I’m finding myself more and more discouraged from playing other killers.

I just personally can’t stand, and have no patience for killers that cannot negate looping. And I just cannot stand playing as killers with a power that shines on some maps, yet is abysmal on other maps.

I think this is why I’ve stuck with Clown & Doc for so long. Because they’re not map dependant killers, and they have methods I’ve managed to use effectively to deal with the most irritating part (to me personally) of the chase: looping. And although Doc can’t end a chase anywhere near as fast as Clown, he at least at base can make pallets dangerous, and waste a hell of a lot of the survivors time without slow down perks.

I’m just no longer feel excited to see/play as new killers. I like to watch streams of players playing as new killers. I’ve been enjoying watching footage of Trickster. But at this point I’m only ever really excited to see what the new perks are. I just feel less, and less inclined to use anybody other than Clown or Doc.

Anybody else just feel more and more discouraged trying killers outside of their mains?

Or also narrowing their mains by ditching some they used to play?


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I do get your point. I’ve been a clown main since I got the game and actually fell off him a bit since his rework.

    I’ve been having a lot of fun with billy because of his mobility.

    I know you’re on console but deathslinger is great fun and very good at ending loops fast. I’m decent at him on Xbox

    If you’ve found your mains stick to them.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I'm the opposite. I main Wraith and Ghostface, two stealth killers, but I find myself wanting to play Oni and Blight more and more. Sometimes Doc and Bubba.

    I've also really started liking Trapper, for some reason.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Not really, though I can see your point. I prefer to play fast paced killers, but I can also play a lot of other playstyles as well.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I’m actually genuinely excited about Tricksters perks. I can already imagine interesting builds and synergies.

    No Way Out + Remember Me for example will make endgame very difficult for survivors with a killer that’s good at keeping up pressure.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I was like you. I used to have an expansive rotation of killers, including the “mighty” Freddy (But I preferred old Freddy).

    I don’t even really play him anymore either.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Hey, that's understandable. If you find something that just clicks with you, why not use it?

  • Noobe
    Noobe Member Posts: 152

    you should play whats fun so if you have fun on doc and clown i see no issue.. i know a few people that only play their mains.. I used to be like that with oni but i find it boring to pick up instantly just to handicap myself and i hate slugging.. now i dont play him because i hate having an instadown..

    hopefully someday they release someone that i enjoy as much as you enjoy clown. Because on that day i will play nothing but that killer for months

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    I used to play Trapper a lot a lot but recently I've just, not wanted to play him. Playing him isn't as fun as it used to be and I find he's become quite tedious. I then moved onto other killers, played Myers for a bit then tried Wraith and I fell in love. I haven't stopped playing him for a while now, only really breaking to play Plague and learn Hag a bit more.

    Since I've been playing Wraith though I've found I really dont like survivors getting the head start they get because they realise you're coming due to TR, but I think that's just me liking stealth more than anything, I hate GF and t1 Myers tho! I also don't like not bing bonging. I've taken to absolutely running M&A on plague no matter what because of it.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I use everyone because I own them all but fully understand where you are coming from. Certain killers just have the decked stacked against them on certain maps and truthfully they might have had the deck stacked already. Wraith has always been a killer who has had a spot in my top playlist because he was the first used but to me he still is not buffed correctly. Does this help some? Sure but his power to me is not Invisibility because most of time it does nothing (between shimmers/SP/and his growling) his true power is the speed out of uncloaking to get the hit. You slow down while uncloaking and have that short speed boost to try and get the hit so why would they nerf his speed while uncloaking giving the survivor more distance? Started learning nurse Feb 20 about 3 gms a day (more on weekends) and I took off plaid flannel yesterday and still won all 3 happy to have her in my arsenal and not have to deal with certain things. Had a survivor try to sit on the edge of the tractor yesterday lol I'm nurse fool. So great. So now just need to finish learning console blight.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,593
    edited March 2021

    I main Freddy, and have done so ever since I first started playing. I've spent hours trying to master Old Freddy, and even more hours trying to master the current one. And now I stick to him. Sometimes I try to play other killers, but usually doesn't end well...

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I used to play all Killers.

    Then the Shape came out and, with the old Bloodwebs, it all became just way too insane to keep it up, so i started maining a Killer.

    Haven't stopped since, the newer Bloodwebs were of no help either because what was also new was lots more Killers.

    I unlock the new Killer's Teachables and that's it every chapter, i go straight back to Wraith.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    personally, I enjoy different things.

    so I rather get vastly different powers that are used for different things than powers used the same way.

    I would get bored if every killer had an anti-loop power.

