The Pig Needs a Buff

I enjoy playing the Pig, but I have noticed that she is severely underpowered compared to other killers. I think she needs a fairly substantial buff. I think that a good buff would be to either have her ambush instantly put healthy survivors into the dying state, or to maybe make her reverse bear traps regenerate like the Hag's traps do. Doing something like this would make her way more playable, in my opinion.


  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    "have her ambush instantly put healthy survivors into the dying state"

    That would be broken as hell. Just remove the sound or make her ambush faster by default.

  • floopinpigs
    floopinpigs Member Posts: 6

    I agree that the pig is underpowered, especially after they changed to deactivating traps upon EGC but I also agree that one shot ambush would be way to OP.

    I think ambush is fine, but they need to do something to buff traps since that's what a lot of her power is relied upon.

    And before anyone mentions how they were able to get plenty o' pig trap kills in the Japanese Tournament, they were (in my opinion) trying to be overly efficient on gens and not taking their traps off early enough. I've personally never seen a trap kill playing after they made the change to ECG deactivating traps.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    AcCOrdINg To ThE STATISTICS sHE iS pRetTy PoWErfUl, WitH 66% kIlL RaTIo.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Yeah, I read this immediately I was like "wwooooow".

    But yeah, the sound doesn't make any sense, why does she... roar ??? Definitely they have to remove the sound.

    I don't know her add-ons, are they good ?

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    I think making the ambush faster would be a better approach, rather than removing entirely the sound.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    When I think about it, yes, it would give an alert to the survivor without making it useless.

    I just... Never understood why does she roar like a lion :x

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    I think instadown ambushes are strong-arming it too much. I would probably make combat straps a part of her base kit, as well as increase the rate at which the terror radius decays and increase the rate at which it returns, just to help her in the stealth department. Addons to increase her crouching speed would help too, as well as addons that may increase the range of the ambush, or its charge. Perhaps even ambush speed, to make it more viable in chase. Restricting her bear traps but significantly decreasing the ambush charge time and increasing ambush attack speed would make it actually useful, as an add-on.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited March 2021

    I agree that she needs buffs, but having her ambush be a one-hit is definitely too much. I think having her RBTs passively (read: slowly) regenerate is also a good idea.

    Also, undo that damn EGC nerf. Just undo it. Obviously not 100% undo; change a thing here or there to prevent megacheese, but undo it please.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited March 2021

    No. She has so many add-ons that are not merely bad, but downright worthless. She has a full cycle of add-ons that do NOTHING (the skill check ones), a cycle of add-ons that are counterproductive and encourage tunneling (the ones that inflict penalties to RBT survivors, barring MAYBE Rusty Attachments), an add-on that straight-up nerfs the Pig (Amanda's Secret), an add-on that does literal nothing unless someone dies to an RBT (Tampered Timer), and two bad UR add-ons. Her only legitimately useful add-ons are Combat Straps, John's Medical File, Video Tape, Last Will, Jigsaw's Annotated Plan, Jigsaw's Sketch, and Crate of Gears (and three of those can be invalidated through simply getting unlucky).

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