For people saying this killer isn't scary we have clown in a elephant outfit

GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

I personally love this killer he has so much personality and it's nice to actually be hyped again.



  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I've never played a single match against that daft elephant outfit. I wonder why ......

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    There's also a difference.. Elephant clown is worn, tattered, covered with dirt and blood.. and at the end of the day, the man still curb stomps you, cuts your fingers off and eats them.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    I don't like any of the silly or bright neon outfits they add. His looks just don't fit the game imo.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Cherry picking. It doesn't count cause they are skins is a poor excuse. You still see them all the time, especially neon survivors. The only Deathslinger I played against recently had the bull hoodie on. He's still a man with a harpoon gun like how this guy is the man with a baseball bat sprinting at me throwing knives.

    The neon outfits are in the game. His outfit fits in with those. He'll probably have a more dull outfit in cosmetics anyways.

  • Celebrimbor
    Celebrimbor Member Posts: 52

    That was just an idea why people dont find him scary. But if I had to say something personal about it I find his look stupid just as other dumb looking outfits like the clown's elephant and the legion's bunny and etc. The "scary" term itself is subjective. People may find different things scary so I really dont understand what's all this about.

  • robotron
    robotron Member Posts: 41

    Imagine tearing down Myers to defend this new kpop character.....That is probably the biggest travesty I have seen in this situation.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    On the flip side we have Nea who is technically not a killer but is scarier than all of them combined.

  • DeadHardMan
    DeadHardMan Member Posts: 319
    edited March 2021

    Nice strawman, diverting it to "b-but you insulted Myers!"

  • Celebrimbor
    Celebrimbor Member Posts: 52

    Do I really need to explain one by one what I find scary about this game? Ok, I find nothing scary about this game because I think the game itself is not scary at all, its my personality. Again, the "scary" term itself is subjective. If you find him scary, thats fine by me. If you find him better then any other killer in any way, thats fine by me either. I dont have a side in this "he doesnt look scary" conversation. I said I find his looking stupid and thats it. I said nothing about him being not scary to me. My first post was just an idea about why people dont like his looking. Yes there is a lot of troll cosmetics in this game and I find all of them stupid aswell.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    New killer looks like a complete goof. Compare his aesthetic to the rest of the cast in the context of the setting. I'm taking into account only the base appearance of every killer and not their optional cosmetics.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    Elephant clown is the scariest clown along with Santa clown

  • Celebrimbor
    Celebrimbor Member Posts: 52

    Again, the "scary" term itself is subjective. There is nothing in this game scary to me as I find the game itself not scary. My first post was about why people find him not scary, it did not include personal idea about why he is not scary. If you find him scary looking than any other killer in the game thats fine by me. I dont have a side in this "he doesnt look scary" conversation and I did not say anything about him being not scary to me. I just said he looks dumb just as most of the cosmetics in the game.

  • robotron
    robotron Member Posts: 41

    No, what I am doing is saying that someone saying that Myers isn`t scary is stupid. There is a reason why the Halloween movies have raked in 100`s of millions of dollars in the box offices. He is an iconic character that is known around the world that people go as far as to dress up as. You want to defend Mr. Kpop, thats fine but you shouldn`t crap on and probably leave worldwide established characters out if you want people to take you seriously.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Ok but have you actually seen a halloween movie? Old or new? They arent scary.. dont get me wrong, I understand hes a horror classic and all but like, trying to say hes scary and this new kpop dude isnt is just ridiculous. Its along the same lines as boomers claiming music from the 70s and 80s is "real music" and anything newer than that is just trash.

    Just because its not exactly in line with whats classically considered to be horror doesnt mean its not horror.

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2021

    The point is that Myers doesn't look special. He's just some guy in a mask. What makes him scary is his lack of humanity, his emptiness.

    And the big knife.

