The Issue With Hex: Undying NERF

Killing_Time Member Posts: 894
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Devs, I want you guys to read this and try to understand where I'm coming from. This nerf will be bad for the game, and killers yet again, hence the uproar. We all knew the second it was paired with RUIN, it would be nerfed. SURVIVORS knew they could get it nerfed, if they complained enough and therein lies the issue. Undying is getting pretty much gutted because Survivors REFUSED to run just one totem perk, but DS+UB is left UNCHANGED.

Keys aren't being touched in this PTB either. It's very frustrating because yet again, important perks to slow the gen rush are being nerfed. PGTW was nerfed, and the reason why it was nerfed is the EXACT REASON KILLERS WANT DS NERFED. DS remains unchanged... Yet again.

What's even more upsetting is, in the slug meta... DS is powerful on its own AND UB is powerful on its own. One DS can flip a loss into a win and one UB can flip multiple slugs into nobody in dying state. Hex: Undying on its own was useless. You made it so it couldn't be paired with anything powerful outside RUIN and it's still getting a nerf.

I know this won't change anything, because once nerfs or reworks are on the table, that's that. I just wanted to give my piece.

Also, Wraith will still be extremely weak. He's arguably the worst killer without addon and there is the issue. He needs some addon to be base (like Windstorm) so he can truly compete. Spine chill will still hard counter him.


  • romones848484
    romones848484 Member Posts: 18

    Listen wether you like it or not,you just arnt a good killer,get better

  • romones848484
    romones848484 Member Posts: 18

    Why don't you stop writing like a douche and realize how pretentious you sound on a game chat forum

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    You guys have to chill on the verbiage. The mods will ban you fast.