Favourite voice acting?

For male, I’d say that Jake is my favourite. I just love the noises he makes. He sounds so adorable and dopey when you hear him getting downed from across the map. His little “whoa!” makes me laugh so much. He just sounds like he tripped over a piece of furniture.
For female, I’d go with Claudette. Similar to Jake, she just makes me laugh. I love having Claudette players in my lobby as it gives me a good laugh when they get downed. I find it especially funny seeing the cute baby Claudette's being downed. Just witnessing their little beanie-hat silhouette’s doing backflips through the wall whilst screaming is comedy gold.
Deathslinger with his little sadistic laughs throughout the game and obviously Huntress maybe better known as Ana Montana. I love how pissed off she sounds whenever she gets stunned.
Favourite Survivors are Quentin and tapp. Quentin just sounds pretty good in general and tapp sounds like that this guy
As for killer clown’s laugh is perfection
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I love the scream Quentin does when he gets downed. So dramatic. 😂
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Always cracks me up when I play him
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I absolutely love Felix's voice acting. I think it actually sounds like he's fighting through the pain when he's injured and I don't begrudge not running Iron Will on him if I have no space in my build. I also really like Quentin's voice acting, and Ash's (he actually speaks!!).
Killer wise
I also love Deathslingers little laughs
And just from a quality of work point of view Huntresses voice actor went the extra mile, as did Tricksters (I think his voice acting is my favourite generally tbh)
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Felix is sexy af
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While I don’t like felix personally I will agree here his voice acting is some of the best
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You don't like Felix? I suppose not everyone has taste ;-;
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I'd like to give a shout out to Archives guy, I love hearing him read the tomes to me.
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I might be bitter since he’s already rivalling my boy Jeff in terms of cosmetics
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Felix is getting a new one with the chapter cosmetics as well!!
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Kate, Felix, Claudette, The Observer, Deathslinger... Most of them are pretty good. However, Freddy's voice acting is my favourite. When playing survivor, I just love hearing his laugh when I fall asleep.
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survivors: ash and steve
killlers: deathslingers laugh
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Survivor: Élodie. I know people don't like it because they find it exaggerated for some reason. But how can you exaggerate a scream from a sharp hook being pierced through your back. Sound the most realistic imo.
Killers: twins. I find the little nods and grunts at victor she does when they mori. As well when she gets stunned. You can tell she gets frustrated and wants to hook them even more. But it's not full aggro as if she was close to dying like huntress (although she has a reason, due to her un-matured mentality)
But outside of the chapter it would be the plague or trickster. The fact that they speak actual words instead of grunts is really cool.
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For males I like Ace
Female it's Feng
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I love Claudette's little pained whinny sort of noises, they just crack me up. Also Jeff and Bill's sounds because even though I hate being loud when I play, I just love the gruffness of them.
For killers, pretty much any of the laughs - Deathslinger, Huntress, Freddy. I also LOVE Huntress' little tantrum noise when she gets stunned, and I'm a big fan of Frank's stun noise too. Honorable mention: Bubba's almost-Tusken Raider noises.
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Clown is my favorite killer because of his laugh. It's so good.
For survivor, even though he's super loud, JEFF!
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Me after reading all of your picks:
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As for survivors, I like those noises Steve makes when he is injured 😏Felix is fine too, and Dwight's "ohoho" make me laugh too.
But since the PTB, my favorite voice in the whole game is Trickster's. His cackling and chuckling do things to me 😋 On the top of that his humming and that "really?" line when he was stunned is everything😍
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Me being chased by Trickster:
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I will submit to him willingly 😂
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For me my favorite survivor has to be ash- Bruce Campbell is just the best
for killer well I might be biased but it’s Bubba I love the Tuskan raider squealing
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Favourite female survivor vocals: Elodie and Cheryl. Elodie sounds extremely pained, whilst whoever did Cheryl's did a near-perfect copy of her voice from Silent Hill 3.
Favourite male survivor vocals: Jake and Ash. Jake sounds the most authentic and Ash is actually quite funny, especially when he groans and you can hear those intonations as "F you!" when being carried.
Favourite killer vocals: Pyramid Head and Wraith. Pyramid Heads echoey grunts are chilling to me. The Wraith I like because when I first started getting into this game and read about the Entity torturing killers, I thought Philip had been crushed by it (the multiple bandages and what I originally thought was metal crushed on his face - the flatness of his face and the brown spikes originally thought was metal shreds), and imagined his gurgled sounds were from that, so it has a bigger impact for me.
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For survivors, I would say old Kate or Lauire. Lets be real, if we got placed on a rusty meat hook/chased by a murderer they are what most of us would sound like. I also think Felix sounds realistic as well. For killer, I would say Plauge or Doctor. Plauge is just slighty higher then doc because she has lines, but Doc has a really good laugh.
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Michael Myers' voice acting is perfect. 10/10 true to source material.
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Moment of silence for everyone who experienced this back in the day.
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I miss Billy's old stun noise 😪
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I actually loved her voice besides her hook screams. Her injured sounds sounded really realistic and its a shame they replaced the voice actress. They could have just redo the hook screams and her voice would have been perfect.