I played Nurse for the first time today

I don't want to play Nurse anymore.
One Nea felt so bad for me she just dropped her medkit at the exit for me and left.
She needs a lot practice and patience to lose because with her you don't lose as with other killers you lose very badly
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Nurse literally has the highest skill ceiling in the game. You cannot go against a red rank team as a first time Nurse and expect much.
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As others have said, she has the highest skill ceiling in the game, and is not just a pick-up-and-play Killer. You have to dedicate a lot matches, a lot of time, and a lot of losses to getting even passable with her.
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She needs dedication, but after you spend time on her she becomes very rewarding.
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just keep practicing! we need more nurse players. she feels rewarding to play as and against (imo).
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Yea I'm not so sure her being so rewarding when there is a million bugs that you have to play around on her.
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Well she's hard as hell. Otz has been headbanging against his desk trying to get his 50 win streak with her and he has over 5k hours. If you're a casual, it'll take a while to play well with her.
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And then, when You've sweated blood to really get good at her, you'll come to this forum and see threads like "nurse is too strong and needs a nerf/rework".
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Does this really even happen anymore?
I agree with Scott Jund's relatively recent opinion about why she isn't really complained about anymore. When you go against a monster Nurse you know its because the person playing her is really skilled with her, and I at least inherently respect that even though I hate getting stomped. The nerf she was hit with just made her skill ceiling higher and a lot of people walked away because she wasn't a relatively easy 4k dispenser.
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This was me just 2 weeks ago. I started out at rank 2 and was beating down to rank 6. Theres mixed feelings on plaid flannel I personally learned with it and adjusted after a few games when it came off. Also perks will help just don't give up she is fun and very rewarding you want her in your arsenal trust me on that. Once you get that first win everything changes
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Yet once you get good with her, you are carried by your perks even if you are running bamboozle, and a filthy try hard if you win. "Quit playing OP killers" and the likes. No one ever says that to baby nurse. They t-bag and taunt and clicky click.....until the day comes.
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Well... it is totally expected, she have become more difficult to use, but still playable and very rewarding. The blink recharge system can be very tedious and unforviging to new nurses, she require even more precision than before but mainly patience.
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I had the same experience except everyone was rank 20. It was an absolute blast, the baby Dwight had the time of his life.
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More the fact she can't win against a decent team without slugging.
She is slow, very slow. Pop mothers dwelling and split up as a swf and she probably won't win.
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Console Nurse main here, she's not an ordinary killer ā she requires your dedication and time to become decently well with! I'd say it might take you around a week of practice based on the average player, but everyone is different and learn at different rates.
If you want some training wheels to pick her up and not have a brutal experience, try using blink recovery and failed blink recovery add-ons. Don't bother with the other add-ons that modify your blinks because you have to start over with your muscle memory! š
As for perks, try using these:
- I'm All Ears
Allows you to see the auras of survivors and may help you blink to survivors who try to use LoS blockers on you.
- Infectious Fright
This perk will allow you to find nearby survivors and give you more chances to practice your blinks.
Same as above, helps you find survivors and get right back to practicing your blinks + who wouldn't want free BUSH?
- Choice Regression Perk (my preference ā Generator Oppression)
Pick a perk that slows the game down and gives you more time to practice your blinks.
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Yep its true and with almost every killer you need to slug to stop the gen rush sadly.. there are a few exceptions like Doctor, Freddy or Demo but the game changed drastically since ruin was nerfed.
Swf can finish a gen after every downed survivor and end the match in a blink if you don't slug or your killer choice lacks pressure. I doubt they will do somethin about it, but devs really need to nerf swf in some way.. they are the only true broken thing in this game.
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Nurse is the strongest killer in the game by far, but you need to master her in order to basically stomp on survivors, which I think is fair when you consider the amount of effort it takes to get to such a stage, which means countless times when you lose games and all survivors escape.
There's an add-on that shows you where the blink will take you, its a good starter add-on to start learning Nurse, you should use it!
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Iāve only begun playing her for the Rift and yeah I suck too. But somehow Iāve been passing her challenges with little trouble. Most of my rounds have been zero kills except for ones one The Game map. Seems like the perfect place to use Nurseās calling, but I couldnāt have gotten 3K and 4K without the use of Ruin.
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Not a good rank to start Nurse on.
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Don't give up on wanting to play Nurse just cause you had a bad game with her, because trust me everyone's that played her has went through those moments of learning her. Losing is the learning process to Nurse, the more you try to learn her power and study survivor movements you'll stomp literally any team. Doesn't matter how good the team you're going against think they are, a godlike Nurse will stomp everyone. If you're still wanting to learn her, I would recommend using no add ons when starting out. Plaid Flannel can be used if you like, but that add on does nothing but mess me up when I pretty much understand how to play Nurse.
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That logic flies in the face of the way most people learn new skills. In order to learn how to ride a bike kids use training wheels. They donāt keep using training wheels once they learn to keep their balance.
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He's playing without addons, which is quite difficult. He is definitely not a bad killer since his streak ended at 45. A group of competent players can ruin your streak any time.
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I wouldn't recommend this addon. You pay attention more to the cursor rather than the survivor movement, which is very valuable info when deciding on how you blink. It's honestly better to learn her by feel and muscle memory. Also, having a yellow recharge addon makes a huge difference.
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Different regions have different levels of players. The time of day will also have different players with different skill sets. Just because he loses in his region doesn't necessarily make him worse. Also, he counts even 1 survivor leaving the gate as a loss.