    If you read this new guy's lore, he's just as terrifying:

    He targeted those who lived alone, coming to them in the night. The first was a college student with a fire escape that led to her living room window. Ji-Woon woke her with a baseball bat to the skull, binding her arms and legs, gagging her with a rag duct taped into her mouth. He tortured her for hours, dissecting her alive. Yet there was something missing—a connection. He wanted to hear her pleading as he cut her belly open, but all he received was muffled cries through a rag.

    He learned and adjusted.

    Victims had to be abducted, driven to an abandoned building where he could let their voices carry unrestrained emotion. He made music from them, prodding in the right places to evoke different types of shrieks and howls. Stabbing the quadratus lumborum elicited a long, guttural wail, while slashing the carotid artery created a sound similar to a cat being strangled. There was honesty in their suffering. Ji-Woon recorded each session, synthesizing and working them into his songs, hiding them behind layers of melodies.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Nobody ever said that elephant clown was scary either.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited March 2021

    I legit find clowns elephant cosmetic more scary then the trickster at full prestige.

    The problem for me is that it is base kit and I like scary or dark looking cosmetics, neon and colorful stuff should be a cosmetic option imo.

    The majority of people won't look at him and recite that whole thing in their head, for many of us it's the appearance of a character that is more impactful. Like i personally don't care at all about any character lore, I have read them but they don't go with me to my matches so for me the trickster is just some colorful dude with a bat and throwing knifes.

    Also with Myers you can see the emptiness and lack of humanity, he expresses it with his whole character design you don't even need to know his back story as you can clearly see a bulky man with a large knife and lack of humanity. The trickster doesn't express any of that in fact i would say his design just screams crazy psychopath which isn't nearly as scary.

  • DeadHardMan
    DeadHardMan Member Posts: 319

    Saying Myers is scary or not is subjective. The point is that you don't need to wear a mask to appear "scary". I do believe Trickster needs some minor changes but I can understand the "human" appeal that BHR was going for.

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2021

    If Myers' was an original DBD creation, then I'll bet half the people here would call his design lazy. There are plenty of killers who are not scary just based on their appearance alone. Like, who is seriously afraid of a woman in a pig mask? Or an edgy teenager? I mean, fear is subjective, but come on. This killer isn't that out of place.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    People making the argument that some killers have ridiculous skins that aren't scary can't comprehend the fact that this is Trickster's default baseline skin. The two are not comparable but hey, if thats your only argument to this, I get it.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited March 2021

    The thing is even people that haven't seen a single movie of his can find him scary, as said even tho his design is basic it gets the message across that he empty and dangerous.

    The fact that you are comparing an iconic horror slasher to a original idea a game is also flawed, ALL we have for the trickster is a backstory consisting of a few paragraphs meanwhile Myers has movies to back up his nature. That means we have more content to make us afraid of him because we know what he is capable of more so than just reading it in under 5 minutes.

    It doesn't matter if your argument is "if Myers' was an original DBD creation... people would call his design lazy" the realty is that he has content to back him up and the trickster doesn't and there is also fear in basic things. Having too much detail can make things no longer scary, what matters is if you get the message across with the creation and Myers. does. just. that.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    I'm not cherry picking? I don't like any of the out of place outfits. People don't like how he looks and you're mad about it.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    The comment under your quote was to you. AKA there is already neon stuff in the game and it's VERY popular. His cosmetics will likely include some duller options anyways for those who want to be duller looking.

  • Buckoben
    Buckoben Member Posts: 351

    Dude is literally out of breath when he picks someone up.

    And I know your being hyperbolic but the concept of Legion will always be scary.

    The problem with this Legion is that they are Legion in name only, maybe if they actually fit the name they would be scarier.

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105

    I hate to break it to you, but I've never seen any of the Halloween movies partially because I don't find Myers interesting. The movies just seemed boring to me, but that's because I'm just not into that genre of horror.

