Idea of bonus objective

So this last event has given me a neat idea which could be fun for all parties, Bring back the blighted hooks and flowers. Let us fill vials just as a part of the default game but let the vials be traded in for add on/Offerings like
1vial = a common offering/Item/Add on
2vial =a uncommon offering/item/add on
3vial =a rare offering/item/add on
4 for very rare
5 for ultra rare.
So more or less you can get items you want rather than just randomness from the blood web. But allow the blood web to spawn blight offerings which work like that did during the event.


  • Whispers23
    Whispers23 Member Posts: 111

    Anything that can slow down matches is good.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    A kind of market: you pay vials in exchange of goods. I agree with the idea, not with prices: to collect 5 vials you need about 10 trials, in 10 trials you earn at least 75,000 bloodpoints as a survivor and 150,000 bloodpoints as a killer, so what are you doing with 7,000 reward (the ultra rare things' cost)? Pennies!

    I suggest every vial gives you at least 7.500 BP as a survivor and 15.000 BP as a killer.

  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197

    @Entità said:
    A kind of market: you pay vials in exchange of goods. I agree with the idea, not with prices: to collect 5 vials you need about 10 trials, in 10 trials you earn at least 75,000 bloodpoints as a survivor and 150,000 bloodpoints as a killer, so what are you doing with 7,000 reward (the ultra rare things' cost)? Pennies!

    I suggest every vial gives you at least 7.500 BP as a survivor and 15.000 BP as a killer.

    I don't want vials to give strait blood points, I wanted to avoid the blood web's randomness
    I think 10 trails for a ultra rare you want for sure is fair, if you had to adjust it with in the idea do you think it should be up or down.

    Maybe, You can trade in 5 vials at once and get 1 UR or 2VR or 3R or 4uncommon or 5 common.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    edited November 2018
    Oh, I understand: you'd use vials to buy specific things you desire, selected from a catalogue.
    1 vial = common;
    2 vials = uncommon;
    3 vials = rare;
    5 vials = very rare;
    8 vials = ultra rare?
  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    Seems like a neat thing but perhaps too much like (or exactly like) the Halloween event. Still, would be a nice reoccurring event to have though.

  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197

    @Aerys said:
    Seems like a neat thing but perhaps too much like (or exactly like) the Halloween event. Still, would be a nice reoccurring event to have though.

    Not an event, just make it apart of the game

  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197

    @Entità said:
    Oh, I understand: you'd use vials to buy specific things you desire, selected from a catalogue.

    1 vial = common;

    2 vials = uncommon;

    3 vials = rare;

    5 vials = very rare;

    8 vials = ultra rare?

    Yeah, Pretty much on the point. Not sure about those prices seem a bit steep but that might be better, Also I believe the ward add ons shouldn't be in the catalogue. Otherwise one might get the two ultra rares they want and just buy wards

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    The problem with making it a part of the base game is that it's meaningless aside from farming. As an event sure, but as a part of the base game it lacks in substance. From a lore perspective why would the Entity constantly be doing it? The Entity feeds off strong emotions, hope from the survivors and murderous intent/evil from the killers. How would these add to either of those? Again, this would be a pretty neat event to have every so often, once a month, but as a permanent addition I think it has to have a bit more substance and reason to it.

  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197
    edited November 2018

    Well from terms of game play it adds a extra objective to tease survivors to doing things other than rushing for gens, which still is a massive problem. Adding a greater risk reward. So that alone is enough of a reason.

    As for a lore standing, who is to say that they can't add another force, a weaker but smart force which does what it can to tackle against the Entity and it's puppets, So it takes these Vials and makes useful things out of them for the survivor, and for the Entity it is an extra reward for following more specific commands, Like no this hook put them on this hook. I mean it is lore anything can be typed up to explain this, ANYTHING

    At the end of the day the lore is still a back seat thing to the core issues of gameplay, The Blood point grind is fine and fun, but the RNG can disrupt fun on some of the ritual quests. Allowing Survivors and killers to pick perks and add ons for doing well helps with that, as well as a consent bonus objective.

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    Which is fair enough, there has been at least one Human (Vigo) who entered the Entity and manipulated the Dark Mist/Fog at will, even creating the Black Lock/Hatch itself, so it wouldn't be impossible for that to be the case, it's just that from a game design perspective it's lazy and offers nothing in terms of truly improving the game's feel and atmosphere nor introducing a new mechanic that Players have to unravel.

  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197
    edited November 2018
    It isn't a complex rework no. But it is a massive quility of life to be able to buy offerings and add ons you want which gives a better since of progress and reward but also doesn't strong arm people too hard into having use it to win. It is an optional objective which is easy to add to the game for the devs that is also a soft need to gen rushing.

    If it makes the idea feel better give the flowers a WASD qtr event. Where to get more rewards you have to get the right button on the w a s or d when it pops up
  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Did someone say "Sabotage the Huntress' lockers?" as an alternative objective?
    I was sure I heard someone whisper that.