BHVR's Balance Team

No offense devs but for me its really worrisome that every new chapter PTB's new Killers are weak as hell. Like are you guys that afraid to make Killers Strong as hell? I understand its a PTB but why are the recent ones weak as hell(on PTB). PH was the last one for me that was decent in the PTB anyways.
they make the PTB to show what they want to make and then make adjustments based on feedback, which I'm sure they will given the ample amount of backlash they got from not doing that for the last 2 updates
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Slinger was about the same tbf
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IMO there have been many many times where we gave feedback and they ignored it. /coughNEWUIcough
I feel the PTB is not for feedback or testing. It's to hype up a new chapter and to give us a heads up. "Hey, we already put work into it. We don't care how you feel about it because this is happening whether you like it or not"
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What happened to Blight? Is he not considered strong anymore?
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What is a strong Killer for you? For over 2 years the Killers which came into this game were at least decent.
Ghostface, Demo, Oni (very strong), Deathslinger, Pyramid Head (very strong), Blight (very strong) were more than decent. Even Plague is not terribly weak. Twins might be an exception.
If you are looking for a Killer with the strength of Nurse, this will never happen. And should never have happened in the first place.
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Mendslinger is still weak af against SWF.
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He suffers not really more from swf then other killer. His stealth is weaker against them, but that doesnt make him bottom tier.
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Except when was the last time a weak killer came out of the PTB actually strong after that feedback? Almost never is the answer.
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Strong against players who play bad and make mistakes isn't strong. Strong is being able to make plays that are unreliant on survivor mistakes and you have a decent chance of winning when it's a good killer vs 4 good survivors. Very few killers meet that criteria.
Most killers can be played perfectly with zero mistakes and still lose against equally good survivors.
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My definition of a strong killer is one that, if played well, stands a chance against a swf. Yet also has counter ability for fairness. Yes not all survivors are in a swf but if a killer can't handle a swf then it is weak.
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And even less Survivors...
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You're missing the point.
For survivors it's less because they are playing badly.
For killer it's literally the limit of their capabilities.
One is limited by skill (IE in your control) one is limited by game balance (IE out of your control). This is also an example of why you balance from the top down, not middle down like the devs do.
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What killer isn’t tbf. The game isn’t balanced around it
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So which ones that he mentioned you think can compete?
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Blight is strong against average survivors that make mistakes. A good survivor team will clean him up.
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balance team? This ptb can be done in 3 months by a single person. 😆
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Nurse and Spirit. Possibly Freddy.
There's a plethora of A tier killers that are strong against average teams you'll queue up against, but would still get cleaned against good survivors.
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I mean, if you want to kill the game, you can balance it from the top down, if you like. Balancing Killers on the strongest SWFs would just result in the game being miserable for 99% of Survivors.
And if we balance for the Top Survivor players, we also need to balance for the Top Killer Players - so that Killers also have a miserable experience.
Sound great.
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Balancing from the top down is literally how almost every other game balances for a reason. It works. Your explanation is literally saying the game would be terrible when bad players lose because they played bad.
I also never said balance for SWF, I said for good vs good matches. If we were to balance for SWF I'd want changes to solo queue to compensate.
"And if we balance for the Top Survivor players, we also need to balance for the Top Killer Players - so that Killers also have a miserable experience."
Survivor already has the tools for handling top killer players so this point doesn't make any sense as that's how the game literally already is in its current state. IE the entire reason the killer community is always complaining (we're balancing for one and not the other). We are already balanced for the top killer players.
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His primary power can be easily nullified by a teammember. This makes him bottom tier. What´s the point of shooting someone, when you can´t reel them in?
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SWF hit him harder than most other killers.
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They are Public Teaser Billboards.
I find it hilarious they changed their twitter to build hype for a PTB.
Don't forget guys this is supposed to be BHVR's MAGNUM OPUS.
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There is not a single game that is even remotely competitive that doesn't balance from the top down. Balancing from the top down is fine because it also encourages bad players to learn to get better, which brings and even greater sense of reward and satisfaction for mediocre players who "git gud"
We can joke and pretend like this isn't a competitive game all we want, but it functions like one, so it is. If this were just a "casual" game then I'm surprised survivors care so much about winning or losing, but yet you are complaining yourself.
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Killers are weak as hell? I'm sorry but what? Dowsey literally just went on a 150+ 4k streak. Blight in the hands of a decent killer can wipe the floor with any team. PH is probably one of the best well rounded killers in the game.
