I think this is the reason people say he feels out of place...

I think the reason people think the new killer seems out of place is because of his base flashy visual design. A lot of people are comparing him to the other fun, flashy skins that we've had in the store/rifts, however I think the issue is, is that with his base visual design he feels out of place because he's not scary in the slightest.
All the other killers have a base visual design which makes them feel dark, scary and they look monstrous, with The Trickster he just seems like someone in a flashy outfit. I feel if he had a base scarier, darker visual design, he'd feel much more in place, and that his current cosmetics should be in the store or something
Couldn't agree more, however I believe they went with that look simply because they went with the K-Pop aesthetic in the first place
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He's in a bright flashy outfit due to his name, which smartly has a double meaning. The Trickster. Both does knife tricks and tricks people into thinking he's just an innocent guy.
If it wasn't for the lore, then maybe I'd agree, but the lore contributes to why he just looks like a slightly over dressed person.
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Honestly I don't care about a single killer not looking scary. If they release like 2-3 killers in a row like this, then I will start complaining.
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Looking at all the flashy neon lights of the design. This kinda reminds me of the older batman movies. First two films were dark and entertaining. Then the 3rd-4th films came out that weren't directed by Tim Burton and you could tell. They were full of bright colors and it just felt like it wasn't the same.
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They went with this look because he is a deranged superstar who got taken by the fog during his final performance, which he would of dressed extravagantly for.
People need to get over something not looking like stereotypical horror. You're right he isn't scary but his personality is. Read his backstory sometime its brutal. It's all psychological horror with some violence.
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I think he has a cool design, but imo, he looks like a JRPG boss or an anime villain running around the map. He sticks out like a sore thumb, to me and I don't even remotely view him as a Killer. Idc what his lore is, at the end of the day, what I see in game is what matters.
And I really don't care about the flashy design or that he's associated with K-Pop; that's all fine, but they could've done it in a way that fit the theme of the game. He just looks out of place as-is, from his design to his animations.
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My issue is that he completely screws up the aesthetic, while ironically being uber a e s t h e t i c.
I honestly like DbD's visual style, and I think they should have stuck with it.
They could just tone down the brightness of his coat a smidge (not a lot), make him a bit less clean (smudged with dirt or ashes here and there), and make his irises glow (like the Doctor's), and I would be happy.
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He's out of place cause his perks are all powerful. Killers aren't aloud powerful perks, this game is killer sided. Lol jk, his perks are quite good but not OP.
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I actually like the design, I just hate the colors of his clothes and blades.
Pink trousers with a yellow coat? Jesus ######### christ BHVR...