So,why If I am green rank have I been playing vs Rank 1 red surviors

I would really i like a answer to this question?
Cause,I mean like full teams a of red.
Because matchmaking sucks ass, there really ain't much else to it
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Ouch I'm technically a red rank, and I feel you're pain from here.
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Matchmaking prioritizes matchmaking speed to fair matches. The longer that red rank group plays without finding another red rank survivor the more likely that you will be paired with them. This becomes much more of a problem if survivor queues are flooded.
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Then, I want extra blood points.
Because,that is bullshit
Also, they are PC..and they seem to know what Killer I am using..every ######### time
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Extra BPs for unfair matchmaking would be a good idea, but it would be even better if they rewarded the killer with bonus BP for playing against SWFs. Like so:
One 2-man party = +25% bp
Two 2-man parties = +50% bp
3-man party = +75% bp
4-man party = +100% bp
Then people would be less mad about playing an unfair game and would rarely dodge a lobby with SWFs. SWFs are far more game-breaking than playing against red ranks for new players.
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It is not fun to have someone With OoO who can see everywhere you go no matter what, while not even being able to move 2 feet without a gen being done and anytime you actually catch a sob..They are just there with every escape, increase struggle BT and everything in between..I feel like I am getting bullied to death by a bunch of ######### shitheads.
I can't do anything..And I am gettin pissed off about it
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yes yes i agree. BHVR need to think about amount of killer player that keep diminish. Without killer this game will be destroyed quickly.
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Too many red rank Survivors, not enough red rank Killers.
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Huh? No one told you? Killers are just fun pinatas for survivors, now get in there....
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Nope, SWF and Solo Queue need balancing, you can't solve unfairness by throwing rewards around.
If you are on Steam I recommend See when in your time the most players are active and if you play then you will likely get better matchmaking.
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The matchmaking system isn't always correct and as a killer main i often get paired with people way outside my rank. Unfortunately the only way you can get people close to your level is by playing with a friend. You can also start playing as survivor as maybe then it'll be you getting paired with red ranks. Or once again playing with friends.
There is no fix to this, you'll have to deal with it until they eventually fix it.
(To guarantee you get someone your rank, you can still get people your rank in public matches)
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It's the Dead by Daylight experience! It's what gives the game its "charm" :D
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I think they need to do some compensation in match. They should take ranks of survivors and compare them to killer rank and then do compensation
if killer rank is bigger then: more pallets , more open windows , hooks farther apart . more chests
if survivors have bigger rank then: less pallets , less open windows, hooks closer , less chests
example of fair game with SWF
i sometimes think that playing killer is just not good choice rather play survivor. its more fun bcs if you play bad as killer all teabag and flashlight tapping and if you finally got them then out of nowhere head on and all again
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The same reason I'm red rank and go against brown rank survivors. The matchmaking is a mess and the matches end in four minutes.
A single red rank survivor can't carry three others, let alone a red rank survivor in solo queue. Half the team is hiding in corners against me when I'm playing Legion.
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The matchmaking has been AWFUL this past week. I've had everything from green ranks to rank 18's with one perk on them in my lobbies.
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Yeah i met as rank 8 survivor rank 1 killers and rank 18 killers and same with killler
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Bro. I deal with this as well, except I am a goddam rank 14. And I get green and purple all the time! It’s so frustrating!
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And if you finally meet same rank as you then they have best addons or play spirit or if survivor then flaslight
i realy hate when good survivor teabag against rank 20 bubba bcs he is baby killer its just mean you doenst know for how long he played or if he has fps lags like my
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I just played three matches in a row I am a rank 7 survivor and all thee matches was against a rank 1(highest level rank 1) killer how is this fair. I was the lowest rank in a group. Rank 18/18/16/7 against 1 so fn unfair.