

Do you like the new killer the Trickster(PTB)?

Member Posts: 4,082
edited March 2021 in Polls

Yeah personally don't really bother it's not bad or good his power doesn't interest me. But what about you?

Do you like the new killer the Trickster(PTB)? 87 votes

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Post edited by WishIcouldmain on

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  • Member Posts: 399

    His design is pretty cool, I like how he looks. But his gameplay is soooo bad. His power is absolutely terrible, why would you ever use him over Huntress or Deathslinger?

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    edited March 2021

    I like the idea of knife thrower and such, but the power is just kinda weak imo rn. 8 hits is too many, maybe if they reduce it to 6 or less. Especially considering he's 110/4.4 his power should be stronger.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    I like what they were going for with him, but his power is just bad. I understand they need to balance out the fact he has 60 blades and can spam throw them at survivors, but taking 8 hits for a single damage state is too much.

  • Member Posts: 1,071

    He's really just terrible. The power is unusable at most loops, you need to hit them so many times, and the fact that the buildup fades away to is just the sewage icing on the trash cake. That's not even to mention that you cant even choose to use his special ability when you want, since it depletes on it's own even when you aren't using it.

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    The last 2 killers (Blight & Twins) are A tier with enough practice, so I was expecting a Mid-tier killer. I had very low expectations because of that, but he's a pretty good killer so far.

  • Member Posts: 399

    Too soon to tell, honestly. I'll wait until he goes live and I personally play as him, then I'll be able to give an answer.

  • Member Posts: 103

    They could have just added knives for legion and called it a day . Thay would have looked so cool too

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    Love his power and design, but he seems a tad too weak IMO. I feel like he deserves to be a 115% movement speed killer.

  • Member Posts: 122

    I'm ok with the knife throwing taking 8 hits because they are small knives. If you want to lower how many it takes to hurt a survivor then give him a big, big knife. I'm talking the kind of knife you would get if Crocodile Dundee's knife and Rambo's knife had a baby knife. Then that baby grew up and found the hands of a crazed kpop star.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    I think the power is super cool and has potential with a little balancing. I think they should give him ricochet as Basekit, increase the delay before laceration starts to decay, make the power not decay when maxed so you can use it when you want, and/or decrease the total knife hits needed to 6 or less. Maybe just 2 of the aforementioned buffs. There's not much about him that is "trickster-ish" so the ricochet would fit his theme well.

    I like that his aesthetic is like a regular dude. Some of the best slasher killers are a regular Joe shmoe. I do wish he had something extra, like a missing eye, gaping chest wound (since he's shirtless), bullet holes or knives in his back. But i don't find it NECESSARY as so many people feel. Just think it would be a nice touch

  • Member Posts: 252

    I feel It seems not too bad, It is more like a fill up similuar to the Plagues but requires more forthought and time I can see It being used useful to some people since It basically can be used to give people a good scare so they will run and hide for fear of getting downed.

  • Member Posts: 649
    edited March 2021

    I don’t like the new killer. I hate his design and power. I hate the way he runs, it’s comical. A complete joke. The survivor is cool though.

  • Member Posts: 122

    Good point on the running. It is very comical but not in a good way. The music i am fine with and maybe some cosmetics will help with the look but nothing can help that run.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    It's too early to say for sure. Right now, my first impression is that I like how he looks, but throwing knives is not "trickster," and the knife throwing doesn't seem to do a whole lot for you, especially because the lacerations heal on their own. I think it would be more interesting if survivors had to do something to heal, because then they'd have a choice to make about whether it was worth it.

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2021

    YouTubers & communities in Korea have produced these results. (Based on Tessub)

    "You can't use it without a great uplift."

    I've also never seen a long-range attack being "lower" than a melee.

    £ Description: Faster than Huntress' axe throw. The damage part requires tremendous probability.

    Also, the theme of "It's a Korean element" doesn't fit.

    £ Explanation: The "minority" is the equivalent of a trickster in Korean folk tales or myths.

    ex) Dokkaebi (different from Oni in Japan) / Gumiho / Kim Sundal (real person) / Jeon Woo-chi (a Taoist or wizard of the Joseon Dynasty)

    Clichés are not common in Korea in movies where idols become murderers. Especially when a boy idol becomes a murderer?

    There has never been a horror movie shot with such a motif in Korea. At best, there was only a "fear movie" based on a female idol.

    - Jeonju. From ROK. -

    PS: The only horror movie with an idol motif. But female idols

  • Member Posts: 649
    edited March 2021

    Yeah definitely not in a good way. It makes him look ridiculous and silly.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I loooovvvve him, he's so different but also he plays kind of like Plague and I miss being able to play her... I just wish his secondary ability didn't decay, but design, story and gameplay I give a really big thumbs up, he's just super fun!

  • Member Posts: 399

    You'd rather have ranged legion? As a legion main, I'm fine with that.

  • Member Posts: 31

    1 - Visually, for a KILLER, he has a BAD CHARACTER DESIGN! At first glance, unlike ALL the other killers, he doesn't LOOK threatening AT ALL! He doesn't look like an EVIL character from a horror movie series!

    2 - He doesn't sound treatening either. He is even the ONLY character in DBD that speaks!!

    3 - Even THE LEGION looks more threatening/menacing! (This says enough!)

    3 - His weapon (throwing knives) looks like he fits in the OVERWATCH universe!

    4 - His mori look like from Mortal Kombat: FINISH HIM!!!

    5 - Visually and gameplaywise he doesn't fit in Dead By Daylight...as a KILLER, that is!

    6 - BUT!! He looks more like a COOL SURVIVOR!! 😎 He definately SHOULD BE A SURVIVOR!!!

    7 - AS A SURVIVOR he should be the only Survivor who can throw knives at a killer (with a 60-second cool-down at tier 1) to slow down the killer!!! THIS WOULD DEFINATELY be more acceptable and believable! 😎

  • Member Posts: 293

    He's fun to play but pretty bad imo his knives are not strong enough to justify him being a 110% killer. A good change would be make it 6 hits and decrease his ammo capacity to 40 - 50 knives and make the ricochet addon basekit (but without the 200% damage). Or just make him 115% and change his iri addons.

    Visually his design is bad for a Killer, he looks cool and all but not scary in the slightest.

    I'm really excited for this chapter but he really needs some buffs.

  • Member Posts: 2,651

    After the last chapter, cough twins cough, this is light years better, however in regards to gameplay design and aesthetic I feel he is pretty meh overall

  • Member Posts: 155

    I'm pretty mixed on it. His power seems fun and he seems to have one of the best moris by faaaaar. But that's kinda where I lose interest. It's cool they added something completely different but at the same time I just find it hard to take this killer serious and it really doesn't stick with me. Hate on the Twins all you want but at least they fit in with the game. I overall just prefer the Twins way more than the Trickster. But whatevs, to each their own or whatever the saying is (I'm very tired so don't judge D:)

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