  • Hex_Salt
    Hex_Salt Member Posts: 443

    I think when you start the game at lower rank although you're inexperienced its easier to rotate because of the quality of survivor. At red rank if you try a new killwe you're not good at its more intimidating because of the calibre of survivor you're going up against (will MMR work? I'm not sure)

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    I would get bored playing the same killer over and over. Half of them play basically the same anyways, so why not mix it up? There’s only a handful of killers with a super intricate power.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    I get pretty bored doing the same thing over and over again, so I like to try new killers. On the other hand, once you're out of brown ranks, there's not really much room to learn a new killer.

    The other day I tried to play Demogorgon, but by the time I understood how to start using his skills, I already was at 2 gens left. Not forgiving in the least, so I usually tend to stick with the killers I have perks, add ons and have an idea how to use.

    But I wanted to learn new ones. Hopefully MMR will help me, when it comes.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    I pick up other killers once in a while but for the most part I really only play legion, bubba, slinger, and clown (in order of most played).

    I just dont find the other killers as enjoyable as my main ones. When I play other killers I feel similar to you; get frustrated because I'm not having as much fun and because I'm not as good with them as my mains.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2021

    I feel the same way. Not just for other killers but also other perk builds. It feels like when I try something non meta or a meme build for fun I run into a try hard group. I get bullied and spammed in the end game chat "GG EZ Noob Killer" Then I switch to my main killer, put on my try hard build and I obliterate the next unfortunate group I come across. Worst part is I feel bad afterwards because that 2nd group didn't do anything. I even say in the end game chat "Sry. I was bullied last match and I needed to vent"

    Toxic begets toxic.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Killers for my come in three flavors:

    1.) Killers I like to play (Huntress, Ghostface, Pyramidhead)

    2.) Killers I don't mind doing the daily for (Clown, Myers, Doctor)

    3.) Killers I hate with a passion and will swipe their daily away on sight (Demogorgon, Oni, Hag)

    I understand the getting looped part. It is a huge part of why I hated playing Leatherface. He was my first leveled Killer for his perks, obviously, and once he hit 40 I only played him if his daily came up cause I got so fed up with being looped. Once I learned that someone trying to drop a pallet on me got a hatchet to the face, I was done with that waddling idiot.

  • Sangotunk
    Sangotunk Member Posts: 46

    I agree with you, that's why I only play strong anti-loops killers (hag, pyramid head, twins).

    At least with them I have a chance to fight back against gen speed.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I experiment and change builds semi regularly, so that helps me avoid boredom.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    It can’t stop 99 gates, but it delays when that can be done.

    If you were waiting by an exit gate the moment the last gen popped, and the killer didn’t chase you away from a gate, it would be till about 75 seconds after last gen pops before any gate were 99

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Yeah I’ve pretty much had an abysmal new experience with every new killer since Oni. They’re just awful to play on console with a controller.

  • LexTalionis
    LexTalionis Member Posts: 135

    As a largely killer player (though I have played survivor up to rank 1, and play a few times a week), who plays ALL killers in rotation (despite having killers I prefer), I would count Clown and Doc among the weaker. My tier order of power would be as follows:

    S tier - Spirit, Blight, Ghostface, Freddy

    A tier - Nurse, Legion, Doc, Clown, Myers (with right addons)

    B tier - Huntress, Plague, Deathslinger, Pig, Oni, Wraith, Hag, Trickster (so far)

    C tier - Pyramidhead, Twins, Billy, Bubba

    D tier - Trapper, Demogorgon

    However, I play them all (and personally love Trapper, and can make him at least A tier with the right addons), and any tier can perform well with a bit of luck and good addons. But base power alone, this is a pretty fair representation of where killers rank (in my opinion).

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    We’re not talking about tiers mate...

    Tiers aren’t stopping me from winning most of my matches with either Clown or Doc

  • LexTalionis
    LexTalionis Member Posts: 135

    Except you are. You said you won't play killers who can't negate looping. So for you, S tier is Doc and Clown for anti-loop alone, and everything else is D tier. I happen to disagree with you, and based purely on raw power, I listed all the killers (because I actually still play all of them). I negate looping by being better as a killer on any killer. I still win most of my matches with a 4K. Occasionally a 3K due to a hatch (because I rarely if ever slug for the 4K guarantee), and at minimum 2K. There are those matches were I'm not playing insanely hard, or get an especially bad matchup of killer and map, where 3 or 4 escape, but that happens maybe 5% of the time. And this is all with a different killer each game, at rank 1.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    It's ok. Other killers are not weak, they just require a 🧠

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031
    edited March 2021

    I don't enjoy playing Plague as much as I used to thanks to dedicated servers being atrocious for her, Twins are just boring gameplay from both sides, and feel like I'm fighting more than just the survivors when I'm playing Nurse.