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Why isn't leatherfaces chainsaw sprint automatic?

Member Posts: 118

Why doesnt it use the charges automatically? I'm getting really annoyed by this, I can't look at the power gauge and the chase I'm in at the same time.

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  • Member Posts: 356

    You’ll learn the timing naturally, if it was automatic he’d have basically no skill floor

  • Member Posts: 1,140
    edited March 2021

    You just have to keep in mind the following: first charge is 4 swipes, the next ones are 3 and this way you don't even have to look at the bar. Purple chili ads 1 and yellow half i think.

  • Member Posts: 1,048
    edited March 2021

    Because he's already super easy, probably the 2nd easiest killer in the game. He doesn't need to be any simpler man, that's one of the only things with him that has a "skillcap." Cmon man. You'll learn it. It's not hard lol.

  • Member Posts: 405

    I didn't know this. Gonna try and practice it. Thanks!

  • Member Posts: 41

    I keep track by listening to the grunts he makes while chainsawing the third one is the good timing usually

  • Member Posts: 3,676

    To add room for failure.

  • Member Posts: 932

    I wish it was changed so the power bar was in the middle of the screen. Or an audio cue like the chainsaw sputtering for the last second.

    I like the timing aspect but I find it hard to manage. Usually in games this type of mechanic has the "timing window" easier to see by placing it in the middle of the screen or some kind of visual cue.

    Zer0's ability on Borderlands 2 put the meter right in the lower-middle of the screen so you could tell at a glance when your window was about to close. (You wanted to fire at the very absolute last millisecond for the most damage)

    I think Alien Swarm also had a Gears Of War style reloading system and the reloading meter was underneath your character.

    I can't name any other examples but I know I've played a few other games that had a similar mechanic, (I think a few characters from Overwatch) and they put the meter on-screen above your character, around the crosshair, etc where it's easily visible.

    Dead By Daylight is the only game I've played so far that had such a timing-critical element with the timer so out-of-the-way on the HUD. One option could be to change it so you just hold the button down and tokens are expended as needed but I don't want it to be completely automated. Just move Bubba's ability bar thing so it's in the middle of the screen, near the bottom. Or add other visual/audio elements to it similar to how Nurse's screen blinks when you're window is about to expire. (Or just re-use the current chainsaw meter. Like it fills up when you rev, when you enter chainsawing mode, the meter stays on the screen, and it starts depleting in time with the little red ring around your ability on the lower left)

    I definitely think Leatherface's chainsaw ability needs a few QOL changes but it's not the ability itself that's the problem, but the way it's presented on the HUD.

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