Meanwhile Survivors? When was the last time we actually received a Meta perk? Don't worry.. I'll wait
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Don't think Oni or Blight can?
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When you cant see why this winstreak was possible, you should try to get better at survivor. I would only call me a decent red rank survivor but even i see how bad most of this survivors were.
Matchmaking makes this streaks possible not op killer.
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Demo is very strong? No, no he isn't
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I played atleast hundred matches with deathslinger and i never saw a team consistently do it.
There are very few possibilities to do it (mostly long range shots) and they need to be always near.
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Uh... I don't know what game you've been playing, but a good Blight who knows what he's doing with an Alchemist Ring will wipe the floor with all but the highest-tier SWFs, dude.
This coming from a Blight main who is pretty damn decent.
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The "very strong" is behind Oni.
Some people like to call strong Killers weaker as they are to fit their narrative. Blight is a strong contender for one of the Top 5 Killers (with Nurse and Spirit being Number 1 and 2).
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I guess Blight and GF don't exist....
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Your wrong, Spirit, Ghostface and Blight. In the PTB they were weak then they were buffed and now now spirit is top 3 and blight is considered top 3 to ghostface not so much but he was weak as ######### back then
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"A good survivor team will clean him up." Have you seen a competitive Blight game? Blight's literally an S-tier killer, especially when you bring strong perks and his really good addons. I've mained him since release and I've gone up against 4 mans who definitely knew what they were doing and I still got a 4k against most of them.
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No he's not S. "Competitive" for dbd is a joke. The game isn't balanced enough for a competitive mode in dbd, hince why they add a ton of their own rules in an attempt to fix those problems. Anecdotal examples don't mean anything. On average against equally good survivors he will lose.
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Spirit is the only example I can agree with, which is also why I said "almost" instead of "literally" never.
Ghostface and Blight came out decent from PTB, not strong. Blight is also not even remotely top 3.
The reason you and some others disagree is because we have different definitions of "strong".
Strong to me is having an equally fair chance of winning when it's a good killer against an equally good group of survivors. By those standards, no, they are not strong. Average matches you'll play? Sure, they'll wreck and 4k all the time because most survivors are bad and matchmaking is terrible right now. We base strong when it's good vs good, not average games.
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I´ve seen it so consitently, that i stopped playing him. I´m not even sure if its a intended mechanic or an exploit.
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Blight no. Oni isn't there, but I would however put Oni closer to the upper side of A tier.
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You are the resident funny man. Twins are no where near top five, plague is c tier with a perfect build at best, oni and slinger are a tier
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Blight was incredibly weak on his PTB, he got changes on his launch and this PTB he finally got changed to an extremely powerful state
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I don't understand why they don't take Ubisoft's way of balancing on PTB's or atleast in development
Ubisoft makes the characters strong as hell in the development state and drops them in a tweaked version on the TTS, if they are still OP the operator is nerfed to try and balance it, if they are Underpowered they will revert the nerfs from the development state or buff them in a different way
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I would personally say Blight can go toe-to-toe with Nurse, and Spirit is number 3 by a close margin.
Blight is the first Killer who, in my opinion, can actively contest Nurse for the #1 Killer slot.
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He was a weak collision mess on the PTB. Also they kinda did ignore the super low camera pov until now.
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No, he just got his POV changed to that of a normal killer. He was buffed.
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Trust me, every killer is viable to BHVR because they aim to balance around average players. The average survivor player can't loop, or do gens efficiently. You have to throw any thinking of decent survivor players when you think of balance, because they are not in the equation.
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Killers already have a miserable experience because swf exist and are not balanced for so nothing would change for them.
We are back to 10 minute queue times so its a bit obvious nobody is playing killer (as admitted by devs previously) so it seems survivors could do with a nerf or killers a buff that drives away some of them.
I was having a great time being able to insta queue as survivor and now it isn't worth it.
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You all criticise BHVR but if the balancing was done like most of you guys wish there wouldn’t be game left to balance.
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the game isn't balanced around swf, try again.
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The bigger problems are the recent map reworks. It's like they don't want you to play the m1 killers anymore.
Oh and lmfao at Demo being called very strong.
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The devs can't make brains. Every killer released is actually overpowered when played well. Combine them with perks and you've got mostly an easy game.
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People get obsessed with tiering killers up on lists and pulling the excuse "you have to expect killers other than top tier" to give reason for killers who shouldn't exist in the pathetic state they're in to exist.
I'll probably buy the new chapter but I will only play the killer about 2 or 3 times if drastic changes are not made.