    As you've said, Myers' design isn't the main reason why people are afraid of him. They're afraid because they are familiar with who his character is. The simplicity of his design gets the message across that he's supposed to be this empty being, yes. But his story is what is supposed to scare you. Likewise, the Trickster's design gets the message across that he's supposed to be this chaotic psychopath. He's happy to be in the Entity's realm. He's putting on a show. That's his character. If you don't want to familiarize yourself with his lore, that's fine. I'm sure if I cared enough to watch one of Myers' movies I might like his character more. Different things appeal to different people.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    I was blessed with facing this beautiful abomination one day

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I'm just saying that in terms of their design and lore Myers is more scary, trickster is more gruesome but myers is more brutal and feels more overwhelming.

    Many people don't find psychopath scary from a third person view, it's the thought that this is what humans are capable of is where the horror of psychopaths come from because it can be real. However Myer's represents a force that will kill all in his way to kill you and he can appear when you don't expect it because of his silent and emotionless nature, he is just a character that is reallly good at representing his traits and he is also represented well in dbd.

    Not everyone has the same tastes I know that i'm just saying it's kinda unfair to compare when Myers has a design that not only represents what the characteristics are very well and those characteristics are more rare/unsettling but is also iconic in the horror genre.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    Imagine using a clown killer to represent the argument. Clown's outfits fit his character as someone who lures unsuspecting victims with soft appearances. He imo is scarier than a man who uses his victims screams for music. The only thing that's scary about him are his motives and that he utilizes his knife tricks for murder.

    Other than that, he does not look intimidating at all.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    What people find scary is subjective see all the phobias. Same with the definition of horror. I don't find paranormal activities scary doesn't mean it isn't too some and doesn't exclude it from the horror genre either.

  • zugz
    zugz Member Posts: 6

    This is ridiculous and can be applied to anything. Lets add the Green Goblin or Skeletor as killers! Why not! Some cosmetic exists that looks silly therefore everything is allowed, right?

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I don't really get the title.

    Clown being in an elephant costume doesn't increase Trickster's scariness for me.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2021

    I think he's fine and will fit in fine, they made up for his vibrant visuals with creepy characteristics and behavior.

    I think he fits more than like, Deathslinger.

    My only gripe is I would have named him something like "The Idol" or "The Showman" or something isntead of the The Trickster, it just doesn't give the right impression. "bUt hE doEs KniFe TrIckS" no he just throws knives, Huntress throws hatchets we don't call her the trickster because she does "Hatchet tricks".

  • scottyj555
    scottyj555 Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2021

    I'm a killer main, play survivor once in a while so I'm not accustomed to seeing all the killers. Was playing coldwind farm last night working on a gen on the edge of the cornfield.

    Julie comes through the field in the rabbit costume.....instant goosebumps 🤣

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    I dunno man if I was being hunted by him I'd be scared lol

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    Bunny Feng + Legions

    Xmas survivors

  • Tank
    Tank Member Posts: 63

    I actually like him too, it's a fresh design that doesn't really conflict with anything and his quirks really shine through in the animations. That's what I primarily look for in a killer design, someone who's visuals and animations show who they are as a person. With Trickster his general personally is immediately evident along with his central theme (a need for attention).

    For example, Hag is probably the most underwhelming Killer design because we don't really get any connections between her backstory, personality, animations or visual design. It all feels disjointed, despite the fun playstyle. You could argue that she's loosely based on Voodoo stuff though, I guess.

    I would have personally toned down his colours a little and given him different flashy weapons that don't glow so that he matches the environments a little better though. That being said, it's obviously not a design for everyone and the power looks pretty underwhelming at a glance. I guess you just have to like serial killers and K/Jpop idols to like him, that or just be into any of the mentally unstable members of female orientated harem manga/shipping at all.

  • edgardot02
    edgardot02 Member Posts: 149

    I don't think this new killer fit in dbd compared with ghost face, bubba, freddy, etc ...

    but it not that big problem.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Everyone says he doesn't fit the bill, yet he's one of 3 characters (also Huntress and Clown) who is a legit human just gone mad. Everyone else has some supernatural ability or super strength.

    Let's also not forget that he's the only killer in the game with a truly maniacal laugh (other than maybe Huntress).

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Some people have a narrow view of horror.