This Community is Hilarious.

It seems that everyone's main complaint after the Trickster reveal is that he doesn't look scary enough to be in Dead by Daylight, while simultaneously ranting about how badly they want an FnaF chapter. Like, you guys would rather say you're more terrified of a Chinese Bootleg Chuck E Cheese doll than an actual human psychopath that could (and has) existed in real life.
Meanwhile, Trapper's rockin' the rubber waders, and Billy's got a permanent 'o' face. I'd also go back and watch a Nightmare on Elm Street movie sometime, see how scary you guys find Freddy after that.
I shouldn't even have to go into how adorable Demomuffin is, but by now you get the picture.
... Demomuffin ?
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I like The Trickster, but yes, I would absolutely be more terrified of the FNAF animatronics.
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"Everyone's main complaint...[The trickster] doesn't look scary enough...while simltaneously ranting about how badly they want an FnaF chapter."
I'm sure there's exceptions, but I would wager those are two different people's opinions you're reading.
ETA: Just to be on record here, I like the Trickster, and nothing in DBD is any scarier than Fortnite.
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Dont forget angsty teens in smiley face masks. Or tall man in mechanic jumpsuit with kitchen utensil. Or the worst yet.. granny with a chainsaw! (Granted that ones a skin but still)
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Like 5 people want that FnaF trash.
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Oh no, metal furries covered in pizza grease, aaaaaaahhhhh
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Believe me, its unfortunately way more than just five.
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I like the trickster...
but I would be 100% more scared of giant murderous animatronics than a guy with a bunch of knifes.
the guy I at least might be able to fight off...
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There is also the fact his actual gameplay isn't very original or very fun(but I guess the "fun" part is subjective). But regardless the core argument here seems to be that real life serial killers are for the most part not very unintimidating looking(Ted Bundy was just normal looking) therefore it is acceptable to have unintimidating characters in a fictional horror game. Which strikes me as the same logic as having a sci fi game force you to do calculus problems because that is more realistic to real science. Also, paywall limited cosmetics used to fund new content does not mean anything goes in terms of game design. Adding Thanos as a killer because we have a silly clown outfit isn't exactly an equivalent exchange,
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Next time you're being chased by Demogorgon, try to get him to vault a window. Your only conceivable reaction should be "D'awwww"
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I mean....I don't have a problem with either but I wouldn't be so quick to pass off Fnaf given visually they are absolutely way more unsettling than this guy.
That being said I think....ugh calling him the trickster still feels so dumb....can we just call him "The Idol" or something anyways and call it a day? Anyways, I think he is visually not as creepy, but they gave him a pretty creepy ass demeanor and that makes up for it imo.
Yeah, I think this ######### is more unsettling than like half the things already in DBD lol:
I think the Stigma is just coming from the younger audience of fans that the game attracted because of popular youtubers like Markaplier and such. I would do birthday party events for kids and one of them wanted a Fnaf themed one and I asked the kid why he liked it- he didn't even play the game it scared him too much but he liked watching others playing it on youtube.
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I Think he's plenty creepy. The most unsettling thing about him is the fact that he's just human. He's not a seven foot tall zombie cowboy or an extra crispy boogeyman with magical dream powers. I applaud BHVR for branching out, but other people seem to hate them for it.
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That would still be scarier than Leto's Joker but a K-Pop star with a bit of blood on him.
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I'd still prefer actual nightmare robots or clockwork killers than FNAF ones. U could even separate the animal features from FNAF and make animal creatures or demons with red eyes and rows upon rows of teeth. Waste of 2 different genres to draw from just to have FNAF in the game.
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Yeah I think he's fine. I have no issues with him at all honestly in all that sense.
Kinda iffy on his moniker; and I wish they had focused more on actually making his trick shotting blades base kit instead of a purple addon, then maybe his name would make a bit more sense. I would make it so aiming at their feet does reduced damage but bouncing off anywhere else and hitting them provided a tremendous boost in damage, like a LOT because that's stupid hard/rare to pull off without a lot of skill.
But his visuals and character, that's all fine to me. Horror doesn't have to be dark and grey or washed out, it can be bright and human. I mean look at movies like midsommar.
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License deals are a big part of it though.
