forces a depip on the survivors. We needed chases points to safety pip against an afk killer.
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Also, you lose out on altruism because of an afk killer. I suppose survivors could try to max out other stuff but it does feel tedious
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Something is definitely up, when this tome first released I finished I think it was the nurse blink challenge, but was running late for work, so I left myself afk and when I got back home was on the end lobby screen, received no bps and no tome credit.
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Seems self explanatory
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No it doesn't, the killer shouldn't get points but not the survivors
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This is a really good thing actually! It's a huge nerf to Spirit since now she can't fake her power at all :D
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If they're going to remove chase points for an AFK killer, then there needs to be some code that recognizes a killer is AFK and gives survivors BP as a safety net, just like how killers get points to offset the potential point loss from the DC'd survivor.
Not having an active killer means as a survivor you can't earn any points in altruism and you lose out on a lot in boldness, minus doing some totems or hanging out forever in the basement (with this change), that's a big chunk of the potential BP gone.
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unfortunately you dont get any compensation for farming killers.
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Why would u get chase points if u aren't being chased??
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Because there is no way to get chased? Why should the survivors get punished when the killer spontaneously disappears?
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It's so annoying when a killer is afk- especially when they do it to intentionally derank because then everyone in the match will lose a pip.
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You could look at a wall
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So basically killer is AFK no Chase or Altruism, depip at red ranks guaranteed for all survivors & the killer for the killer's actions.
Doesn't seem fair.
Killer should get no chase points, but survivors should still be able to farm (and then report) points off an AFK killer.
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Afk survivors should get a harsher punishment since it literally ruins the game for your team no matter what they do
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Why isn't there some afk timer for the killer? Survivors literally get crows when standing too still for too long, a same mechanic should be applied to killers (Like say a 5 min timer), the killer gets 0 BP, deranks, the survivors get the bps they earned but have a guarantee safety pip.
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Just look at the wall of you really want to be a poor sport....
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THIS. Why is no one addressing the real problem here? If a killer doesn't load properly into the game and we just end up with an AFK killer, now we just depip so we might as well DC..
I don't even play survivor like that and the problem is just obvious
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Solo or with 1 friend.
See an AFK killer every 2-3 days? Sometimes they auto-swing so can get some altruism points. Most AFK killers seem to be AFK to derank and stomp noobs.
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So you do this because you faced an SWF? The game has long been saddled with that. Yea, we as killers don't love it, but it's a fact of the game and perks and balance changes have come since their introduction to smooth the balance... It'll never be 100% fair, but I have a tip... If you know it's SWF, just camp a couple of their friends... The pressure on friends to save each other is always much higher than saving a random, and if they are being toxic this will typically counter it. Just don't let them pull a big rescue play and you will turn those cool cucumber survivors into sour pickles real quick.
Also if your online don't look at end game chat.... Or do, if you have fun with that type of engagement.
Trust me, it's more satisfying than AFKing
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Imagine to use afk players to farm and them report them. lol
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I dont think I should depip just because the killer is AFK, so yes I will farm enough points to safety pip before I report the guy for being AFK for the entire match.
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Perhaps they should remove the safety pip so people would actually fall to their proper ranks.
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Yesterday I started a game and then my wife came home I was in the kitchen helping her put away groceries. Should I have dc'd and took the penalty? i took my remote in there with me and spun the sticks in a circle ended with 14k. is this bannable not sure what I should have done besides not help my wife.
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A free win is now "ruining" the game.