Who is your favourite original killer?



  • SuperPrincessChaser
    SuperPrincessChaser Member Posts: 107
    edited September 2018
    The Huntress

    The Huntress.

    Not too great playing as her, but I really like her humming and going up against her always has me, and anyone I play with when I do, on edge. Her frame when running is a fearful sight to behold.

  • TheCamper
    TheCamper Member Posts: 15
    The Doctor

    @Mrmaplesyrup said:
    I think the Doctor was the most creative of the original killers. Also poor hag no one loves her :'(

    She is actually alright now.

    Like you can actually place traps as a mind game or to stop chases without taking too much time.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889
    The Doctor
    It was between wraith doc and nurse but doc wins. I love shock and his perks are all great.
  • Evil_one
    Evil_one Member Posts: 24
    The Trapper
    The Trapper 
  • GeekRum
    GeekRum Member Posts: 4

    Definitely the Trapper, I enjoy watching survivors avoid an area because their afraid of getting trapped

  • Billou
    Billou Member Posts: 28
    The Hag

    No poor Hag, I love her and the way you can play her and mindgame survivors. I really like to play nurse (but I need more practise with her) and doctor is so much fun!

  • xxDeAd_SiLeNcE
    xxDeAd_SiLeNcE Member Posts: 23
    The Trapper
    The trapper is my favourite hands down, but he just isn’t viable in high ranked play. I made a thread about a possible semi-rework that could immediately bring him out of bottom tier. 
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    The Trapper

    where is the opinion for the clown?
    i just noticed... and the spirit is missing too!
    you really gotta update this post xD

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559
    The Wraith

    @DatNerdyDwagon said:
    best killer 100% op

    he feels quite nice i agree BROTHER

  • Judgey001
    Judgey001 Member Posts: 6
    The Wraith
    Wraith definitely is the best in my opinion!
  • Soul_Consumption
    Soul_Consumption Member Posts: 68
    The Huntress

    Huntress ever since she released, although the Spirit is up there

  • katergames
    katergames Member Posts: 43

    oh man, I was so prepared to put The Spirit, but this post came before her!

  • Mr_Myers
    Mr_Myers Member Posts: 422
    The Huntress
    Huntress, first killer released after I started playing, plus I hum the lullaby sometimes since it's so chill
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    The Hillbilly
    @Mr_Myers Huntress's Lullaby, now with words! https://youtu.be/8f8WYvAo-RA
  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146
    The Huntress

    @Mrmaplesyrup said:
    I think the Doctor was the most creative of the original killers. Also poor hag no one loves her :'(

    Not many ppl seem to like hag, but those who do are a nightmare to play against tbh. Also Huntress ftw, gotta get those kinks nice character designs and lore in...

  • Mr_Myers
    Mr_Myers Member Posts: 422
    The Huntress

    @Peasant said:
    @Mr_Myers Huntress's Lullaby, now with words! 

    I have that on a playlist, I'm weird like that

  • Knex4545
    Knex4545 Member Posts: 95
    The Doctor

    The doctor. Drive em' mad before you drive your spike into em'. Nothing more satisfying than that scream.

  • Kazerikh
    Kazerikh Member Posts: 4
    The Huntress

    She's my baby since I've started to play the game in May even though I suck playing her. I think she is really hard to master on console (can't find survivors most of the time, lol!) but it is so satisfying when you can get a hit with a hatchet. Also can' get enough of her humming.

  • madeashesjam
    madeashesjam Member Posts: 8
    The Huntress
    I like the huntresses design, I think her mask is good and her axe. Her gameplay is very fun and when you are swinging around a big fire axe you defiantly feel like you have a lot of power as the killer not just a player. The throwing axe, in most situations is now in readable useful but in some situations it can make the game(against survivors doing generators or you can get someone being saved of the hook if in distance).
  • SteveyHooves
    SteveyHooves Member Posts: 246
    The Huntress
    Can I revote... i would like to say the Wraith...
  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    Clown is my favorite original Killer.  Love his backstory, how creepy he is, love his look and his ability ia really good and disturbing in the idea of intoxicating Survivors and wanting their finger!

    The rest I love a ton, ranked from following fav to least fav, though with the exception on the last one listed, they're almost tied with each other

    Spirit: AMAZING look, excellent background and amazing perks, with a great ability!  Something about playing her is satisfying

    Wraith: Bing Bong Boi is a great character, fun ability to mess around with Survivors...it's super addicting to Dong dat Bell.  With other Perks, becomes quite the powerhouse.  Kinda feel sorry for his character

    Hag: Gruesome backstory and while playing VS her can be a nightmare, she is a blast to play as.  Her Traps and some amazing perks lead her to dominate games. Needs more cosmetics.

    Trapper:  OG Killer, while not super strong, I love his mask and Survivors getting stuck in traps is VERY satisfying!

    Huntress: Excellent design, great backstory and the humming is just the cherry on top. The Hatchet ability ia great, though can be tough to be great with (console player) only downside is that her Perks are so forgettable, though Huntress Lullaby is a fun one on paper!

    Doctor: originally I didn't like the Doctor and didn't think Id play him at all...after having a Ritual to play as him...def changed my mind!  A great backstory, one of the GOOFIEST laughs & pallet stun sounds that makes me laugh a lot.  I like the originality of his Treatment mode and Shock ability! Adds a fun twist to the game

    Nurse: One of,my favorite designed Killers from her look to her story, she's all primed to being a top favorite for sure!  However, since I factor in my game experience playing as these Killers, with ranking them...I have not played Nurse yet.  Since I play on console and need to really devote time practicing her unique playstyle AND the hinderence of console controller...Nurse will be one of the last Killers to play as.