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Honestly what I would do is make a alt and try to learn nurse. Fighting a full red rank swf is really hard for a new nurse
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At this point it's not worth learning nurse. It takes a lot of time and dedication. On top of that, survivors will bully inexperienced nurse players. Which makes it even less fun.
All for what? A killer who used to be good but the combination of nerfs and bugs that affect her, turn her into a mediocre killer at best.
Dev stats showed she has the lowest kill rate but said it doesn't count. Because she has a high skill ceiling. So don't expect any buffs of improvements for a long time. Shouldn't a high skill ceiling reward players that dedicate time to her? Apparently not.
Just main any other killer and not only you'll get more kills, but enjoy the game more than you would by playing nurse.
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Sally always sounds so sad when she's in fatigue, maybe it's all the years of constant losing making her sad. Be nice to her.
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Nurse is garbage. She takes a very, very long time to get good with her but is plagued with tons of game-breaking bugs. Add in tourney rules that limit picking a killer over and over again and there is no reason to play nurse ever, from the lowest skill games to rules at tourneys that prevent high level spam of said killer there is literally no reason to touch this killer ever.
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Nurse was always hard to learn, but they also made Nurse such a slog to play with extra fatigues and a billion bugs they don't care about in order to deincentivize more players from learning her.
Good luck!
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Thank you for this will be keeping this information close and will try out your suggestions.
I have been playing nurse on Console struggling a great deal but for some reason I have 34 year four cakes on her š„
Things I struggle with is some upward blinks I'm inconsistent with them and getting get rushed to all hell not giving me time to learn. It's like I'll find my groove with her then boom match done lol also may I ask what sensitivity you use.
Any tips for these things I'd be so greatful for!
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It literally takes about a month of playing Nurse and ONLY Nurse non stop till you get that moment when something just shifts and everything clicks into place
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Mailing nurse for years here, she used to be better! But, alas, we have to put aside the nerfs for those of us who love her kit.
It will take a while, there's some adjustment ngl. I'm sure in time you will get much better, and look back and go, "hmm, I have improved haven't I?" Keep it up, she's a lot of fun.
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Come to this forum everyday and at least 1 time per week you'll see someone (who probably got whooped) complain about her, disregardless of how much skill is involved in be good with her.
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Not even SWF. I was experimenting this week and decided to be a "solo jen jockey" and guess what? If you're soloQ but sit on gens you'll win 8/10 games (in "red ranks" since some ppl still believe that ranks matters). That's just dumb.
And it's not gen time, 80s is boring as a f. It's maps. The maps design still favors survivors the most (save from some small maps and maps that you can easily 3-gen).
So yeah, even in soloQ you can "solo" genrush. If you do at least 2,5 gens by yourself It's almost impossible that your team will be pepega enough to not finish the other 2,5.
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You say this but i have done 4.5 gens on my own and when i decide to be as useless to my team as possible (chests-totems-staring at a wall) zero gens get done.
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If you're on console, I'd recommend maximum sensitivity so you can quickly do 180Ā° lunges. As for PC, I can't give you accurate information, but I'd recommend you have it high for the same reasons. Of course, find a sensitivity that's good for you, but find that balance between control and speed ā then try your best to accommodate to that setting! š
As for blinking upwards, just expect that your first blink will usually be off so start charging the second blink as you're using the first one. If you guess correctly, just enter fatigue and follow up with a blink after. When a survivor concealing themselves, it's a guessing game, but you do have an extra blink to correct yourself. The best perk to alleviate your weaknesses is I'm All Ears, it allows you to make perfect blinks. š
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The Nurse is the hardest killer to learn, by far. If you intend to learn how to play her and don't want to lose constantly until you do, then you either need a KYF group to help you out, or wait out a few rank resets until you're back in low yellow ranks. And there's no guarantee you won't lose, even in yellow ranks.
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That's why I've said "almost" you can always count on your team being full pepega, but most of the time even monkeys can hold m1 in a gen or two
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Just tough it out until you get better with her. It's worth it. Too worth it. You can't be beat when you're good with Nurse.
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At least that Felix got his adept! :D
But yeah like everyone has said Nurse is hard. It'll take you 200 hours to get good and 200 more to get great. It's just perseverance.
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I'm gonna go against the crowd and say that Nurse is not nearly as hard to play as people make it out to be. All it takes is you getting a bit of muscle memory and confidence down (won't take that long if you're already familiar with DbD. Like a week max), and then realise that you're playing a completely different version of DbD. Your power and gameplan is extremely simple. You don't have to care at all about how survivors can use pallets, windows, walls, floors etc because you can go right through them. All you have to think about is where the survivor is. Then it's as simple as blinking to them and hitting them (or waiting out dead hard or whatever)
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Until you face a survivor who spent weeks playing the Nurse. Because then, he'll even stun you with pallets.
And yes, I do mean me. Now, that's not to say I'm invincible or perfect (especially because I played her pre-nerf), but the Nurse is not unbeatable. You just have to know her and be better than her player is.
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I got back to my nurse training again today and thought I'd put on the green addon that turns you into a 115er. Got mildly bullied as expected but then pulled a 2k out of my arse at the end somehow so that was nice
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Just do what I'm doing and wait for mmr to be put into place. I tried nurse and sucked too, getting thrown in the deep end in red ranks leads to more frustration and lessens the amount I can learn. Once mmr is in you should get fairer matches with her hopefully