exit gates
it is so annoying survivors can still 99 exit gates to prevent the end game timer the exit gates NEEDS to have Passive regression or the end game timer could start when the last gen is completed by that way the survivors can't 99 the gates they need to eather open it or passivly regress if they need to help other survivors of hooks etc this way endgame whould be so much fun for both sides!!
the thing there is now that survivor 99 gates stays at gate and when killer approach survivor open and run out I mean how fun is that for the killer like SERIOUSLY
Don't like it? Open the gates yourself.
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Agree about the endgame gate 99ing is a little boring.
Gate exit should be more like totem, you restart from the begining;
but I would instead make a switch on each side of the Gate and both switch need to be turned on,
reducing the time to open the gate by 30 to 50% (need to be balanced with testing)
so one survivor could turn on both switch one after the other and it would take the same amount of time,
but being interrupted would force a restart from scratch of just one of the 2 switches, and 2 players would open the gate faster.
as a side note I would rather change the switch animation by one with the action of a survivor struggling to set the switch because it's hold and rusty, thus making multiple attempt and noise while doing it to finally succeed,
One Idea I just got would be to make the time required to open the exit gate is infinite... but require only 2 succesful skill check to open.
the first skill check would open the red light the second would open the gate, but opening it would be based on RNG of skill check
a Greater skill check would count as 2 success and thus open the gate instantly.
( I would like to have those RNG affected by the luck bonus)
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Why did you come in with the great idea of having two switches that reset if let go and then butcher it by wanting to make gate opening complete RNG?
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lol well throwing out many ideas everything isn't to be taken, but to have skill check and a greater skill check succes to insta open the gate,
might make it fun and faster in some occurenre or not,
I would had thought someone would jump on the infinite time instead ;)
but you can just keep the same duration to open the gate but make 2 switches and skill check make progression bump by 40%, that would end up being the same.
I think adding skill check is just coerent with the game, I got Ideas to totally revamp the whole mechanics of repair and gate opening interface but doubt that would be taken into consideration.
like instead each gen would be requiring 4 differents parts and there would be a total of 10 distinct parts scattered across the map in chest, locker or at hook, thus all survivors would need to search the map to find parts and go fit the proper parts into gens, also a survivor might just take some part of one generator to another, since each generator at least got 6 part good, with 7 gens that make 42 parts, that's enough to repair 4 gens and you are missing 8 parts that could be find in locker or chest or around hook(by sabotaging maybe that would be an idea.)
thus it would force player to move around much more and make the game way more interesting.
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I agree they should regress automatically