    Hillybilly: I do not like playing as Hillbilly.  Not a fan of his backstory, his look is only ok with the Scarecrow outfit and his ability...just bores me.  Use it to zip around the map, apply some pressure or ride the ass of Survivors and get an easy down.  I know their areare mains of Hillbilly for having fun and some for being able to down Survivors fast but for me......me......BLEH

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688


    I haven't bothered to learn her yet, but I really like her design and power. The spirit design and power is really good too.

  • Pickens
    Pickens Member Posts: 16
    The Wraith

    Bing bong boy.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
    The Huntress

    The Huntress if I'm not using Michael Myers I go to her.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    The Huntress
    Poll doesn't have the Spirit who bestowed haunting grounds and rancor which I look forward to adding to the arsenals of my killers.

    Close second is Huntress though. Coz I want to bury the hatchet... in your head.
  • kyuu
    kyuu Member Posts: 32
    Nea should be on here
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Nurse. I love the design, not just the power. There's some real Silent Hill vibes from her.
  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited October 2018
    The Hag

    The Hag

    For the poll. But The Spirit for real.

  • Hubz
    Hubz Member Posts: 21
    The Hillbilly

    All hail the billy mains. Though lately i have been getting very unlucky with how I am timing my chainsaw :(

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688
    The Nurse

    Mine is The Nurse.

  • thrashed2pieces
    thrashed2pieces Member Posts: 57
    The Trapper
    Trapper just brings the pain, but Wraith is slowly replacing him as my new main... PS4 Nurse is so frustrating to use she barely gets any playtime from me.

    P.S. @Giddawid there’s no Clown represented on the poll mang what gives 
  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319
    edited November 2018
    The Huntress

    My favorite is the Trapper. The mechanic is really enjoyable, and getting someone to run straight into a trap is one of the most satisfying things in the game.

    Edit: I have no idea why I apparently voted for the Huntress originally on this. Her current hitboxes are obnoxious.
    Edit2: And apparently there's no way to change your vote.

  • MartiH
    MartiH Member Posts: 34
    The Huntress

    I love the Huntress, she's one of my main killers. Her backstory is probably the best out of all the killers, her design is great, her power (if mastered) is deadly and let's not forget about the lullaby: I love how it changes as time passes and the VA has a very good voice overall. Anna is my big butch Russian wife and I'll always love her.

  • Maelstrom1313
    Maelstrom1313 Member Posts: 230
    The Wraith

    Gotta be my boy wraith seen for my favourite

  • Jeff_Zombie
    Jeff_Zombie Member Posts: 7
    The Trapper

    Some close calls for me, but if I had to pick one I'd say The Trapper.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    edited November 2018
    The Doctor


  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570
    The Hillbilly

    I love being fast so Billy was an obvious choice.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    I just started playing the Spirit and she's pretty fun. A really Headset absolutely helps too.

  • Rachelhunter
    Rachelhunter Member Posts: 90

    the spirit too

  • Mcarnoldhat
    Mcarnoldhat Member Posts: 54
    The Hillbilly

    Hillbilly Love chainsawing people trow windows!

  • xllANDRESllx
    xllANDRESllx Member Posts: 20
    The Huntress
    Huntress for ever <3 
  • AnthonyC2014
    AnthonyC2014 Member Posts: 91
    The Hag


  • AnthonyC2014
    AnthonyC2014 Member Posts: 91
    The Hag

    @AnIntellectualClone said:
    Trapper doesnt get enough love even with that huge smile of his.

    He needs an updated mori, his is so bland it's not even funny.
    So does Wraith, both of theirs are... Meh...

  • urielito3010
    urielito3010 Member Posts: 3
    The Huntress

    Main huntress here xd

  • TheDr
    TheDr Member Posts: 23
    The Doctor

    Doctors a scary one, I like him cause he looks and sounds the most evil out of the rest. His ability when playing against incompetent survivors and I shock everyone so much, the shocking is everywhere on my screen, and I laugh so much I get that feeling of "man now I know that everyone is scared of me I can capitalize on that." That feeling of overwhelming power is so fun to play on. I also love his run animation its so terrifying, I love his laugh though it needs to be a little longer and the tone lowered, I like his ability even if it kind of needs a buff, he is debatably the biggest killer in the game, I love the doctor coat dropping to his shin that makes him look bigger , His cosmetics are crazy. He's just a really disturbing thing that smacks people with a huge metal spiked dildo. There are just a few things that bugs me about him, I don't like his first person view of his weapon, the successful hit animation doesn't look good or right, the cosmetic weapons do not impress me because personally I like medium sized simple weapons, the closest thing that I like to use is his base stick. I don't play this game to kill or get the most bloodpoints out of its to be scary, and doctor is frightening to play against. I really don't like how this game is focusing on competitivity and not horror related things, the devs are so focused on balance that they forgot that the killers are supposed to impower the survivors and they should feel the horror of the killer being so close to you. That they know they will destroy you. But that's all just my opinion.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    The Hag
    The Hag, she was the reason I started to play this game. I love her ability to prepare the map and control the game. You have to be smart and plan before you start the chase, so the survivor will run into the traps. You also can secure basements, hooks, totems and frequently used pathways to pressure more the survivors.
    I love her lungeanimation, you can truly lean into the move. It feels so organic.
    And her Mori just looks so gorgeous! 
    She is one killer that still can jumpscare the survivors and put the feel of horror on.
  • A_Crow
    A_Crow Member Posts: 193
    The Doctor
    The Doctor.
  • madeashesjam
    madeashesjam Member Posts: 8
    edited December 2018
    The Huntress
  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited December 2018
    The Hillbilly

    The Hillbilly

    He is just so fun to play

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113
    The Trapper

    Trapper only because Spirit is not there yet, no pallet looping with him.