In all fairness I don't think it's ever going to happen, I am just fine with it if it does. What I DO want is just more non human characters. I have no problem with the human ones, but I want more Demogorgons, or at least skins like Krampus Trapper and Minotaur Oni albeit with actual moving jaw animations or something next time.
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I mean, the people who think the Trickster does not look scary enough are also simping for Susie...
So, what do you expect?
He looks different, but clearly has some personality.
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That Doesn't scare me because I know for a fact that it could never happen. Animatronics are bolted to the floor, and do not possess onboard computers. They are completely mechanical, immobile, and incapable of becoming bloodthirsty murderers.
But this argument isnt about DbD being realistic or scary. Just that the majority of fans are treating this new killer like BHVR straight added a kitten with a rubber mallet as its weapon as the new Killer.
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In its current state, Dead By Daylight isn't scary in general because of the familiarity and unchanged formula they use. There are sometimes anxious moments or stealth attacks that may make you jump, but for me the same objectives makes it more a survival than a fearful experience. The known is less scary than the unknown.
In some way, it makes sense to have more "normalised" killers such as The Trickster. I guess for me someone dressed like a comic book character has zero scare-factor for me. It's not a complaint - actually, it's quite nice to have variety! It's just not scary to me. But I didn't get the feeling from BHVR that this chapter was aiming for scary.
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Also this is the same community that asks for a scary movie chapter shirtless myers and christmas sweaters for demo. like at least be consistent with your complaints
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I mean, almost nothing like this scares me because it's all made up even if it is something meant to be based on reality somewhat. I mean Doctor is based off an actual real life serial killer, still not scary to me honestly. You're running from someone playing a video game not an actual killer. So I'm just going off how unsettling they are in terms of visuals, and demeanor, if I only want off personal fright I would say no to everything in the game, and obviously that's no good.
Anyways, I know and that is why I responded mostly to and about that, but you also incorporated those things into your initial argument and I didn't agree with that much, but I did the rest of what you were saying.
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If the idea is "it doesn't scare me because I know it can't happen" how doesn't that apply to the entire game? Literally none of it makes sense in the real world, from hovering dead nurses who still move, to the licensed characters that clearly never existed, to the zombie spellcasting cannibal.
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Don't forget that we have an elephant throwing bottles at survivors, and a gang of rabbits stabbing survivors.
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i did not know i needed this in my life, now i know
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Don't tempt me back with the cows
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also, Springtrap, just, everything about him and his backstory, that ######### is not for kids in the slightest
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i like the cows too :)
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he likes you too :)
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Yeah. I finally played the VR game version of it actually because it had a VR version of all the games and some bonus stuff. It was creepy as hell and I am pretty sure those things slaughtered like a bucket load of children.
They are gonna need Nicholas Cage in there to clean that up (Watch willie's wonderland it's great).
Anyways, I've said my piece about that so lets just leave it there. Lets not detail OP's thread too much, it is still more about the new killer and not what ifs and other games, though thank you for the reply :P
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Yep, that is much scarier than the Trickster. I couldn't stop laughing when I seen the new killer for the first time.
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Speaking of Nightmare on Elm Street.
The second movie is campy af, hilarious, and (as a gay man) easily one of the gayest movies I have ever seen.
But anyway, the people who say the Trickster isn't "scary" and/or doesn't fit the "horror theme" actually freak me out. The fact that they have such a deep misunderstanding of what horror and fear are, that they don't see that The Trickster, a human who tortures his victims and records their screams until they die, is scary at all? That's the real horror.
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To be fair, I don't think people are talking about his lore, they are talking about what they experience in the game itself.
What they see, what they hear, and what they feel from his presence in the game.
I don't think anyone is in particular debating his lore, so much as his bright vibrant appearance instead of the more somber tones and pallets of every other killer in this game; even the silly additional cosmetics are not as extravagant- and this is base appearance. He is not disfigured in any way, like the face of every other killer in the game. It just feels like a branch off of theme.
(again, I personally think he is fine, but if we are going to debate this we should look at their side of things from how they see it too)
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Demomuffin though 🥺🥺
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It's almost as if there's different people with different tastes and the "community" is not just a hive mind.
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it's funny how willy's is only a thing because the fnaf movie was announced, but it released before fnaf...
it's a great b movie
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Trickster looks too "polished" and clean. He stands out too much and I don't like it. It just feels like his model isn't from DbD, like it's been photoshopped from some Saint's row game.