Fixing the game to be fun again.
I am so sick and tired of getting absolutely blown out every single game by survive with friends. Its literally night and day when I play against a 4 man survive with friends and a game where there are only 2 people teamed up or solo survivors.
I have a few solutions on how the devs can fix or improve the game.
1) Make it to where only 2 people can be grouped together to remove 4 man swf groups from the game. Many many many streamers who have hundreds upon hundreds of hours in this game keep saying that a killer is about as strong as a 2 man duo survivor squad.
2) Keep 4 man swf groups, but let killers select an option so that they can not match make against 4 man swf squads. It is so annoying loading into a 4 man swf lobby and then having to dodge over and over and over again, I would rather just wait in que afk doing something on my other monitor than having to leave 5-6 groups in a row. You can already choose if you want crossplay on or off, which is basically a "do I want to ONLY que into 4 man swf option" at least for PC players.
3) Buff solo survivor experience, can improve perks like kindred, add an in game text chat for survivors, add quickwheel callouts, or various other tools to make communication comparable to 4 man swf groups, and then buff killers accordingly.
I get that they are implementing an MMR system but how is it going to be balanced when you have swf groups who will have wildly different MMR's. Sure you can make it to where you just match make at the highest MMR, but that isn't fun for the group when they go against a really good killer, and the killer just kills everyone who isnt the best person in the lobby.
1) If you disable 4 man swf, people will stop playing the game.
2) If you let killers disable being able to que against 4 man swf, 4 man swf load times will increase, and people will stop playing the game.
3) The devs would actually have to rebalance a large portion of the game over a long time.
Counter Counter Arguements
1) I agree that the large majority of players play this game to play with their friends, so option 1 probably is just out of the question realistically.
2) This would also increase the que time for the killers doing so, and I don't think it would be that bad. Most people just tab out while they are in que and do other things as well, and overall this would be healthy to the game so I think more people would play it again. A lot of people I know personally have quit the game out of frustration because of 4 man swf squads, and at the end of the day you NEED killers to even have a game.
3) I dont see anything wrong with this, if they have to rebalance the whole game, a bunch of perks that might have been bad or never used might get changed or be tweaked or might suddenly be very good all of a sudden which would shake up the meta, make the game fresh, and cause a lot of players to experiment and find out whats good causing more people to play more games which overall would be very healthy for the game.
I used to play this game 10 hours a day every single day, but now I find myself playing maybe 1 or 2 games a day just to clear out my dailies. The killer experience is absolutely miserable, and I am tired of getting destroyed every single game. "but lmao just GIT GUD" I just want to kick back, relax and play a couple games, I don't want to try very hard, I just want to have fun again. I really wish this game had a casual mode separate from the ranking system that offered more rewards/incentives because the blood web really is an awful progression model as well. I do not know how many times I have tried to play X killer but I do not have A,B,C or even D perks to make a build even viable to even play them at a comfortable level.
Let me know what you guys think, or have any comments or suggestions.
I agree and support number 3. Giving a solo survivor those things would bring overall team communication close to a SWF thus making it easier to balance around.
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I know that the devs have made it known that they are vehemently against putting in a voice chat feature in the game, but honestly I feel like they should. Right now, they're trying to balance for both solo play and SWF using comms and it's just impossible.
I personally feel that they need to level the playing field across the board for survivors by adding in native communication and then rebalance killers in their entirety to be stronger (maybe a combination of speed increase to killers and longer times to repair generators or just adding more time to generator repair?).
I know that many won't agree with this, but honestly I just don't see how the game is supposed to be "balanced" otherwise when SWF's are all using information that isn't available to those playing solo and are operating at a much higher rate of efficiency.
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I get that a lot of people say the game is fun because it is not balanced, but playing against SWF is never fun.
They wouldn't have to add voice chat if they added some kind of radial menu callout button similar to left 4 dead, or many other games of this nature.
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i love these changes. even if they only really affect killer changes.
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10 hours a day? How do you have time for that? Or are you a full time streamer?
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I am self employed/ basically unemployed and live very frugally.